Duspatalin - children under 18 are not recommended

February 10th, 2013

 Duspatalin children
 In accordance with the instructions, developed by the manufacturer, Duspatalin not recommended for children under the age of 18, as there are no data on the safety and efficacy of this drug in children. However, today there is evidence that Duspatalin used to treat children with various chronic diseases of the digestive system.

 Duspatalin - children under 18 are not recommended

How does Duspatalin on the child's body

Duspatalin refers to a group of drugs with antispasmodic myotropic action, that is, it acts directly on the smooth muscles of the digestive system. It is believed that the action of its double, as it does not cause a complete suppression of the motor activity of smooth muscle, including normal. A feature Duspatalin Duspatalin - helps, not harms  Duspatalin - helps, not harms
   is the fact that it has a selective action on the sphincter of Oddi - circular muscle surrounding the end portions of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, as well as a common channel in place after the merger of its passage through the wall of the duodenum.

Duspatalin ten times greater than the ability of papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
   relax the sphincter of Oddi. However, he does not act on the cholinergic system (the transmission of nerve excitation of nerve cells in the smooth muscle fibers using the neurotransmitter acetylcholine), and therefore does not cause such side effects as dry mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation and muscle weakness. This allows you to apply Duspatalin children with accompanying symptoms such diseases like urinary retention, and increased intraocular pressure.

Duspatalin mechanism of action associated with a decrease of intracellular calcium and sodium in the smooth muscle cells. In its application it relieves spasms of smooth muscles, while maintaining its normal tone and motor activity. In addition, Duspatalin reduces replenishment of intracellular calcium stores, it contributes to short-term exit of potassium ions out of the cell and prevents the full reduction in the tone of smooth muscles, which distinguishes action Duspatalin from the actions of other myotropic antispasmodics (eg, papaverine and shpy), causing long complete relaxation of smooth muscles of the digestive system.

But it Duspatalin as other myogenic antispasmodics, has a relaxing effect on the lower esophageal sphincter, so it is not recommended at reflux (flowing back into the food) from the stomach into the esophagus.

 Duspatalin - children under 18 are not recommended

Which diseases in children is used Duspatalin

Duspatalin used in the treatment of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (DSO - current violation of bile and pancreatic juice at a compound gall and pancreatic ducts) in children. This removes Duspatalin characteristic DSO abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 . And as the DSO is often associated with disorders of the other digestive organs are also associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of smooth muscle, this leads to an overall improvement in digestion and relieving pain in a child with combined pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Such Associated gastrointestinal disease often occurs in children, leading to the appointment of a large number of drugs that have sometimes adverse effects on other organs and systems of the body of the child.

It is often found in childhood Associated inflammatory processes in the stomach, duodenum, gall bladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
   and biliary tract, which also combined with spasms of sphincter of Oddi. These diseases always occur with pain, nausea and vomiting.

For the treatment of this comorbidity prescribe complex treatment helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, improve motor-evacuation activity of the stomach and intestines, the restoration of the outflow of bile.

This is quite a difficult task, given the fact that a large number of drugs can bring harm to the baby. Therefore, to reduce spasms and save at the same time the normal smooth muscle tone and peristalsis of the digestive apparatus of the child in the complex treatment began to introduce Duspatalin. This medication is able to replace several other drugs that affect the individual organs of digestion.

Clinical experience shows that under medical supervision it can be used in children from the age of two. The course of treatment (adjuvant therapy) is an average of about two weeks. This pain, nausea and vomiting are an average of two days earlier than with conventional treatment and does not require the appointment of additional drugs to treat violations of the biliary tract. Side effects and complications when used Duspatalin to treat children have been identified.

Duspatalin used to treat a variety of dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract in children, but it is only as an experiment. Such treatment may appoint a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Duspatalin

Dekaris for children - is it possible to use?

January 10, 2014

 dekaris children
 Dekaris children used to treat helminthiasis and their complications in the form of immunity disorders. Despite the fact that today there are more effective and safe worming drugs dekaris is still used to treat these diseases in children. In some cases it is even a drug of choice.


The more dangerous helminth infections in children

Defeat children helminths is very common and can be very long asymptomatic. Most often it occurs in children defeat roundworms - nematodes. For nematodes include ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichuriasis, ancylostomiasis.

Nematodes have a negative impact not only on the gastrointestinal tract of the child, but also the entire body. The main negative impact on the child of these diseases is a dysfunction of the immune system. Under the action of worms and their metabolic products occurs allergy of the body of the child and suppression of the protective function of the immune system.

As a result, the child develops chronic allergic diseases such as urticaria, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma. In the long helminthiasis (eg ascariasis) is depleted immune system and it contributes to the appearance of frequent colds and chronic infectious and inflammatory processes. Thus, helminth infections in children lead to the development of secondary immunodeficiency.

The negative impact of helminths on the immune system may occur in the absence or insufficient formation of antibodies after vaccination (for example, a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, etc.). Sometimes these disorders can occur in the form of a false bend tuberculin test (Mantoux test strongly positive).

The mechanical effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the development of chronic diseases of the digestive system and the violation of their functions. Also, worms Worms - how dangerous they are?  Worms - how dangerous they are?
   used for development nutrients ingested with food. All this contributes to a child falling behind in the physical and psychological development. Helminth infections are often accompanied by severe anemia. Child worried weakness, fatigue, irritability, insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Violation of appetite.

The flow of ascariasis may be complicated by the development of intestinal obstruction - a dense tangle of worms entirely search through the way stools. Worms can also cause jaundice, clogged bile duct.

In the long ascariasis may impair intestinal absorption of vitamin A, which leads to the development of eye disorders.


Dekaris in the treatment of helminthiasis in children

Most often, the children found worm infestation caused by round worms, such as ascariasis. Dekaris copes with the removal of worms from the body of the child. Under the influence of decaris Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects  Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects
   helminths have developed paralysis of the neuromuscular system, and during the day they are removed from the body with feces. This is facilitated by the natural peristaltic movement of the intestine. After receiving decaris not require the use of laxatives or any special diets.

In the long nematosis dekaris may be the drug of choice because it has a mild immunomodulatory effect on the body.


How to apply dekaris

Dekaris recommended to take in the evening, after a meal with a small amount of water. Take it usually only once. But sometimes the doctor prescribes the drug through repeated one to two weeks.

Babies dekaris used only three years, calculating the dose according to the weight and age. Thus, at the age of 3 to 6 years dekaris administered 25-50 mg (half or one tablet of 50 mg) from 6 to 10 years, 50-75 mg (one - half tablets of 50 mg), 10 to 14 years - 75-100 mg (half - two 50 mg tablets) once.


Who should not take dekaris

Dekaris not take children up to three years, you are hypersensitive to the drug, severe liver and kidney with a violation of their functions, as well as in the case when using any medication in the past, the child developed agranulocytosis.


Side effect

When using the recommended doses side effects are very rare. However, the possible appearance of disturbances of the central nervous system in the form of headaches, dizziness, irritability, Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Seizures. Also it may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain. Very rarely there may be a violation of hematopoiesis as agranulocytosis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dekaris
