Anaphylaxis in children - a rare form of allergy

August 25, 2013

 anaphylactic shock in children
 Children are prone to severe allergic reactions, are at risk of sudden, potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylactic shock Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows  Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows
 Or anaphylaxis. Signs pointing to anaphylactic shock in children are frightening - for example, a child may begin to suffocate or faint. But fortunately, in the provision of correct and timely assistance anaphylaxis does not lead to death and any serious consequences for health.

Anaphylaxis - a rare phenomenon, but in recent decades it has been an increase in the incidence of anaphylaxis (as well as other types of allergic reactions). In any case, parents of children who have certain kinds of allergies, it is necessary at least in general terms to represent what anaphylaxis, if necessary, to be ready to provide prompt and adequate assistance.

 Anaphylaxis in children - a rare form of allergy

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock

Like other types of allergy, anaphylactic shock can cause symptoms affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and / or cardiovascular system. Emergency medical help is required if an allergic reaction has affected two or more of these systems - for example, if the child has hives Hives - burning itch  Hives - burning itch
   (a symptom of the skin) and pain in the stomach Pain in the stomach when the body asks for help  Pain in the stomach when the body asks for help
   (gastro-intestinal tract).

The most common symptoms of anaphylactic shock in children are:

  • Heavy breathing;
  • The feeling of tightness in the throat - as if the airways are closed, and it is impossible to dial a deep breath;
  • Hoarse voice, or slurred speech;
  • Wheezing;
  • Nasal congestion, cough;
  • Nausea, stomach pain, or vomiting;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Itching, stinging, redness, or swelling of the skin.

 Anaphylaxis in children - a rare form of allergy


Both adults and children of anaphylaxis requires immediate treatment. The patient's condition may deteriorate very quickly. That is why those who have ever had anaphylaxis are recommended to carry epinephrine autoinjector with. When injected into the bloodstream adrenaline quickly eliminates symptoms of anaphylaxis - for example, is significantly reduced edema (including edema of the throat) and increased blood pressure.

Adrenaline must be administered by injection, but this is not as scary as it sounds: by modern autoinjector most people who are not medical professionals, do not have to deal with syringes and needles that I still need to get into the vein. Autoinjector is a small object, about the size of a ballpoint pen that parents - and older children - can easily carry, and if necessary use. If your child is discharged adrenaline, the doctor is required to show you how to use the autoinjector.

Sometimes doctors also recommend giving children after a severe allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   OTC antihistamines. However, it should be remembered that in anaphylactic shock antihistamines can not replace the adrenaline - they are only a supplement to it, and they are given only after the injection.

 Anaphylaxis in children - a rare form of allergy

If the child has an anaphylactic shock

If your child is showing signs of anaphylactic shock, immediately call an ambulance or if you think that it will be faster for yourself, take it to the emergency room. If the child has previously had an anaphylactic shock, and he carries with him with epinephrine autoinjector, you should take the following steps:

  • Immediately make the baby an injection of adrenaline. If you are alone with a child, first enter the adrenaline, and then call an ambulance. If there are other people, ask them to call an ambulance, and inject themselves.
  • Wait for the arrival of an ambulance or go yourself to the emergency room (in some cases it will provide medical care more quickly, but then you should call the dispatcher and to cancel the call). After an injection of epinephrine treatment in the hospital is required, as the child may appear symptoms of anaphylaxis for the second time (in this case speak of a biphasic reaction). Doctors will watch the child for at least four hours after arriving at the hospital, and if necessary, it will provide additional treatment.

Anaphylaxis can scare anyone who sees how the allergic reaction affects the human condition (and especially - their own child), but fortunately, thanks to the availability of epinephrine, as well as information regarding anaphylaxis, now deal with it it became much easier. Make sure that your family members, as well as a kindergarten teacher, teachers and coaches your child aware of the fact that he has a tendency to anaphylaxis, and they know what to do with the appearance of its symptoms.

Article Tags:
  • allergy

Ascaris in children - without pronounced signs

June 26, 2013

  • Ascaris in children - without pronounced signs
  • Course of the disease

 roundworm children
 Infestation with intestinal worms may at any age. Ascaris in children is a common disease that can be attributed to the peculiarities of childhood. Children infected by playing on the playground in the sand, infection occurs through dirty hands. Very often parasitism ascarids occurs without clinical symptoms. Great importance is attached to early diagnosis, since belated detection of worm infestation leads to the development of complications.

 Ascaris in children - without pronounced signs

How is the disease of the child

Child infected after ingesting eggs which are in the environment. This disease can be fully called "disease of dirty hands". Ascarid eggs, which distinguishes female remain viable for a long period of time. Directly in soil is the completion of the development of the fertilized egg, which is then fed to the baby. Development of Ascaris in the future happens in stages. There are migratory and intestinal stage with a variety of clinical manifestations.

After entering the egg to the development of mature fish is already in the body of the child takes an average of 1, 5 months. Characteristic symptoms of stage migration of the larvae can not be selected. It is noted that in this period the child becomes listless, apathetic. There may be a rise in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​of the skin rash. These signs are proof allergization body of the child, which is due to the presence of the parasite. After the development of the adult appear intestinal symptoms (pain in the umbilical region, upset his chair, nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Change in appetite).

Directly roundworm found in the feces of rare, since they affect the small intestine. With increasing motor activity of the intestine in severe diarrhea or intestinal worms Worms - how dangerous they are?  Worms - how dangerous they are?
   appear in the stool. If you suspect a child Ascaris infestation is necessary to take a blood test to detect specific antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   (antiparasitic immunoglobulins), which is a confirmation of the disease. Most can be justified to consider this type of study if the child is dominated by symptoms of allergic nature. It is proved that the allergen is secreted when Ascaris infestation, the child is the most prominent manifestations of allergy is the most powerful of all the allergens of parasitic origin. There is development of allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as the organ of vision and other systems.

 Ascaris in children - without pronounced signs

Ways to prevent infestation Ascaris

To prevent infection of the child, parents should spend time with him outreach. Should warn against eating contaminated vegetables or fruit, which may be the eggs of Ascaris. Thanks to a special sticky substance on the eggs of Ascaris, they are well attached to any surface. Remove them only mechanically, carefully washing or using chemical detergents. The child should wash their hands after coming home from the street. Particular attention is paid to health education in kindergartens and schools, since children are most at risk of infection. According to statistics in the world have a high incidence of infection of ascariasis, so only timely preventive measures can be taken to prevent the spread of infection.

Eggs which are found in the soil, can not tolerate the action of open sunlight. At the playground must always loose sand in sandboxes that were moving layers of sand. The sand gets feces of animals, people, so the child is at high risk of infection. If loose sand, then all layers of sand in this case will be affected by the sun's rays, which is an effective means of destroying helminth eggs. Ascariasis refers to geohelminthiasis, ie in the development cycle to be staying in the external environment. Only after this stage larva in the egg matures from which subsequently develop in the adult organism parasite.
