Tamiflu for children - for the treatment of influenza in suspension

January 20th, 2013

 Tamiflu for children
 The incidence of influenza in children during outbreaks is higher than among adults. Accordingly, more and severe illness. Tamiflu is used to treat influenza A and B in children following year. Especially for children it is available Tamiflu powder for suspension for oral administration.

 Tamiflu for children - for the treatment of influenza in suspension

How is the flu in children

Influenza in children may occur in different ways, but generally heavier than in adults. The incidence among children attending groups, also higher than among adults.

The disease usually begins two to three days after exposure. The child becomes sluggish, drowsy, had a fever (sometimes up to very high numbers), there is a sore throat, nasal congestion. The next day, you may receive a dry painful cough and runny nose. Sometimes, especially in young children, the flu begins with vomiting and abdominal pain.

The temperature of the flu lasts from three to five days. If it lasts for more than three days and is accompanied by a strong cough, you want to call a doctor at home again - possible viral or bacterial complications of influenza as bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   or pneumonia. The same should be done if the temperature of the child holds more than five days.

It is also often gives influenza complications in the middle ear, resulting in burns to be a persistent hearing loss.

 Tamiflu for children - for the treatment of influenza in suspension

How Tamiflu may help with the flu in children

Tamiflu is used to treat severe forms of influenza in children. Neutral active ingredient of the drug after ingestion first gets into the bloodstream, and then to the liver, where under the influence of hepatic enzyme decomposes to form an active metabolite of the active - oseltamivir carboxylate. It is this substance and inhibits the proliferation and spread of influenza viruses by inhibiting the action of its enzymes.

Reduction of blood and tissue cells (viruses - intracellular parasites) the amount of virus, the absence of new lesions tissue cells leads to a rapid improvement of the child: the temperature is reduced, leaving signs of intoxication, reducing the risk of complications, both viral and bacterial. The child is recovering sooner and stop spreading the infection. Assigns Tamiflu Tamiflu - an antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza  Tamiflu - an antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza
   doctor. Children from one year to 12 years of age are advised to take this drug as a suspension.

Apply Tamiflu for prevention of influenza in children. But it should be done as prescribed by a doctor and if it is really necessary. For example, if the flu seriously ill member of the family and the child is in contact with him. Or when seasonal influenza is difficult in most patients.

 Tamiflu for children - for the treatment of influenza in suspension

Do all children can take Tamiflu?

To receive Tamiflu There are very few contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug by the body of the child, the age of a year and severe renal failure requiring hemodialysis blood purification method.

But such a small number of contraindications should not be a reason for the appointment of the drug all the children in a row. Despite the fact that a suspension of Tamiflu was generally well tolerated by children, there may be side effects that sometimes are dangerous.

 Tamiflu for children - for the treatment of influenza in suspension

What side effects may make Tamiflu suspension

Most often, the suspension Tamiflu causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 . But these effects are not dangerous: the continuation of the drug or pass. Furthermore, small children nausea and vomiting are symptoms of influenza.

But from the digestive organs and can be severe side effects. However, rarely, it is bleeding from the stomach and intestines and liver toxicity. The latter may manifest itself in the form of changes in laboratory parameters, icteric sclera and skin, as well as hepatitis. When such side effects of the drug are usually canceled.

Sometimes children have complications of the central nervous system in the form of headaches, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Insomnia. And it has rarely can develop seizures and confusion, psychoses. With the development of recent Tamiflu overturned.

Finally, in the instructions for Tamiflu indicated that the drug can cause side effects such as otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the sinuses. But the same complications and can cause flu. To understand what happens to the child, it must be dynamic (several times during the disease) medical supervision

Tamiflu is used to treat children, but only by a physician for severe influenza. Prevention of influenza in children using Tamiflu is also conducted by a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Tamiflu

Tamiflu suspension - for the treatment of children

January 27, 2013

 Tamiflu suspension
 Tamiflu dosage form as a powder for oral suspension is used for the treatment of children after one year, patients with influenza types A and B. Assign taking this antiviral drug the doctor for severe disease. Mild form of influenza in children does not require the appointment of Tamiflu.

 Tamiflu suspension - for the treatment of children

How does Tamiflu suspension

After ingestion of the active ingredient suspension Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract of the baby and enters the bloodstream. With this material the bloodstream to the liver where the liver is decomposed by enzymes, while one of the metabolic products (oseltamivir carboxylate) becomes active substances, inhibit the growth and spread of influenza virus.

Oseltamivir carboxylate inhibits (suppresses) the action of enzymes influenza virus, accelerating their reproduction and distribution of healthy cells of the human body. Reducing the concentration of virus in the body leads to a reduction of intoxication and severity of the disease. The child is recovering faster, more rarely develop complications of influenza.

Tamiflu displayed mainly in the form of oseltamivir carboxylate urine. But part of it can be displayed and faeces. From the body of the child Tamiflu output faster than the body of an adult.

 Tamiflu suspension - for the treatment of children

How effective is the use of Tamiflu in the treatment of influenza in children

Tamiflu is prescribed for all children not in a row, but only those who really need it, if the disease is difficult. In this case as well, if the drug was administered on time (within 48 hours after the onset of illness) indicates a positive effect of the drug on the condition of the sick child.

The child quickly lowers the temperature, reduces the signs of intoxication before (about two days) recovery occurs, reduce the risk of flu complications requiring antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   (Inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, sinuses, middle ear, and so on), it shortens the time of release of the virus from the body, it is possible to spread the virus infection.

Suitable suspension Tamiflu for prevention of influenza for children, in most cases it does not allow the child to get sick at a constant dialogue with flu patients.

Resistance (immunity) of influenza virus types A and B to Tamiflu is very rare (especially Mr. influenza type B). With prolonged use of prophylactic Tamiflu drug is just as effective, if the child is still sick.

 Tamiflu suspension - for the treatment of children

How to cook and to take Tamiflu suspension

The suspension Tamiflu assigns the child a doctor, it also determines the dose and duration of taking this drug. But to prepare a suspension of the powder have parents, so they should know how to do it.

Powder for oral suspension is available in dark glass bottles with screw cap, obospechivayuschey tamper and tamper children. Attached to the bottle dosing syringe and a measuring cup.

For suspension must first be lightly tapped the closed bottle for the distribution of the powder on the bottom of the vial. This is followed by means of measuring cup to measure 52 ml of water and add it into the vial containing the powder, cover and shake the contents of at least 15 seconds. Then you need to remove the cap and insert the vial adapter and re-tighten the cap, which will hold the adapter in the right position.

Tamiflu suspension gives the child inside while eating strictly to the dosage, which is prescribed by a doctor. The drug is dosed using a special dosing syringe. Before use, the vial each time thoroughly shaken.

The prepared suspension should be stored in refrigerator for no more than ten days.

 Tamiflu suspension - for the treatment of children

Contraindications and side effects

Tamiflu suspension Tamiflu - an antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza  Tamiflu - an antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza
   It is not administered to children under one year, as well as children suffering from severe kidney failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
 . You can not assign it as the children who have been identified hypersensitivity to the drug.

When receiving Tamiflu suspension initially often have side effects such as abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but then they go and do not require discontinuation of therapy. If there were violations of the liver, including jaundice, the Tamiflu is stopped.

Often there are also side effects such as nosebleeds, conjunctivitis, and ear infections. These side effects occur in children suddenly and quickly passed, regardless of Tamiflu, so treatment is usually not interrupted.

Tamiflu suspension may be used for the treatment of influenza A or B in children following year.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Tamiflu
