Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

June 30, 2013

  • Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health
  • Application

 clay treatment
 Clay has many useful properties - it prevents the growth of pathogens, promotes cell renewal, helps to remove toxins from the tissues, absorbs excess fluids and neutralizes the effect of certain alkaloids. It also cleans the blood and lymphatic system, strengthens bones, strengthens the body's defense mechanisms, suppresses inflammation and saturates the body with minerals. Because clay treatment is popular.

Use clay for medicinal purposes people have begun several thousand years ago. According to ancient Egyptian written sources, using clay treated inflammation, ulcers, rheumatism; she was also one of the ingredients means for mummification. The healing properties of clay wrote Hippocrates, Avicenna, Pliny, Dioscorides, Galen, and other famous doctors.

There are many views of clay, and they all have special useful properties. Their main component is silica-alumina hydrate. Any clay is easy to soak, forming the well-known paste that can be applied to the skin, and from which you can sculpt anything - like plasticine. When the paste dries, it becomes hard, and often cracks. Depending on what part of the aluminum silicate hydrate clay addition, it can be red, brown, green, blue, black, and even yellow.

 Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Clay treatment: the clay is good for your health?

The clay-like in the ground in a given quantity contains all the essential minerals needed to man - silica, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and others. Due to the high content of silica (silicon dioxide) in the clay it is useful in diseases such as tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 Atherosclerosis, arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications

On our skin are millions of nerve endings. When they were way or the stimulate, physical energy is transformed into energy used by the nervous system - the signals from the skin goes to the brain and spinal cord. This phenomenon is called transduction. When you apply the clay to the skin, you stimulate nerve endings, resulting in a gradually improving state of internal organs.

Packs of clay and herbal concoctions to help eliminate the pain caused by rheumatism and other diseases.

Since the fine clay absorbs the fat of clay mask is recommended for the treatment of acne, as well as the normalization of oily and combination skin.

Clay also makes the skin more elastic, stimulates cell regeneration and collagen and elastin production, removes dead skin cells, improves microcirculation.

Masks made of clay can be used for alopecia because the hair often falls out due to the restriction of blood flow to the hair follicles. Clay not only improves the blood circulation in the scalp, but it saturates such necessary for healthy hair substances such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, boron, nickel, cobalt.

You probably have heard this popular expression: you are what you eat. Or - you tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. It is assumed that anything you put in her mouth, good or bad effect on our body. If you eat too many sweets, your body "thank" you have diabetes. If your diet is dominated by fatty foods of animal origin, you will inevitably run into problems such as bloating, constipation, and then the excess weight. On the other hand, if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, prefer lean meat and fish, most likely, you will find a gift in the form of a long and healthy life. But what if you eat something unusual, such as bentonite clay? How does the body react to this?

In fact, the idea of ​​eating clay inside did not appear yesterday. In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where there was no penicillin, ibuprofen and other modern medicines, clay is taken as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. With its help treat diarrhea and certain other disorders.

 Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Clay Beauty

Today, the mask of clay are much more popular than the reception inside the clay. They are used by millions of women - from top models to girls. Preparing for discharge.

Masks of bentonite or green clay effectively exfoliate the skin and removes from its toxins, and also smooth wrinkles. Bentonite clay also kills bacteria that cause acne. A similar effect has black and blue clay. In some women, after a mask of clay skin becomes red and slightly itchy - this effect is often, and in a few hours, the skin is usually normal. If you have very sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 , Add a little aloe vera gel mask Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   faith to prevent irritation.

Moroccan red clay can be used as a mask, soap, shampoo and conditioner. It makes the skin noticeably soft and supple. With long-term use for skin head red clay can significantly improve the structure of hair.

If you are tired skin or dull hair, add a mask out of clay a few drops of lavender essential oil. As the clay dries the skin, such masks are not recommended to do more than once a week.

 Clay treatment - mineral Rainbow Health

Receiving inside clay

At first glance, this idea may have a lot do not like, but in fact the reception inside the clay has many useful properties. In particular, the clay to take:

  • Removing toxic substances from the digestive system (eg, food poisoning);
  • Cleansing the bowel and restore normal microflora;
  • Detoxification of the liver;
  • Stimulation of the liver;
  • Improvements of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improve the immune system.

It is assumed that the clay can also contribute to a soft leak allergic reactions in some patients.

Take the clay in combination with any prescription drugs only after consulting your doctor. Acceptance of bentonite clay is contraindicated in people with hypertension and intolerance iron. Even healthy people before you start taking the clay inside should consult a doctor.

7 reasons to accept aging

January 30, 2011

 reasons to accept aging
 As we age, our concept of beauty changes frequently. It is too easy to focus on the shortcomings of aging skin - there is a line, wrinkles, skin gradually loses elasticity. However, even at the age has its advantages.

 7 reasons to accept aging

Less fat

With age, the production of the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced and the skin becomes less oily. Usually these changes can be observed in women during menopause. For those who suffered all his life from the problems associated with excessive oiliness of the skin, slow down the sebaceous glands can be a boon. It should, however, remember that dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
   It requires more maintenance than fat.

 7 reasons to accept aging

Less Acne

Another reason to take for granted the aging of the skin - lack of acne on the attacks which so often suffer teenagers and young adults. After reaching the 30th anniversary of acne will remain only occasional reminders - and then only if your skin has always been prone to bouts of acne. Fortunately, manufacturers of cosmetics produced a variety of means to treat acne Acne Treatment - squeeze is not recommended  Acne Treatment - squeeze is not recommended
 Designed specifically for aging skin.

 7 reasons to accept aging

Less sweat

With age, the glands that produce sweat, become less active - and that means the problem disappears with an unpleasant odor and wet traces on clothes. However, and this seems to be a positive phenomenon is the reverse side: the slowdown of the sweat glands of the body difficult to regulate body temperature. Going to the gym or spending a lot of time in the sun, drink plenty of fluids.

 7 reasons to accept aging

Less hair on the body

With age, hair color and body becomes less, but in some cases, the hairs become coarser.

 7 reasons to accept aging

More fun

American scientists were able to prove that elderly people derive from the same class a lot more fun than the young. Generally, people aged experience easier and more failures rejoice good events than younger people.

 7 reasons to accept aging

More confidence

In his youth, too, have their shortcomings: of course, in his youth skin looks smoother and does not suffer from wrinkles, but when young women are often accompanied by a feeling of insecurity. With age, a woman becomes much more confident. Save your self-esteem will help simple rule: every day looking in the mirror, to notice not just another emerging wrinkles or gray hair, but only the positive features of both appearance and character.

 7 reasons to accept aging

More experience in cosmetics

Experience - perhaps the most valuable baggage acquired with age. An adult woman is much better versed in cosmetics than a teenage girl, and knows what cosmetics for her skin and hair. Acquired wisdom allows for a long time to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Article Tags:
  • aging
