Temperature in infants - abnormalities

October 14, 2014

  • Temperature in infants - abnormalities
  • How to measure and shoot down

 Temperature in infants
 By itself, the high temperature in infants is not a disease - it is a sign of the disease and, contrary to popular belief, the heat - it's not always a bad thing. In general, the increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting the disease, and this is perfectly normal. In most cases, fever subsides after a few days, and even though it causes significant discomfort and a child, and his parents, it is usually not associated with a serious health threat.


The reasons for the high temperature in infants

Normal body temperature in infants when measured in the armpit, is, as in adults, 36.6 C. However, the average temperature in infants is usually equal to about 37 C, and can be a little rise and fall throughout the day. This is due to those thermoregulatory mechanisms of the child's body is still not well developed, and also, in part, to the fact that many parents have a habit of putting the baby a little warmer than necessary. However, even an adult person in good health body temperature can vary during the day - as it is the norm. As in adults and in children, it is usually lowest early in the morning and reaches its maximum in the middle of the afternoon or early evening. Worth worrying if the temperature in infants significantly above normal, or if it is slightly elevated (about 37.3-37.6 C) for several days.

The most common causes of fever in infants are viral infections - colds, flu, chicken pox, and so on. Normally, these diseases are fast and do not require special treatment, although if necessary, may use some means for relief of their symptoms. Much less heat is caused by bacterial infection, among them - meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Infections of the genitourinary system, a bacterial sore throat. These diseases need to diagnose and treat, as they can lead to various complications. For example, Strep throat Strep throat - one of the most common diseases of the throat  Strep throat - one of the most common diseases of the throat
   if untreated, may lead to rheumatic fever and damage to the heart muscle tissue.

Sometimes an increase in body temperature in infants cause allergic reactions, certain types of tumors, gastrointestinal disease, chronic inflammatory processes.

Also, quite often there is a fever in infants after vaccination. This is - a common reaction to the introduction of potential pathogens (even dead or weak); In such cases, the temperature is usually very quickly bounces back.



Fever in a young child may be accompanied by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Lethargy, poor appetite. In 4% of children aged six months to five years at a high temperature observed febrile convulsions, which generally last no more than a couple of minutes. They do not represent a serious risk, but seeing signs of seizures in infants, be sure to consult your doctor - in some cases they are a symptom of serious violations, such as epilepsy.


When should I see a doctor?

If the body temperature in infants rises above 37.8-38 C, go to the doctor it is necessary. Although in most cases, fever is not talking about any hazardous violations, the physician should conduct a survey and, if necessary, assign drugs to alleviate symptoms or cure the disease. Also, contact your doctor, even if low-grade fever accompanied by symptoms such as severe pallor, lethargy, drowsiness, diarrhea and / or vomiting.

Call an ambulance if the body temperature of an infant Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
   above 39 C (some experts recommend doing it at temperatures above 38 ° C), if he has difficulty breathing, lips or other areas of the skin acquired a bluish shade if it is very poorly responsive to external stimuli, and if it first began febrile seizures ( After examination the doctor will tell you what to do if seizures appear again).

Immunity in children - the principles of a healthy lifestyle

September 5, 2014

  • Immunity in children - the principles of a healthy lifestyle
  • Vitamins

 strengthening the immune system of children
 Parents should take measures to encourage the strengthening of immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   in children, because in childhood is best to create a solid foundation for the baby's health, as well as to begin to develop the habit of his to the correct way of life - all of this will help him to hurt less in the future.

What can be done to the baby better resisted the numerous micro-organisms, it has been exposed, day after day? First of all, we must understand that the disease is quite frequent in children - is normal. All people are born with "inexperienced" immunity, which is still not well know how to recognize threatening health risks and to deal with them. The immune system develops largely due to illness, and so many doctors consider the norm, when a small child is six or seven times a year sick colds, flu, sore throat, and other common infectious diseases.


How to strengthen the immune system of the child

  • Make sure the child is old enough to sleep

It has long been proven that lack of sleep makes adults more susceptible to various diseases due to the fact that the body stops producing enough cells that fight germs or cancer cells .  The same applies to children .  It is believed that particularly vulnerable in this plan children attending kindergartens - because of active play, with peers and constant new experiences it is often difficult to sleep on time .  How much sleep do children need? Infants normally should sleep about 18 hours a day, children from one year to three or four years - 12-13 hours, and preschoolers need to about ten hours of sleep .  If the child can not or does not want to sleep during the day, evening, put him to bed early .  At least an hour before bedtime, turn off the TV, do not play with the child in active games, and start to customize it to a peaceful night's rest: read a book, take a look with him pictures of animals or beautiful places, and tell us about them, and so on .  Try to put your child to bed every day at about the same time .

  • Breastfeed

Breast milk contains antibodies, whereby the immune system is partly transferred to a nursing mother to the kid.

Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of ear infections, allergies, diarrhea, pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections, and sudden infant death syndrome Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - the cause has not yet been found  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - the cause has not yet been found
 . It was also found that children who were fed breast differ, on average, better mental development and the risk of development of insulin-dependent diabetes, Crohn's disease, colitis and certain forms of cancer are lower than those in breast milk formula fed age Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 . Pediatricians recommend that women with the opportunity to feed the children with breast milk until they are one year old. If this is not possible, try to breastfeed for at least the first two or three months of a child's life. However, women who, for whatever reason, can not ensure their child breastfeeding, do not despair and blame themselves - they should focus on other measures to strengthen the children's immunity.

  • Engage with your child in sports, play outdoor games and a lot of walking

Regular physical activity helps to strengthen the immune system in both children and adults. To the child developed a persistent habit of doing sports, parents should be an example for him. Just telling a child about the benefits of sport, you will achieve a much lower results than if you train yourself to training and to involve children. Walk with the kids camping, run with them, ride a bike and ski, play soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and so on.

  • Protect against pathogens

Generally it does not strengthen the immunity, but it can reduce the burden on the immune system. Teach your child to wash their hands after using the toilet, after a walk, before eating, after eating, after contact with animals and so on. Going for a walk with your child, bring your wet wipes and use them as needed.

To the child quickly learned to wash their hands regularly without your reminders, give him an opportunity to choose a bright towels and soap every color, shape and scent.

If a child is sick, throw his toothbrush. If the disease is caused by a virus, the baby does not catch them again, but the virus can cross over to the neighboring tooth brushes, and infect other family members. If the bacteria have become agents of disease, and they came to a toothbrush, using it, a child can become infected again.

  • Spare the child from passive smoking

If you or your partner smoke, give up this habit, or at least do not smoke at home. Tobacco smoke contains more than four thousand of toxins, most of which can adversely affect many of the body's cells. For children, passive smoking is more dangerous than adults because they breathe more often, and the system of detoxification of the body have not yet sufficiently developed. Due to secondhand smoke increases the risk of disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome and ear infections. It can also affect the mental development of the child.

  • Do not press down on the children's doctor

Some parents insist that a pediatrician wrote out antibiotics as soon as their child is sick sinusitis, sore throat, or ear infections. Antibiotics help only in bacterial infections, and diseases listed above are most often caused by viruses. However, even if the agents become bacteria, antibiotic therapy is not always required, but only in cases where several days child no improvement, or when the disease is very severe symptoms.

  • Help your child cope with stress

Among some of the parents it is widely believed that if the child is fed, clothed and not hurt at home, it should not disturb anything, because he was not yet familiar with the real problems faced by adults in life. This opinion is absolutely wrong: Children can suffer from stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   just as well as adults. The abundance of diverse information, which comes from a variety of sources, visiting a kindergarten, school, and often additional employment, difficulties in communicating with their peers, without which it would probably not do one - all this leads to increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline in the child. If the levels of these hormones remains elevated for a long time, the immune system will gradually wane. Therefore, it is imperative that the child had enough time to rest and hobbies that he had the opportunity to chat with friends, and that he knew that, if necessary, can always get emotional support from their parents.
