Hip dysplasia: note
July 20, 2011
Hip dysplasia is called a violation of the formation of anatomical structures that make up the hip joint, which is extreme - congenital hip dislocation - if untreated leads to absolute disability. Hip dysplasia - a very common pathology, which is found in all countries, with a frequency of one to five hundred newborns, and in two to three times more common in girls than in boys.
Causes and classification
Musculoskeletal system is laid on the fourth-fifth week of fetal development, transformed after the child begins to walk confidently and only eighteen years finally formed. So fundamentally important early diagnosis and treatment is necessary abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.
Among hip dysplasia are distinguished:
- congenital hip predvyvih
- congenital subluxation of the hip, congenital hip dislocation
- immaturity of the hip joint.
The causes of hip dysplasia have been little studied, risk factors include the available pathology of hip joints with relatives, toxemia of pregnancy in the first trimester of the mother, breech presentation, tight swaddling a newborn and limited mobility, historically characteristic of the Slavic peoples.
Clinical presentation and diagnosis
In many countries of the world adopted the following scheme of diagnosis of congenital hip dysplasia: specialist examination in the first days after birth, an orthopedic examination in one to three months, with a mandatory ultrasound, and then - a year.
On examination, the child expert drew attention to the following symptoms in a child:
- Shortening of the limbs on the side of dislocation. It may be small when expressed mild dysplasia
Dysplasia - what is it?
or bilateral dysplasia.
- The asymmetry of skin folds on his hip. A healthy child is usually three pairs of symmetric permanent skin folds on the anterior-thigh: groin, adductor and wheel-. In congenital hip pathology observed asymmetry of their varying degrees of severity.
- The rotation of the thigh outwards, which is often combined with a certain laxity and excessive mobility in the affected joint.
- Symptom limited abduction is determined by bending the legs at the hip and knee joints at right angles, and then gently diverting them to a horizontal plane, which is typical for the absence of pathology. When dysplasia is marked limitation of abduction of legs. However, be aware that many newborns marked hypertonus
Gipertonus: a sign of the disease
muscle which can manifest as restriction exhaust.
- Symptom slip is one of the significant symptoms of congenital hip dislocation
Hip dislocation - the result of indirect injury
and it manifests itself in tangible good or clicking sensation when sliding legs of the child abduction.
Detection of at least one of the above symptoms the child is sufficient for his referral to an orthopedic surgeon, who appoints additional research methods, such as ultrasound and hip radiographs.
Treatment and prevention
Treatment of congenital hip dysplasia should be urgent. Depending on the stage can be assigned a wide diapering, allocating special tires, removable and non-removable, gypsum. The range of therapeutic treatments included physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy.
Duration fixing abduction legs - one to six months, which, of course, is uncomfortable for the child and parents, but certainly a lot better surgical treatment, which is carried out when the impossibility of conservative treatment of late diagnosis. After primary treatment is conducted lengthy rehabilitation.
If treatment is not carried out, to adolescence develop significant violations walk that leads to a wheelchair.
It should be noted that certain types of dysplasia with mild symptoms are not diagnosed and do not lead to disruption of gait, revealed only when excessive load, for example, athletes, in adulthood.
Therefore it is difficult to overestimate the preventive measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for the proper formation of the hip joint.
It has long been observed that the eastern and southern nations, who accepted free diapering and carrying children on her hip with a wide leg breeding, pathology of the hip joint is practically not observed. Therefore, more orthopedists recommend to follow these principles and European women.
Svetlana Shimkovich
Changing table - facilitate the care of the baby
January 14th, 2010
Despite the fact that you can swaddle the baby on any horizontal surface, a changing table is to buy - it is very convenient. And if the room size and financial capabilities allow it to get, it is better to do. Drawers, removable trays, hangers, hooks for towels, laundry basket, pockets for toiletries - all these little things, of course, greatly facilitate the care of the baby.
Why does he need
Changing table - it is usually a small stable table, where you can perepelenat child to hold his little hygiene or medical procedures. This de table has a number of departments where you can store all the necessary accessories for these procedures.
So you need a table, or you can do without it, adapting to the needs of the child's pre-existing furniture? Probably everyone solves this problem in its own way. And yet, if the size of the room allow you to put a table, it certainly will not hurt, and here's why:
- changing table has a height which allows a woman not to bend your back, swaddling the baby, and this is essential, as swaddle him and carry out certain treatments often have;
- in the changing table has a department in which you can store any accessories for the care of babies;
- All changing tables are made so that prevent the fall of the baby: they have rounded safety bumpers to prevent accidental fall kid (nevertheless, it in no case can not be left alone on any surface); on some tables there are even special safety belts; tables are stable and are fixed on the surface of mattresses;
- Some changing tables have wheels, thanks to which they can be moved from place to place.
Types of changing tables
Currently, there is a great variety of changing tables
Changing tables - what model to choose?
That allows parents to buy exactly what they are best suited:
- swaddling a wooden board with a latex coating and protective rounded bumpers; it can be put on any surface, to fix her little mattress, lay a diaper; the board can be moved to any place unfortunately, no swaddling board departments for cosmetics;
- swaddling board on folding metal legs; a lightweight table that can be easily folded and transported from place to place; Unfortunately, this table is not always stable;
- changing table, shelves, which includes shelves, side trays, hangers; it is possible to combine all the things the child and the means to care for them; It moved easily, as is equipped with wheels with brakes that can lock a table in a particular place;
- Changing Tables with Bath; very convenient for bathing the child and his health store items; but it takes a lot of space in the bathroom; bath located at a convenient height, my mother is not necessary for her to bend low; folding frame allows compact storage table when not in use;
- chest of drawers with special bumpers; very convenient, since it can be used as a changing table, and as a dresser;
- Combined Cot with changing table and chest of drawers; somewhat cumbersome but comfortable design;
- changing table-transformer; pelenelny table with a bedside table, which is after the child grows up, can be used in a different capacity (such as a desk or table), but this would require additional details;
- Inflatable changing mat can be used both independently and as a changing room for an additional bathroom, it is convenient to take with you on the road, store, transport (folded it does not take up much space and does not weigh down your luggage); on the edges of the mattress has a tripartite inflatable rim, which insures the baby from falling.
What to consider when choosing a changing table
Selecting any item for a newborn child - not an easy task, because you need to pay attention to the fact that the table was not only convenient, but also safe for the child, and also houses the room where the newborn. When choosing a changing table to pay attention:
- at the height of the changing table - it must comply with the growth of the mother;
- the stability of the changing table - this is very important for the life and safety of the child;
- that above the changing table should be no shelves, including hinged - it also threatens the safety of the child;
- If the table has a hinged lid, you need to pay attention to the good if it is fixed, and it does not endanger the child's life;
- on how quickly and quietly opened all the drawers and trays, whether they have constraints that do not allow boxes to pop up in full;
- Storage facilities and hygiene care items;
- changing table should be made of wood or secure artificial material (e.g. latex); mattress it should be well recorded and be covered with a water-repellent material;
- if on the changing table has wheels for its movement, they should be equipped with brakes to lock it in place.
Changing table - it is practical and convenient.
Galina Romanenko