Laktofiltrum for children - only on prescription

March 25, 2012

 laktofiltrum children
 Laktofiltrum - a drug which includes prebiotic lactulose and enterosorbent lignin. A prebiotic stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora, enterosorbent toxins. Overall laktofiltrum - a drug for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis, cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   poisons and waste products. He found widespread use in pediatrics.

 Laktofiltrum for children - only on prescription

The causes leading to disruption of the intestinal microflora in infants

Causes of normal relations and conditionally pathogenic intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) in young children can be very different. Most often in such violations leads of reasons. This is different pathologies at delivery, prematurity, a variety of diseases in infancy, artificial feeding, poor feeding, frequent colds, and any other disease, congenital allergic (atopic dermatitis), rickets Rickets - all about vitamins  Rickets - all about vitamins
 , Anemia, underweight.

At school age, cause of dysbiosis often are unhealthy diet, especially with a predominance of meat products, chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases, respiratory diseases, vegetative-vascular disorders, hormonal changes the body, frequent use of antibiotics or glucocorticoids, condition after surgery, prolonged stress.

Intestinal dysbiosis in children is almost always accompanies any gastrointestinal diseases. It is typical for children with reduced immunity are often chronically ill and colds, as well as for children with chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases.

 Laktofiltrum for children - only on prescription

Laktofiltrum and its role in the recovery of the intestinal microflora

For the treatment of dysbiosis in children Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders  Dysbacteriosis children - Digestive Disorders
   appointed clinical nutrition, antibiotic therapy, enterosorption appointment of probiotics (drugs containing bacterial colonies - representatives of normal intestinal microflora) and the stimulation of the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora using prebiotics (substances of non-microbial origin, stimulating the growth and development of normal intestinal microflora), the appointment of enzyme preparations .

A special role in the treatment of dysbiosis in children can play laktofiltrum that incorporates both enterosorbent and prebiotic. As part of the laktofiltrum enterosorbent includes lignin, which binds, holds and removes toxins, metabolic products, infectious agents of any origin.

Part of the laktofiltrum lactulose - a prebiotic, it is an ideal environment for the development of beneficial microflora (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in the large intestine, which helps to restore metabolic processes, proper absorption of food components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients).

Overall laktofiltrum cleanses the intestines and restores the normal microflora, which leads to the relief of symptoms of dysbiosis Symptoms dysbiosis - they should know  Symptoms dysbiosis - they should know
 , Improving the flow of inflammatory and allergic diseases, a rare cold. The walls of the bowel cleansing begin vigorously to produce immune cells that protect the body from being hit by any infectious factors (innate immunity).

Laktofiltrum is very effective and at the same time secure enterosorbent, it is not toxic, quickly (within days) and completely removed from the intestines naturally, does not injure the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

 Laktofiltrum for children - only on prescription

How to receive

Laktofiltrum children should be prescribed by a doctor, as it has no contraindications and side effects. Assigned it children age dosage from 3 to 7 years old one tablet three times a day, from 7 to 12 years - one to two tablets three times a day for 12 years or older - two or three tablets, three times day. Take the pill should be one hour before or one hour after a meal. The course of treatment 14-21 days.

If necessary, your doctor may prolong the course of treatment, but too long reception laktofiltrum can lead to deficiency of B vitamins

 Laktofiltrum for children - only on prescription

This is contraindicated

Laktofiltrum contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, galactosemia (congenital enzyme deficiency in which galactose can be converted to glucose and accumulates in the blood).

Be wary appoint laktofiltrum atony (reduction of motor activity) of the intestine.

Laktofiltrum successfully used to treat various diseases in children, but with all the indications and contraindications, and prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • laktofiltrum

Hemangioma in newborns: to watch

November 15, 2011

 Hemangioma in newborns
 Hemangioma - quite a common disease in children, and in most cases it is detected in the neonatal period. Red or maroon formation on the skin very frightened parents, but whether to be frightened? Is it dangerous to hemangiomas and what to do if they are detected? Things are not so simple, depending on the location of hemangiomas, its size and type.

 Hemangioma in newborns: to watch

The causes of hemangioma

Hemangioma - a tumor of vascular origin, benign, but sometimes it acquires the features of a malignant, rapidly progressing and destroying neighboring organs. Hemangioma is located in the deep layers of the skin, wherein the process may be involved in neural tissue, resulting in hemangioma can be painful.

Hemangioma occurs more often in girls, settling mostly on the face, upper limbs, at least on the body and lower extremities. Causes of hemangiomas is still not known. Our ancestors believed that hemangiomas arise from the child to the place for which grabbed the mother saw an open fire (fire) and frightened him. Most hemangiomas occur in representatives of Negroid or Asian races. Hemangiomas are inherited.

 Hemangioma in newborns: to watch

Types of hemangiomas

Hemangiomas vary in size - from point to huge, from the subtle to cover most of the body of the child. Hemangiomas are of various kinds:

The flat consists of a capillary hemangioma is slightly raised above the surface of the skin, it has a different color, size and shape. Such hemangiomas are the most common.

Starry angioma often located on the face and neck, looks like the central point of red, from which extend small vessels, creating a picture of the star. Often it disappears to two years.

Cavernous hemangioma rises above the skin and has an uneven, lumpy appearance, flexible, bluish-red, often warm to the touch and can be large. Located this kind of hemangiomas on the face, head, rarely elsewhere. Such hemangiomas regress spontaneously can, but much of it requires surgery.

Strawberry hemangiomas are often on the face, it is flat, with clear boundaries and are often located on the face. Quite often it can go on their own to school age.

 Hemangioma in newborns: to watch

Stages of development of hemangiomas

Most hemangiomas can detect three stages of development:

  • Growth stage lasts for the first six - nine months when the hemangioma is growing rapidly and becomes visible, acquiring a bright color and a maximum value.
  • Step regression starts after the end of the growth of hemangiomas and lasts from one to ten years, during which time the hemangioma shrinks, fades.
  • The final stage, in which the hemangioma acquires the color of healthy skin Healthy skin - daily program for skin care  Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
 Manifesting itself only a slight increase in size.

Management of hemangiomas depends on how quickly it is growing and affects any vital organs. If there is no danger to the child, you can choose watchful waiting, in which watching hemangioma Hemangiomas: benign tumor  Hemangiomas: benign tumor
 Assuming its reverse development.

If a hemangioma is growing rapidly and is located in a place where it can easily injure or violate any function, then resorted to medical or physical effects.

Sclerotherapy is carried out by introducing into the hemangioma special drug that blocks the blood vessels, stopping its growth.

Cryotherapy is performed by means of freezing with liquid nitrogen. After exposure to cold formed a bubble that bursts and the wound begins to heal. So it is possible to remove hemangiomas small size, as often is the scar.

Hormone therapy is used in the case of hemangioma location near vital organs and its rapid growth.

Recently, frequently used laser treatment of hemangiomas, which as it solders vessels, stopping its growth. This method is used if the hemangioma had no time to grow inside.

Upon detection of hemangiomas in the newborn, it is recommended the following timetable of observations:

  • If the hemangioma increases - every two weeks.
  • If a hemangioma grows - every second - six months.
  • If a hemangioma reduced - every six months.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • hemangioma
