Styles of family education: how to take a stand? - Indifferent

May 26, 2012

  • Styles of family education: how to take a stand?
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Laodicean
  • Formation of the child's personality

 indifferent style of child rearing

The indifferent style

The indifferent (detached) parenting style is characterized by a small number of requirements, low communication and interaction "parent-child". Although indifferent parents satisfy the basic needs of the child, they are usually not involved in his life, is not interested in his feelings and experiences. In rare cases, the parents may even reject or neglect the needs of their children.

The indifferent style of family education characterized by a lack of attention to the needs of the child. Apathetic parents impose minimum requirements for children (or do not show at all, completely eliminating himself from the children) and often show indifference or disdain for their child.

Such parents do not have an emotional connection with children. Although indifferent parents and satisfy the basic needs of the child, that is, feed him and give shelter, they do not take any part in his life. The degree of detachment may be different. Some parents who have indifferent parenting style, give the child almost complete freedom with minimal restrictions (for example, the child should be home no later than a certain time, and the rest completely on itself). Other parents do not meet even the basic needs of their children or fully repel them.


Key Features Style

Apathetic parents:

  • emotionally removed from children and do not take part in their lives;
  • does not control the behavior of children;
  • do not show warmth, engagement, love or interest of the child;
  • I do not put any expectations on a child and did not require him;
  • do not attend school, and other activities that involve the child, as well as parent-teacher conferences;
  • deliberately avoiding or ignoring the child;
  • often busy with their own problems and do not pay attention to children who are not engaged in their education.



The children of indifferent parents:

  • soon become independent and learn to take care of themselves;
  • fear addiction (including emotional) of others;
  • reticent and do not show their feelings;
  • a teenager prone to antisocial behavior;
  • due to lack of support for the family feeling of fear and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 Often suffer from depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
  • are at increased risk of formation of alcohol or drug dependence.


The indifferent parenting style, "for" and "against"

Scientists have established the close relationship between parenting style and your child's progress in areas such as social adjustment and academic achievement. The children of indifferent parents usually perform poorly in almost all spheres of life. Such children are often faced with cognitive difficulties are not able to build a relationship of trust, they lack emotional and social skills.

Due to the lack of emotional responsiveness and love the people closest to children, brought up indifferent parents may have difficulty building close relationships later in life. The complete absence of any restrictions in the family leads to the fact that the child does not know how not to behave, why not accept restrictions in schools and other contexts, and has constant problems with behavior and discipline.

Adults who have indifferent parenting style often are themselves the product of this family-style disregard for the victims and their parents, so unconsciously repeat this ineffective and even harmful model of education. Other indifferent parents are so passionate about their own lives that they simply do not have time and energy to the education of children, and they give them complete freedom.

In some cases, parents are so caught up in their own problems (hard work, depression, financial and family problems, substance abuse), they just do not realize that moving away from the child or may not give him the emotional support that he needs.
