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- High pressure in women
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High pressure in women
According to research data, an adult woman is in the early stages of hypertension during the testimony of 120-139 systolic and 80-89 diastolic pressure. Women with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, blood pressure can be in the range of 130/80 mmHg or higher. Already noted as a result of research that women aged 60 years and above clearly suffer from high blood pressure than men, and with age the risk of hypertension in women increases significantly.
Risk factors
The exact cause of high blood pressure has not been studied thoroughly. You should immediately consult your doctor in identifying the symptoms and, if necessary, proceed to the medication. We must always remember that high blood pressure - it is an incurable disease, it is only necessary to control.
There are, however, factors equally affect both men and women. In the risk group are people whose heredity burdened with similar disease. Incidence is also determined by the sensitivity to salt in some people. Stick to a low-salt diet, foods rich in potassium, low in cholesterol.
Also, people prone to overweight, you should monitor your blood pressure and diet, as they too are at risk.
Drinking alcohol in excess of one drink a day for women and more than two drinks for men ensures slowly but surely preparing the body for such incurable disease. It should also be excluded from the list of risk factors of tobacco, because nicotine is known, not only has the ability to "kill certain animals," but also to provoke high blood pressure.
Dilute a measured, but devoid of the active activities of life a couple-three of exercise, and you will not know what the pressure. Also, gloomy weather, troubles, problems and other negative phenomena that lead to stress and depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
Create a "perfect" foundation for hypertension. Not only does stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
and depression adversely affect the general mental and emotional state of a person, because they are still provoke and stimulate kidney disease or metabolic
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
, Not to mention diabetes, which has always been a "friend" of hypertension.
Woman during pregnancy is very sensitive to all kinds of changes and differences in the body. This is not surprising. A pregnant woman can not control the processes in the body, when he controls the whole process of pregnancy and birth of a new man. However, you should know that blood pressure during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby. Especially dangerous gestational blood pressure, and in the third semester of pregnancy almost all women are subject to changes in pressure. A slight increase in pressure may occur in pregnant women after 20 weeks of pregnancy, which lasts up to 3 months of pregnancy and until the baby is born, while not revealing themselves in any way. This is called gestational high blood pressure. After giving birth, the pressure is normalized.
Gestational blood pressure is at high risk for women who suffer from high blood pressure in the previous pregnancy; for women suffering from obesity has until pregnancy; Women who become pregnant before 20 or after 40 years. A woman with chronic kidney disease and diabetes in the lead almost in the risk group.
On the basis of long-term observations, doctors have found that high blood pressure has a devastating effect on the kidneys, thereby disrupting the process of blood flow to the baby. And throughout pregnancy it is recommended to regularly measure blood pressure. High blood pressure prior to pregnancy, it is considered chronic hypertension. Usually it is detected at the first examination of the pregnant woman, although it may be acquired. Chronic hypertension can be divided on essential hypertension and symptomatic. If the root cause of high pressure is in the family history, before you essential hypertension. If high blood pressure stimulates kidney disease, narrowing of the arteries of the kidneys and adrenal tumors, this type is classified as symptomatic hypertension.
Doctors recommend that women with hypertension initially, to undergo treatment before pregnancy. In extreme cases, doctors may recommend only prematurity. It is assumed that a woman can have a baby alone, even in such critical conditions; otherwise it will be a cesarean section.
Toxemia or medical language, pre-eclampsia - high blood pressure is caused solely pregnancy. Preeclampsia usually occurs during the first pregnancy. Pregnant women usually state quite threatening the health of women and child occurs in the second or third trimester, during labor and for a period of up to six weeks after birth. This state may befall you suddenly or gradually you will learn about his approach. Normal urine and pressure measurements help identify toxemia at any stage of pregnancy.
Hypertension is the most common complication of pregnancy and is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. In the presence of hypertension in pregnancy significantly increases the risk of intracranial hemorrhage, eclampsia, renal dysfunction, premature labor, malnutrition and premature newborns, perinatal mortality.
Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy is often a challenge. Women with chronic hypertension
Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain
(a term used to refer to situations where the hypertension present before pregnancy), it is desirable to plan tactics and risk assessment prior to conception and / or in early pregnancy
. Low-salt diet for the control of hypertension in pregnancy is usually not shown (except in patients with hypertension obemozavisimoy in some cases of kidney damage)
. Pregnant women with hypertension usually do not require fluid restriction
. It is not now generally accepted opinion on the effectiveness of ASA in the prevention of pre-eclampsia
. In pregnant women with hypertension is not necessary preventive use of sedation and anticonvulsants
. The vast majority of pregnant women with hypertension to control blood pressure requires the appointment of more than one antihypertensive agent base
. The use of combination antihypertensive therapy shows more than 70% of pregnant women with hypertension