Congenital inguinal hernia - a problem of boys

July 10, 2014

 Congenital inguinal hernia
 Congenital inguinal hernia - a phenomenon not uncommon. It occurs more often in boys as in girls the inguinal canal fortified better. Often this pathology combined with hydrocele and spermatic cord. The only radical method of treatment of congenital inguinal hernia is surgery.


What is a congenital inguinal hernia

Any hernia is the protrusion of an internal organ or a part thereof through the various holes under the skin, in the intermuscular space or any space. So, at abdominal hernia abdominal organs go through different holes under the skin of the abdomen or elsewhere.

The hernia release:

  • hernial ring - a hole through which overlook the internal organs;
  • hernial sac - it is formed by the peritoneum - the shell, which contains all the abdominal organs;
  • the contents of the hernia sac - it can be any organ of the abdominal cavity.

Congenital inguinal hernia in children very often, but sometimes it can occur in adults.

The boys formed a hernia in the process of omission testicle from the abdomen to the pelvis and scrotum, the girls - the omission of the ovary. Their peritoneum covers the hole which normally grows, and if not overgrown, then through the hole behind the testis (ovary) may extend the internal organs in males is typically part of the bowel. This peritoneal cavity in direct communication with the cavity of the scrotum - a necessary condition for the development of congenital hernia. The danger in this case is the denial of a hernia, compression of bowel loops and its necrosis (necrosis).

Congenital inguinal hernia is often associated with hydrocele and spermatic cord, as well as the spermatic cord cysts.


Symptoms of congenital inguinal hernia

Congenital inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?  Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
   It may manifest as swelling of elongated shape along the inguinal canal on one side, which is particularly noticeable when sneezing, laughing, crying and coughing child. This swelling soft to the touch, in the supine position decreases, and when forced into the abdominal cavity rapidly disappears. In girls, the swelling can spread to the labia with one or two sides.

After reducing intra-abdominal pressure swelling may disappear, but then it reappears. At the time of the disappearance of hernia boys on closer inspection you can find the seal of the spermatic cord. This feature is called symptom silk gloves.

To confirm the diagnosis verified symptom cough shock if your fingertip hold of the scrotum to the external opening of the inguinal canal, the baby strains, which is manifested in the form of coughing, crying, laughing, and so on.

If congenital inguinal hernia infringed, then the probing bulging baby cries, the hernia is not reduce a. Strangulated hernia can be accompanied by regurgitation at first, then vomiting, abdominal distention Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
   and constipation. The boys often infringed intestinal loop, the girls - the ovary.

As the boys left testicle is usually omitted in the scrotum before the right, the right inguinal hernias are much more common than the left. There are also bilateral inguinal hernia congenital, but less frequently.


Congenital inguinal hernia - Treatment

Depending on the child's treatment of congenital inguinal hernia repair can be carried out immediately after birth, or postponed indefinitely. The child in this case is carried out constant monitoring of the surgeon.

For children from birth to 5 years, the aim is to eliminate the hernia repair is not communication between the imperforate processus vaginalis of the peritoneum and abdominal cavity The best age for surgery is the age of 6-8 months. Congenital inguinal hernia operated without opening the inguinal canal, as the cause of a hernia is a congenital hernia sac, not a weakness of relevant muscles. In the course of the operation release the hernial sac, dissect its contents reduce a into the abdominal cavity, thus separating the spermatic cord and the testicle, together with their covering peritoneum hernia sac. Then hernial carefully sutured and spend the plastic of the front wall of the inguinal canal.

When strangulated inguinal hernia in children Inguinal hernia in children - how to eliminate the defect  Inguinal hernia in children - how to eliminate the defect
   during the first 12 hours of conservative treatment is usually carried out, calculated on samovpravlenie hernia. This is due to the fact that the pinching occurs more easily in children than in adults. If conservative treatment in the form of warm baths, antispasmodics (drugs that cause relaxation of smooth muscles of internal organs), the elevated position of the pelvis does not help about something urgent operation.

Congenital inguinal hernia is common and requires an individual approach to the treatment of each child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hernia

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

December 11, 2012

 hemorrhagic vasculitis children
 Rheumatocelis Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work  Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work
   - It is a rare disease, but it occurs in children more often than adults. This disease Schonlein - Henoch can take in children is very severe, for example, during a lightning or subacute with severe gastro-intestinal tract or kidneys.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

Why the child can begin hemorrhagic vasculitis

Hemorrhagic vasculitis (kapillyarotoksikoz's disease, Henoch - Schonlein purpura) - is an inflammatory process of allergic nature in the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries).

The disease usually begins after some previous disease, vaccination, medication or food. Any of these factors may cause allergies and immunological disorders. Thus the body produces antibodies to the allergen and antigen-antibody complexes are deposited in the blood vessel walls, destroying them. With long-term course of the disease in autoimmune process proceeds - there are antibodies against its own tissues.

Kapillyarotoksikoz in children may occur in the form of lightning. There are skin, skin and joints and skin-abdominal and renal forms of the disease occurring in the subacute form.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

Lightning Form

Lightning form of the disease usually occurs in preschool children after a viral (influenza, chicken pox Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous  Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
 , Measles) or bacterial (streptococcal or meningococcal infection), vaccinations, antibiotics.

At the same time the child against the background of high temperature on the skin of the limbs and trunk appear extensive hemorrhagic rash followed by necrosis and ulceration of the most affected areas. Characterized by necrosis of the skin over the large joints, ulceration of the oral mucosa, gastrointestinal bleeding.

If the child is not in time to help, he may die. Therefore, lightning forms of hemorrhagic vasculitis Hemorrhagic vasculitis - a rare disease  Hemorrhagic vasculitis - a rare disease
   in need of emergency medical care in intensive care.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease


Developing the disease within a few weeks after infection, vaccination or any provoking factor. Appears first temperature, the child becomes listless, apathetic. Then he begins to pour in waves purpura. It is a small dot hemorrhages and larger hemorrhagic spots and papules. They are arranged individually or in groups, symmetrically on both sides.

Localized lesions in the extremities (legs, feet, thighs, arms, shoulders), the buttocks, on the sides of the front wall of the abdomen. At the back, the breast and the face may not have them, or they are present in these areas in small quantities. In the oral mucosa (mainly in the sky) can also be seen hemorrhagic rash.

The rash initially have a bright red or slightly bluish color, then darken, and after a few days can disappear altogether.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

Skin-sustavnayaya form

Affected joints may occur simultaneously with the rash, and may be a few days afterwards. The disease also begins with a high fever, malaise, rash pours mainly in the affected joints. But the limbs are also rashes.

Large joints (knee, ankle, elbow, etc.) swell, become painful, they disrupted traffic. But after a few days, the swelling subsides, the pain passes, and joint function is fully restored.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

Skin-abdominal form

This form is considered severe. The disease begins with severe cramping sometimes abdominal pain, and then there are skin rashes. But most skin gastrointestinal symptoms appear simultaneously. Attacks of pain are usually several times a day, the pain often localized in the navel or the right iliac region, resulting in a disease can be confused with acute appendicitis.

Serious complication of this form is kapillyarotoksikoz intestinal bleeding that requires emergency medical care. It is also possible perforation of the intestinal wall and the subsequent development of peritonitis.

 Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children - a rare disease

Renal form

This form of the disease occurs in children seriously. At the forefront of acute glomerulonephritis symptoms: weakness, paleness, swelling, a complete lack of appetite on the background of a high temperature. Sometimes (but not always) increased blood pressure. In the urine of a child found blood and protein - the main symptoms of glomerulonephritis.

In some cases, this form of the disease becomes chronic, often asymptomatic, over. This is very dangerous, because it leads to a decrease in kidney function.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children Vasculitis in children - especially their  Vasculitis in children - especially their
   treated only in a hospital, to provide full assistance to this child on an outpatient basis is impossible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vasculitis
