Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders

May 21, 2014

  • Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders
  • How to treat

 dysbiosis children
 Dysbacteriosis children - it's quite common. In a child's life, there are two periods, have a significant impact on its intestinal microbial colonization. These are the first few days after birth and the period when the child stops receiving breast milk. It is during these periods of the intestine of the child is most vulnerable and exposed to various adverse effects.


The role of the normal intestinal microflora in child development

The role of the normal intestinal microflora in the body of the child can not be overestimated. It is able to influence the development of all organs and systems of a child by producing enzymes, vitamins and a variety of biologically active substances. Without the normal microflora can not be proper digestion of food, as it has been actively involved in the breakdown of food. It also stimulates the immune system, thus protecting the body from infection and inhibits growth of pathogenic microflora.

Normal intestinal microflora - a complex symbiosis of different organisms, mainly providing a positive impact on the child's body. Most of the normal intestinal microflora child make bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and Escherichia coli. These bacteria produce a slightly acidic environment in the gut, uncomfortable for opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

In contrast to her in the gut of the child after the year is always a pathogenic microflora (which under certain circumstances can cause disease), and even a small amount (an amount still can not cause disease) pathogenic microflora. For opportunistic microorganisms living in the gut of the child include Klebsiella, enterobacteria, Proteus, non-hemolytic form of staph and some other microorganisms. Hemolytic (can cause hemolytic anemia, dissolving erythrocytes) types of staph can enter the composition of intestinal microflora without causing disease only in older children and in very small quantities.


Causes of dysbiosis in children

Dysbacteriosis called a violation of the right balance between the normal and the pathogenic microflora in the intestines when the latter begins to actively proliferate, causing various disturbances in the body.

Breaking the process of formation of the normal intestinal microflora of the child (goiter in children under one year) may be many factors: prematurity, birth injuries Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 , Any disease up to a year, teething, bad ecology and so on. But the main factors contributing to the development of dysbiosis in children two: poor diet and inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Intestinal dysbiosis in children is often a consequence of frequent uncontrolled administration of antibiotics. This is the reason of dysbacteriosis development and formation on the background of a variety of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children after three years of visiting children's groups, it is the most common.

Quite often, children's dysbacteriosis develops against the background of giardiasis and helminthic invasions - the inhabitants of the intestines may produce waste products, adversely affecting the livelihoods of the normal intestinal flora and promote the development of pathogenic microflora.

Finally, goiter, a child may be due to a congenital enzyme deficiency. An example of such a violation could be lactase deficiency - lack the enzyme (lactase) to digest the milk sugar (lactose).


How does goiter in children

Dysbacteriosis in children can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the cause of dysbiosis in the gut and the predominance of one or another opportunistic pathogens. However, clinical signs of persistent dysbiosis Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process  Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process
   should be considered as indigestion.

The symptoms of dysbiosis in children is most often manifested as loss of appetite, bloating due to the presence in the intestine of a large amount of gas, rumbling and paroxysmal abdominal pain, belching, metallic taste in the mouth, bad breath, diarrhea, constipation, or alternation. Chair with a characteristic sour or putrid nature (depending on whether microflora predominates). When diarrhea in the child's stool much mucus, and sometimes he has a foamy character. Kal constipation also has a characteristic appearance of small, dense pellets (sheep feces).

The manifestation of dysbiosis in children is not limited to digestive disorders. Over time, the symptoms caused by metabolic disorders, immunity and lack of essential vitamins. This dryness in the mouth, inflammation of the gums and tongue, frequent stomatitis, allergic (atopic dermatitis, asthma) and infectious-inflammatory (acne, abrasions) of the skin, frequent colds. The child concerned as general weakness, malaise, anxiety, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night.

Signs of dysbiosis in children under one year - is bloating, accompanied by paroxysmal pain (intestinal colic) in about 1, 5 hours after feeding (the child rolled from screaming and running out the legs to the stomach), frequent regurgitation. At the slightest breach of food can be a fountain vomiting and then diarrhea accompanied by dehydration. Prolonged dysbacteriosis child lags behind in weight, growth and psychological development.

When staphylococcal dysbacteriosis infants Dysbacteriosis infants - it is important to find the cause  Dysbacteriosis infants - it is important to find the cause
   there is diarrhea mixed with blood, signs of intoxication are not expressed in nature. Against the background of various diseases such goiter may progress to an intestinal infection that often occurs quite difficult and requires hospitalization of the child.

Hemangioma in children: Remove time

November 29, 2011

 Hemangioma in children
 Hemangioma in children - it's quite common. It is not always possible to predict how it will behave with age. Small hemangiomas can grow with the child, and after the cessation of growth to decrease. And it also happens that a sufficiently large hemangioma decreases rapidly and passes in childhood.

 Hemangioma in children: Remove time

Features of hemangiomas in children

Hemangiomas skin and mucous membranes in children are common and account for half of all soft tissue tumors. Thus neonatal hemangiomas can grow very quickly, often reaching large sizes. But some hemangiomas, by contrast, are declining rapidly, zapustevayut and tested.

All hemangiomas in children can be divided into simple or capillary (they are located on the skin surface), cavernous (subcutaneous), mixed (consisting of cutaneous and subcutaneous parts) and mixed (consisting of different tissues, they are composed of vascular lesions and in other tissues - connective, nervous, lymphatic).

Girls hemangiomas occur much more frequently than boys. Hemangiomas usually appear immediately after birth or during the first few weeks of life. Introduced hemangioma often just starting to grow, especially during the first months of life, but by rapid tumor growth usually slows down, and then it grows not so fast. It has been observed that premature infants hemangiomas grow much faster than in full-term.

For hemangioma should always be observed, such children should be held at the dispensary at the children's surgeon. If the tumor grows very rapidly, then addressed the issue of its removal in a specialized children's surgical ward.

Hemangiomas can be large and small multi-unit. The exact area of ​​the hemangioma at the child it is sometimes difficult to determine, as part of it can be under the skin and outwardly manifest.

 Hemangioma in children: Remove time

Appearance and for hemangiomas in children

Capillary hemangiomas in the skin located on the skin surface, in some cases slightly acting on it. Their surface is smooth, clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissue, red or bluish-red. If pressure on a finger hematoma, it turns pale, and then removing the finger again restores its color.

Cavernous hemangiomas are the subcutaneous soft elastic components, the skin of which has not changed or has a slightly bluish appearance. If such a node pressure, it collapses and then straightened again. At the touch of a cavernous hematoma it has a higher temperature than the surrounding tissue.

Combined hemangiomas appear, depending on what kind of them prevails - capillary surface or subcutaneous cavernous. Mixed hemangiomas have appearance corresponding to within their structure of tissues.

The growth of hemangiomas can be fast, slow or absent altogether. The course of hemangiomas may be complicated by ulceration, bleeding and infection accession. This happens most often in the first six months of life.

 Hemangioma in children: Remove time

Diagnosis and treatment of hemangiomas in children

To clarify the depth and incidence of hemangiomas carried ultrasound. In some cases, in order to find out which blood vessels nourish hemangioma, angiography - X-ray of the blood vessels.

Large hemangiomas are located on the face, behind the ears and on the neck prone to rapid growth, ulceration, bleeding and negative effects on the surrounding healthy tissue. Treat these hemangiomas is difficult, especially in the area of ​​the ear, they require an individual approach to the choice of methods of treatment.

Complex on the body for the treatment of hemangiomas are those located in the breast and perineum. With this treatment of hemangiomas breast cancer in boys and girls is not the same as at the wrong treatment of breast in girls age will not develop.

Hemangiomas in children crotch complicated by the fact that most prone to ulceration. On the one hand this may cause the addition of infections and complications of the disease, and on the other - a positive effect in the form of a spontaneous cure. In such cases of hemangioma Hemangiomas: benign tumor  Hemangiomas: benign tumor
   commonly observed and not in a hurry to operate. Hemangiomas small size after ulceration often disappear on their own, the large hemangiomas usually do not pass on their own.

Indications for surgical treatment of hemangiomas in a child is its rapid growth, large size, the location of the head and neck. It is believed that if there are indications, the surgery is best done as early as possible.

Treatment of hemangiomas in children should be strictly individual. For this purpose various methods are used. For example, surgical methods involve excision of the hematoma, sometimes gradual, is used in the treatment of deep hemangiomas. Today, to surgical methods resorted to only in extreme cases.

In addition, the applied radiation therapy, diathermocoagulation (destruction of hemangiomas electrocution), sclerotherapy (injection to deplete its solutions hematoma), cryotherapy (destruction of hemangiomas cold), hormonal treatment with glucocorticoids.

When hemangiomas in children the main thing - do not miss the moment when the child needs to remove hemangiomas.

Galina Romanenko

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  • hemangioma
