- Compression stockings - check with your doctor
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Do I have to remove compression stockings before going to bed?
Typically, compression stockings is recommended to take before bedtime
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and put on in the morning as soon as you get out of bed (before may appear or worsen swelling). Of course, they can be worn after the morning shower, but in any case, it must be done as soon as possible.
In some cases, compression stockings can be worn at night, but then you can not wear them for more than seven consecutive days.
Often patients can not tolerate long-wearing compression stockings. This can, for example, to deterioration of the skin (usually long compression causes dryness). Furthermore, this prevents the routine use of moisturizing products, and medicines for topical use - for example, steroid ointments that are used to treat venous eczema. However, sometimes prolonged wearing compression stockings is necessary - for example, when patients need help outsiders to wear tights: they have to wait for the visit of a social service worker, who comes, as a rule, every day.
How often should I replace the compression tights
Compression stockings should be replaced every 3-6 months. Buy once, at least two pairs of pantyhose to make you what to wear, as long as you wash and dry one pair.
Compression stockings should be replaced sooner if there are any defects in the fabric, or if after you shoot tights, they do not return their previous form. Ideally, each time before buying a new pair of compression stockings legs must be measured again. Over time, the circumference of the legs can be changed on particular areas (e.g., because of reduced swelling). However, if you do not notice the obvious changes, so do the measurements are often not necessary.
Proper washing can extend the life of pantyhose. Wash their hands in the water at a temperature of about 40C (such temperature is comfortable for the hands and does not harm the material from which made stockings), and dry enough away from heat sources. In no case do not dry compression stockings on radiators and other heaters - heat can damage the elastic materials.
However, despite proper care, eventually elastic compression stockings will diminish - it is absolutely normal process.
How often should the patient come to the survey
Typically, the patient, who was discharged compression stockings are recommended to come to inspection every 3-6 months. During the examination, the doctor checks for symptoms of the disease, the treatment of which were appointed tights and assesses how effective was this kind of treatment. The doctor is required to ask the patient about whether he regularly wears compression stockings, and how often replaces them with new ones. Ideally, every 6-12 months to do Doppler to determine the LPI; in some disorders it must be done more frequently (in practice, however, the frequency of the Doppler depends on whether in hospital necessary equipment). In addition, during a routine examination the doctor may carry out additional measurements of the patient's legs.
The need for frequent inspections is the fact that people suffering from various diseases of the veins, the relatively short period of time (3-12 months) may develop arterial diseases, and can also be significantly reduced ankle-brachial index of systolic blood pressure.
The doctor prescribed to patients compression stockings, must show and tell how to wear them, and when they should be worn.
It is important that the patient was satisfied with the color compression stockings - otherwise there is a considerable likelihood that he will not wear them regularly.
Once a patient lift tights recommended to apply moisturizer on your feet - it reduces skin dryness and irritation. If the composition of the material of which are made for compression stockings do not include latex, moisturizing cream or lotion may also be applied before you don pantyhose. This is especially recommended for patients suffering from disorders such as venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
and lymphedema
Lymphedema: swelling of the legs after cancer treatment
If the pressure of compression tights to the patient is extremely strong, it is necessary to choose the lower class tights.
If the patient can not wear tights all the time, perhaps he should also acquire compression stockings
Compression stockings for health and beauty legs
stockings - so he will be able to choose what is best combined with his clothes and way of life.