How to remove belly fat: tips and tricks

January 3, 2012

  • How to remove belly fat: tips and tricks
  • Sport or diet
  • At home
  • After cesarean section
  • Beer belly
  • Tips for men

 remove belly
 Weight figure itself is not a disadvantage, if the extra weight did not affect the health and it is not too much. The problem is that most people fat is evenly distributed throughout the body and accumulates in certain areas; One of these problem areas is the abdomen.

Fat accumulates in the abdomen due to physiological reasons, this unpleasant phenomenon particularly affects women, but also men who lead unhealthy lifestyle or overeat, too, certainly in the future will have to face growing up belly. Recommendations on the subject of how to remove belly fat, quite a lot, but in general, they can be reduced to nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and sufficient physical activity.


Sports against fat deposits around the waist

Virtually all sources of information, giving tips for getting rid of wrinkles in the abdomen, it is recommended to perform exercises consistently on the muscles of the lower and upper press and obliques. That's good advice, and he has only one flaw: the fat on the waist, these exercises alone will not relieve. The reason lies in the nature of energy expenditure: the body loses weight in the wrong area, the muscles which are subject to increasing pressure, and in that which is physiologically more easy to lose weight. Therefore, even a serious set of exercises for the muscles of the waist does not necessarily make it thin: lose weight may face or chest, and weight and can not change, because the muscle is heavier than fat known.

What to do? Direct efforts not only on the region of the waist, but also on the overall weight. A set of exercises for the abdominal muscles combined with jogging, water aerobics, walking, swimming or any sport games. This increased consumption of energy will help get rid of excess weight, including the abdomen, and training media do not merely thin waist, but also athletic, muscular. Jogging in the morning and twenty-minute exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles will give health, good spirits, and help to quickly lose belly fat.


There is, to losing weight the belly

As for food, then you need to know - the abdomen is the site of a strategic reserve of fat, especially in women .  Therefore, if you stick to a strict diet, you lose weight stomach in the last turn, and when you return to a normal diet fat begins to accumulate around the waist with double speed .  In addition, prolonged low-calorie diets are undermining the health and deprive a person of the forces needed for sports; physical activity and to combat the fat is essential to the waist .  So the best way - normalization of diet, eating a large number of vegetables and fruits, giving up soft drinks and fatty foods, the correct distribution of meals on time .  Especially important to use products containing fat - it relieves digestive problems .  The combination of the system sports and nutrition gradually eliminate the annoying belly; and the effects will not be temporary, but permanent .


If you need to quickly remove belly

Beautiful athletic figure with a thin waist - the dream of all people who are overweight. Elegant waistline makes the body more fit, and for the female figure slender figure is particularly important. But the extra folds in this area appear so quietly that people usually recalls when waist noticeably "broke." Meanwhile, there are situations when you want to look especially smart and sporty. There are a number of actions you can take if you need to quickly remove belly fat - is slimming lingerie, massage or a strict diet combined with exercise, and it is better in the complex.


Linen with sculpting effect as a way to instantly become leaner

Modern slimming underwear almost no way resembles medieval corsets - it is hygienic and does not interfere with the blood supply to internal organs. Moreover, with linen shroud properties, made of modern materials and special patterns, with regular wear not only helps to visually reduce the stomach, but also to remove fat deposits in the area. This effect is achieved due to the zones more or less strong compression effect and saunas; blood moves faster metabolism and normalizes fat gradually disappears. The main thing - is to be a high-quality linens and certified, and then utjazhki not easy to make the waist thinner for five to seven centimeters, but also help to lose weight.


Massage: manual or hardware

Many beauty salons are positioning their proposed hardware massage as the best means to get rid of fat in the abdominal area. This massage is really able to help lose weight, but a leader in the return of the classic is a slim waist handmade masseur. This method is painful and often more expensive, but more efficient. This massage not only destroys fat cells, but also stimulates the muscle activity in response to the annoying hand movements specialist. Of course, the measure is necessary at all: the stomach - it's not a place where traffic can be harsh, so the master qualification is the key to good effect.


Integrated fight against fat on your stomach

But the best way to quickly and permanently get rid of belly - is simultaneously working to reduce the total weight, strengthen muscles, normalization of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and blood supply. The peculiarity of fat around the waist is that it goes to the last, after the slimmer arms, legs and torso. But just to lose weight is often not enough: not only do not have a belly, want to waist was also strong and muscular. That's why diet and massage need to be complemented by intensive sports exercises.

Gel nails: the beauty of the mind

April 25th, 2010

 gel nails
 The word "gel" used in relation to the nails, may in itself be misleading. It refers to the physical condition of the product used for nails, but over time it began to be used to describe themselves artificial nails Artificial feet - acrylic, gel and silk  Artificial feet - acrylic, gel and silk

For the first time the service capacity of the gel polish was proposed in the early eighties in the United States, but then it has had limited success.

While manufacturers of gel tubes and gels themselves have not come together, realizing the need to exactly match the intensity of the light bulbs and photoinitiators gel. As a specialist in the gel capacity and their customers soon realized that the use of inappropriate light or too much of the gel causes a burning sensation at the fingertips of clients. In addition, the opportunity to receive information about a new way of nail have been limited and technologists themselves poorly understood product with which to work.

At the end of 1990 there were improved gels, lamps, as well as detailed instructions and training courses to build gel nails. To date, gel nails have become popular in many countries worldwide.

 Gel nails: the beauty of the mind

The Basics

The gel is used for the artificial nail - a semi-solid mixture of oligomers and monomers, which when exposed to alpha-UV cured and becomes polymer. The structure of the gels include:

  • Photoinitiators (substances absorbing light and converts it into energy needed for the normal course of the polymerization)
  • Stabilizers (chemical compounds that prevent diskoloratsiyu)
  • Inhibitors (substances that prevent premature gel to solidify)

Gel lamps emit light of the spectrum, which is required to activate the photoinitiators. Most gels contain photoinitiators which react to light with a wavelength of 340 to 380 nanometers. In one gel tube can be from two to five lamps, most of them - the three or four.

 Gel nails: the beauty of the mind


Of great importance is how close to the nails are lamps. Each doubling of the distance between the light intensity is reduced by 75%. On the nail, which is located four inches from the lamp, is three times more impact of light energy than the nail, which is eight inches from the lamp.

The currently used UV gel and LED lamp.

On the electromagnetic spectrum of light wavelength ultraviolet study is from 100 to 400 nanometers .  Most of these waves, the human eye does not see .  Purple light that you see in the gel lamps - the most extreme segment of the light spectrum; the light that affects the photo-initiators, for us invisible .  LED lamps emit alpha ultraviolet rays in a certain amount, so they gel dries much faster than ultraviolet lamps .  Most ultraviolet dry gels when exposed to light with a wavelength of 350 nanometers and the light wave length range of from UV lamps 320 and 400 nm .  Gels, which are suitable for use in the LED lamps are activated under the influence of light with a wavelength of 375 nm .  Range LED lamps gel is from 370 to 380 nm .  Despite these figures, say for sure which is the best light, it is impossible .  Ideally, the master must be UV and LED lamp, so he did not have to limit yourself to a choice of products, which can operate at capacity gel nails .

As nail technicians and their loyal customers, worried about the question of whether the gel lamps cause cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
 . According to studies, the emission of light is too weak, so the likelihood of developing cancer in those who are constantly working with these lamps is not higher than that of other people.

Article Tags:
  • nail extension
