Teens and Sex: How to protect your child's sexual health

June 8, 2012

 teenage sex to protect the sexual health of the child
 Few parents are able to face the fact that their child teenager having sex, but research shows that many young people are sexually active before graduation (from 14 to 18 years), thereby exposing themselves to the risk of getting pregnant or pick up some infection, sexually transmitted. When it comes time to talk with teenagers about sex prior to their sexual debut, the main discussion should address the need for contraception. Teens and Sex - an explosive combination. Find a way to talk to teens about abstinence and contraception.

 Teens and Sex: How to protect your child's sexual health

Encourage abstinence

Touching on the theme of adolescents and sex is never too late to talk about abstinence. It does not matter whether to set against premarital sex, or simply want to delay sex until the time when your son or daughter becomes an adult - explain their experiences of teenagers. If you share your beliefs, your child will be easier to understand and accept your values.

Also, ask the teenager to think about the values ​​and hopes for the future, help them understand the changes in him, which could cause sex. The only and most reliable way to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections by (chlamydia, gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 , Human papilloma virus, herpes and human immunodeficiency virus) is to abstain from sexual activity - oral, vaginal and anal. Abstinence can also save your teen from the emotional stress associated with rupture of friendly relations. Remind your child that there are many ways to show your feelings to someone you love, and this does not necessarily have sex.

 Teens and Sex: How to protect your child's sexual health

Discuss methods of contraception

Very important life skill for everyone is to understand the methods of contraception. It does not matter whether the teenager decides to have sex or to wait until the age of majority, make sure he / she knows how to prevent pregnancies or protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections by. Discuss with your teen:

  • Condoms. Consistent and correct use of condoms - the most effective way to protect sexually active adolescents from infections, sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms also help prevent pregnancy. Make sure that the teen understands the importance of the issue, and will always use condoms during sex.
  • Prescription contraceptives. Various contraceptives are dispensed by prescription: a combination of birth control pills, contraceptive patch, vaginal spiral, and the solution for the contraceptive injection Contraceptive injection - used cautiously  Contraceptive injection - used cautiously
   - They help prevent pregnancy among adolescents. In order to buy these contraceptives, your teen will need to see a doctor and get a prescription for them. Explain to the adolescent that the doctor read the medical card, hold gynecological examination Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity  Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity
   and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of contraception. For example, control injections may affect the bone mass, and therefore their use is not recommended to adolescents. Make sure that the teenager realizes that prescription contraceptives do not replace condoms. They just prevent pregnancy, but do not protect against sexually transmitted infections by.
  • Emergency contraceptives. Explain to the adolescent that contraception is better to apply to sex. Although emergency contraception, such as, for example, the morning pill after sex can help prevent pregnancy if a teenager had not thought about it in advance, or if you have not worked other contraceptives.

Do not be afraid that talking with your teen about contraception will encourage him to have sex. Whether you raise this issue or not, teens still interested in the topic of sex and contraception. His openness and sincerity on the contrary, you will help them make informed decisions and act responsibly when it comes time to have sex, whether it's now or years later.

If you do not know how to tell a son or daughter of contraception, see your doctor for help. The specialist can advise you how to talk to teens and accurately answer questions about contraceptives.

 Teens and Sex: How to protect your child's sexual health

Cultivate responsible behavior

Teenagers may lack maturity and experience, to correct and appropriate use of certain types of contraception. If your daughter is thinking about using contraceptives prescription, make sure she knows how often to use them aware of their advantages and disadvantages. No matter what kind of contraception choose your teen, explain the need for regular visits to the doctor and consider ways in which you can make use of regular contraception, for example, to take contraceptive How to take the pill: carefully read the instructions  How to take the pill: carefully read the instructions
   tablet after brushing their teeth in the morning. Make sure that your child knows what to do if you miss pills or if suspects that she is pregnant.

If a teenager is thinking about how to start having sex, you can give him practical advice such as wearing condoms in your wallet or purse. Explain to the adolescent that alcohol and drugs can affect his or her judgment and increase the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Talking with teens about sex is not easy. But under your leadership, they will be able to make informed choices and to maintain sexual health.

Article Tags:
  • puberty child

Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

June 8, 2012

 psychosexual development of children ages nine twelve
 At this age, a child should be taught self-control. This way of thinking will also help to limit the exaggerated self-importance, which appears in the teenage years. During this period, special attention should be paid to the education of high moral and sexual as a child until he is not exposed to hormonal surges that will soon awaken his sexual needs.

 Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

Zone "iceberg"

The mind, the emphasis on healthy emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 Related to sexual health and moral character. At this stage, it is important to teach children how to control their emotions in general and especially those that are inherent in their sexual health and the development of moral character. The only way they will be able to understand any emotions that are designed to give information or to warn of the dangers, and to help make the right decisions. The time spent on the education of emotional culture of the teenager, will not be lost, because in this period laid the foundation for his growing up, when emotions will affect unpredictable hormones.

 Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

What is normal

  • The child asks many questions.
  • Masturbation at home or in other secluded places - not uncommon at this age, as long as it was not a violent or a means of stress relief How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . At this stage, masturbation may be unrelated to lust or sexual fantasies.
  • The role of "dad" and "mom" in games may be innocent, but you must follow the scenes on sexual topics. It is important to know that "playing doctor" can harm sexual development of the child.

 Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

Developmental assignments for the child

  • Explain the meaning of "manifest moral principles."
  • Stress the importance of exercise.
  • Train your mental abilities of the child means "stop thinking" (getting rid of the negative thoughts) and "replace the thought" (switch from negative to positive).
  • It is necessary that a relationship of trust with the child support the parent of the same sex as a teenager. The boys need to communicate with their fathers and girls - with their mothers. Spiritually, such a relationship may develop parent-child relationship.

 Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

How to contribute to the development of sexuality and morality at this stage

  • Try to keep your child's friends gathered in your home under your supervision.
  • Consider this time as another excellent opportunity to make friends with the child.
  • Prepare the child for the coming manifestations of growing up, talk to him about what specific changes in its expected (depending on gender): women - the menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
 , Breast growth, the appearance of pubic hair and so on, men - to change the voice, the appearance of facial hair, pubic hair, and so on.
  • Stay sensitive, performing parental role.
  • Tell me about the case of your own life, considering the child's age. Talk to the children how you feel at that age and offer them a better alternative to discussing a bad choice you made in the past.
  • Tells the children about sexual violence in the community, not intimidating excessive parental care. Talk to them about how to respond to and after such incidents, how to protect themselves from violence and to prevent it.

 Psychosexual development of children between the ages of nine to twelve years

What to beware

  • Do not allow a child to succumb to peer pressure and start to "meet" with a boy / girl.
  • Not allowed to wear immodest clothes.
  • Do not allow to watch movies with explicit sexual scenes.
  • Do not allow to converge with older children.

Article Tags:
  • psychosexual development of the child
