Anti-cellulite massage or lymphatic drainage banks

October 21, 2014

 cellulite massage banks
 Anti-cellulite massage banks is an effective means of cellulite. Cellulite - is a local increase in the number and size of fat cells in conjunction with the violation of blood and lymph flow. Externally cellulite it manifests itself in the form of the famous "orange peel" on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, knees and side portions of the arms.


Anti-cellulite massage vacuum banks

Anti-cellulite massage is also known as lymphatic drainage, as it aims to improve krovooobrascheniya and lymph flow in areas of the skin affected by cellulite. Lymphatic drainage can be done in different ways. The most affordable and very effective anti-cellulite massage is the banks.

The mechanism of action can massage the skin irritation associated with its thin air.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage has both local and general effect. Local action is, to the point that the procedure is surging arterial blood freely flows off the venous blood and lymph circulation, accelerating metabolism, including the breakdown of fats, activates the nerve-muscle fibers. Vacuum massage also stimulates the release of hormones - substances, small amounts of which are sufficient for the regulation of metabolic processes.

Under the influence of canned massage destroyed fat cells are broken and partially dissolve connective partitions, eliminates puffiness. This mechanism of action promotes rapid removal of grease and a reduction in the amount of fat cells and, hence, reduction or disappearance areas of cellulite.


What is needed for anti-cellulite massage vacuum banks

To carry out necessary anti-cellulite massage vacuum banks and massage oil. Today released the most different types of cans for vacuum massage with elastic cylinder to create a vacuum in compression. But can massage suitable and conventional medical glass jars in which a vacuum is created by the combustion air.

Oil for anti-cellulite massage banks may also be different. But most of all will approach a special anti-cellulite oil, for example, anti-cellulite massage oil (Company Medical Collagene 3D, Russian), or anti-cellulite massage oil based on essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   (Company Algologie, France). In addition, you can use any vegetable oil (preferably olive suit).


How do anti-cellulite massage banks

Before the start of the vacuum massage Vacuum massage - the return of old cans  Vacuum massage - the return of old cans
   the skin at the site of impact applied massage oil. Then the bank sticks to the surface of the body by pressing an elastic cylinder or combustion air with a cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 Moistened with alcohol. After that, banks are starting to move smoothly along the venous and lymphatic drainage, ie, the extremities upwards.

Anti-cellulite massage can be carried out by banks in the back, waist, the outer surface of the upper and lower extremities. It is impossible to massage the chest, abdomen, and inner surfaces of the extremities.

Massage should last from 5 to 15 minutes, the first procedure can not last more than five minutes, and then the duration of the session should be gradually increased. Throughout the course of treatment requires 10 to 12 treatments, are best carried out through the day.

Sensations during the procedure of anti-cellulite massage canned - a pleasant warmth, sometimes a little pain and a burning sensation. After a massage the skin reddens and swells slightly, but after a while it all takes place and the skin has a fresh new look.


Do all you can do anti-cellulite massage with jars?

Anti-cellulite vacuum massage, you can not do everything. This procedure has a lot of contraindications, and therefore it must be done by a doctor. Hence another conclusion: to carry out this procedure is better to entrust a specialist in a hospital or beauty salon.

Anti-cellulite massage banks contraindicated in any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, chronic inflammatory processes in any field, bleeding, blood clotting, blood diseases, any skin diseases and skin lesions in areas of procedure of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes (lymphadenitis and lymphangitis), narrowing of the arteries in the background of various diseases, the active form of tuberculosis, chronic osteomyelitis (bone inflammation - even in remission), malignant and benign tumors.

Anti-cellulite massage banks considered effective against cellulite Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime  Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime
 . But this procedure has many contraindications, so must be carried out by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cellulitis

Blue clay of cellulite: an effective natural remedy

December 3, 2014

 blue clay of cellulite
 Despite the fact that cellulite is not considered a serious problem from a medical point of view, ugly lumps on the hips few people like. Not surprisingly, women are struggling to get rid of these irregularities by a variety of folk medicines. Blue clay of cellulite - one of the most effective natural remedies.


Colorful clay

People long ago learned to use to treat various ailments healing mud. One of the varieties of mud Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
   a clay treatment. Naturally, the healing clay is different, and therefore, it is a different effect on the body. In stores you can find clay pink and white, yellow and green, black and blue - all these types have their own characteristics and are used to treat various ailments.

Unfortunately, often the "color" name - it's just a marketing ploy, and colorful bags is the same powder with the same properties. Therefore it is not recommended to buy healing clay in supermarkets - the right to go for this facility in a specialty store or pharmacy, where you can buy a really good product.


Clay-colored sky

Blue clay is considered virtually universal: it an effective means of treating a variety of diseases. This clay is in the dried state is a powder-blue gray. Color is caused by the high content of the variety of clay silicon. In addition, blue clay rich in iron, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and radium. It is significant that all of these substances are contained in the blue clay in easily digestible form.

The most valuable is considered a blue Cambrian clay. In the old days it was appreciated almost its weight in gold. This unsurpassed natural remedy thought this panacea and used for the treatment of all diseases completely, regardless of diagnosis. And to this day in folk medicine there are numerous recipes with blue clay: it means being treated, primarily, various tumors, including malignant. Due to the content of the rare radioactive element - radium - blue clay is effective in the fight against the terrible cancer. Of course, this facility is no substitute for treatment by a doctor, but may make current drugs more effective.

The official medicine treatment blue clay is used in diseases of the bones, joints and muscles. Clay is recommended for diseases of the female organs and bladder.

Blue clay helps not only to maintain or restore health, but also improve the appearance. Wash hair blue clay allows you to get rid of dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
 Clay masks cleanse pores and have an antibacterial effect, packs of blue clay recommended for varicose veins. But the most commonly used blue clay against cellulite: it means only a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also in the subcutaneous fat.


Blue clay and cellulite

What is cellulite, today, every woman knows: bumps, dents and swelling on the skin of the thighs, buttocks and stomach - a very common problem. From the point of view of official medicine, cellulitis absolutely not dangerous, it is possible to live in peace forever. But in terms of aesthetics cellulitis - a serious defect in appearance. And to deal with this defect there are so many lotions, creams, wraps and masks - and not very effective.

Blue clay is considered one of the most effective means protivotsellyulitnye. The composition of the clay include silicon compounds that have the ability to improve blood circulation and the movement of lymph, remove toxins from the body, cleanse the skin and give it elasticity. This treatment blue clay will be a wonderful complement to the effective anti-cellulite exercise, diet and massage.


Universal recipe blue clay of cellulite

Apply clay can be different. The most effective is cellulite wrap blue clay. Clay diluted in warm, but the unheated water (optimum water temperature is 50-60 degrees Celsius) to the consistency of sour cream. This mixture is applied to problem areas with a thick layer. Thereafter, it is desirable to wrap the film body to improve the absorption of medicinal substances wheel clay. Top should be covered with a blanket and lie quietly for an hour. As the drying clay mass possible tightening sensation of the skin. It's perfectly normal procedure should continue.

It is enough to make such wraps once a week to just two or three months, the skin on the thighs significantly smoothed. Wraps blue clay helps to get rid of cellulite unexpressed. If the skin is very uneven, these wraps will make it more elastic.


Secrets of blue clay

The better blue clay, the better it will act on the skin and the faster will help get rid of cellulite. In addition, wrapping blue clay will be especially effective if you follow a few rules:

  • Before applying clay to the skin should take a shower, or even better - a warm bath. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned. It is worth to use scrub immediately before wrapping;
  • The blue clay wrapping, you can add a little honey or essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   lemon, orange, geranium. This will increase the effect of anti-cellulite body wraps;
  • Instead of water for dilution of clay allowed to use concoctions of herbs. Ideal broth parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 You can use nettle, ivy, plantain;
  • The application of clay on the problem areas, it is desirable to combine with a massage. The clay should be rubbed into the skin vigorous movements;
  • After the procedure the clay wash off with warm or cool water. Then it is recommended to put on the skin cellulite cream or any moisturizing lotion.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • clay
  • cellulitis
