Acupressure head: nice and helpful

December 19, 2011

  • Acupressure head: nice and helpful
  • Easing stress

 acupressure head
 Acupressure head - this is particularly pleasant and soothing massage. It reduces headaches and stimulates the nerve endings. This massage relaxes, stimulates circulation and scalp, and if performed regularly, it may even strengthen the roots of the hair and enhance hair growth.

On the scalp, there are different points of massage. According to Chinese medicine theory, these points correspond to the organs of the body, and when exposed to the body can help restore the balance. Acupressure also can help reduce anxiety and concern.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful


According to Chinese medicine theory, the body is made of energy, or qi, which flows along the channels corresponding organs of the body. These channels, or meridians, there are certain areas, the point where the energy is concentrated near the skin. These points act as valves for the flow of Qi, and can be blocked or lacking energy, causing an imbalance in the body. When these points affect needles, pressure, or heat, Qi can flow freely, and this helps to relieve symptoms such as pain.

On the head there are some points of the meridians.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful

Point bladder 3

Bladder Meridian Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   It starts around the eye and goes to the head, down the back, and ends in the leg. The first point is located in the bladder area of ​​the scalp. The impact on this point can help to cope with headache, dizziness, nasal congestion, and nervous excitement. The point corresponds to the innermost point of the eyebrows, and is approximately one and a half inches from the hairline. If the line of hair growth moved, then you need to navigate to the place where it was to find this point.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful

Point bladder 9

In the bladder meridian has a few more points on the head, including the point 9. This point is located near the small bony protrusion at the center back of the head. Point is slightly more than two centimeters from the midline on either side of the head, on the upper boundary of the occipital ridge. This point can be used to relieve the headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Neck pain, and nasal congestion.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful

Point bladder 10

This point is located near the place where the scalp meets the cervical spine. It is practically on the trapezius muscle, being an ideal starting point for a massage. It can be found at a distance of about 12 mm below the occipital ridge, slightly more than two and a half centimeters from the midline. Click on this point on one or both sides of the head, can help reduce dizziness, headache and neck, and reduce blurred vision state.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful

Point DN 20

Du Canal runs along the midline of the body and is an intermediary between the heart and the brain. Many of its points can be used to treat a variety of disorders and psycho-emotional discomfort head. Impact on point 20 is recommended for headaches, low energy, and dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 . Point 20 is located at the intersection of the lines leading from the middle ear to the top of both their heads.

 Acupressure head: nice and helpful

Channel Gallbladder

The channel of the gallbladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
   also has a point on the head, which may be useful for getting rid of tension and headache. A number of these points located around both ears. It starts with this series of point 8. It is located approximately two and a half centimeters above the top of the ear. Point 9 of the gall bladder is on par with the point 8, but about half a centimeter closer to the back of the head. Most often advised to find first point of the gallbladder 12, only to find points 10 and 11. Point 12 is located immediately behind and below the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which is the lower part of the bone of the skull below the ear. Points 10 and 11 are arranged on a line parallel to bending the ear, respectively two-thirds and one-third of the distance between the points 9 and 12.

The rate of aging - for each test

July 18th, 2013

  • The rate of aging - for each test
  • From 40 to 60

 the rate of aging of the skin
 How accurately the condition of your skin reflects your actual age, it depends on a combination of factors, the most important of which are the genetics and lifestyle. The results of studying the characteristics of the skin (its texture, tone, elasticity, and age-related changes of these indices) Many people say that some people seem genetically programmed to lower the rate of aging of the skin. They - the lucky ones, and they should thank their parents for a genetic gift.

The rate of skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   also linked to ethnicity and race. For example, people of African descent are often signs of aging appear later than in people with very fair skin.

Among lifestyle factors that can accelerate the aging process, specialists first isolated smoking, regular visits to the tanning beds and sun exposure. The sun's rays begin to work on human skin in the first years of his life, and not always this impact is positive. For example, the freckles on the skin of young children are often a sign that they are in the sun for too long, and without the necessary protection. The current condition of your skin is largely determined by how much time you spend in the sun as a child.

 The rate of aging - for each test

You look at your age?

To determine how old you look, answer the questions below. Remember that the results are based on the typical characteristics of the condition of the skin for each age group. Universal model of skin aging do not exist, and people of the same age can look very different.

For each of the three items select the answer that best describes your skin today.

1. The texture of the skin:

  • a. Elastic and smooth;
  • b. Mostly smooth, with a few patches of dry and scaly skin;
  • at. Rough skin; it often dries up, there is a feeling of tightness;
  • Mr. Fine and dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
 , Sag at the jaw line;
  • d. Dry, "Butter" with deep skin folds, much to sag.

2. Skin Tone:

  • a. Radiant skin with predominantly evenly;
  • b. On the skin there are small areas diskoloratsii due to exposure to sunlight;
  • at. The skin has a moderate diskoloratsiya, there were small dark spots;
  • Mr. Dull skin with uneven tone and clearly visible age spots;
  • d. Dull, "spotted" with numerous skin age spots and / or areas of yellowish color.

3. The folds and wrinkles:

  • a. Several barely noticeable folds, or their absence;
  • b. Shallow wrinkles around the eyes or the nose;
  • at. Wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth, which are noticeable even when the facial muscles are relaxed;
  • Furthermore, the deep wrinkles around the eyes, in the corners of the mouth, pronounced nasolabial folds, shallow wrinkles on the cheeks;
  • d. Deep wrinkles on the cheeks and the upper lip - in addition to in the preceding paragraph.

 The rate of aging - for each test


If you dominate the answers:

Your skin is typical for people ages:











Rules skin care for different age groups


Anti-aging remedy number one for representatives of this age group - is, of course, sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
 . Girls aged between 20 and 30 years, which, as a rule, have not noticed on myself any adverse effects of sun exposure and sunbeds can be difficult to force myself to use sunscreen every day. However, the sooner you start to use them, the better your skin will look like in 40, 50 and 60 years. If you do not want every morning to put on a couple of different skin creams, moisturizer or buy tonal foundation with SPF15 or higher.

Doctors also recommend that after twenty years to start checking their skin for the presence of pre-cancerous growths. They are called actinic keratosis, and may appear as early as the age of 20-30 years; most often they are seen in fair-skinned people who spend much time in the sun. Skin cancer develops at this age is very rare. In time found keratoses can be removed before they have time to become malignant tumors.

Actinic keratosis are reddish, scaly, rough to the touch skin, usually appearing on the forehead, ears, back and arms, as well as on the scalp of balding men have. Keratosis size varies widely - from several millimeters to 1-2 cm in diameter. Although skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
   young people seem very distant threat, start checking your skin is never too early. Do this every month, and if you notice any new growths, see your doctor.

 The rate of aging - for each test


People over 30 years are usually concerned about how to keep your skin young, healthy and smooth, and how to improve its tone, because at that age the skin begin to appear early age spots - the price paid for a lot of hours in the sun. In addition, the first wrinkles appear and skin becomes dull.

One way to improve skin tone and give it a healthy glow - use products containing retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids. These cosmetic products can be purchased without prior consultation with the doctor, but some of them, with a high concentration of active substances are sold by prescription only. Chemical peels also helps to make the skin more smooth and fresh; to get lasting results, this procedure is recommended to place about twice a year.

After 30 years the skin begins to lose the radiance that have young skin, because the cells are not updated as quickly as before. Chemical peels provide intensive exfoliation, and without a layer of dead cells of the skin will look younger and healthier.

Small wrinkles around the eyes and wrinkles between the eyebrows appear the majority of women aged 30 years (in some - a few years earlier, in others - a little later). And at this age, many women - especially in Western countries - are making their first Botox injections. Today it is one of the most effective and safe means for smoothing wrinkles shallow - such as wrinkles on the forehead and fine lines around the eyes. However, Botox can not be used by pregnant or lactating women.
