- Medical abortion - be wary of the ordinary
- Vacuum or mini-abortion
What is abortion
Abortion - is abortion in the first seven months of pregnancy (28 weeks), even when the fetus is not viable. Abortion may be spontaneous, then it is called abortion and artificial. Induced abortion in turn divided into medical (made in the hospital) and criminal (made outside the facility). Criminal abortion - is an illegal operation that is punishable by law enforcement agencies.
All abortions are also divided into early - within the first three months of pregnancy and later, from three to seven months. In early pregnancy abortion can be carried out in the form of medical abortion, vacuum abortion or instrumental abortion.
What is medical abortion
Medical abortion is carried out with the help of drugs that block the formation of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Prepares the uterus for pregnancy and promoting gestation. The international non-proprietary name of the drug - mifepristone, various firms, he also issued under the names mifegin and mifepreks.
Medical abortion is carried out no later than the second week of pregnancy. Mifepristone causes increased motor activity of muscles of the uterus, which promotes detachment of endometrium, together with the introduction of its thickness fetal egg. After the expulsion of the ovum begins bleeding that has the form and duration of natural menstruation. But not all so simple: a woman's body can react in their own way and cause heavy bleeding, which deal with only by a doctor in a hospital. That is why mifepristone sold in pharmacies by prescription only and is used only as intended (after a preliminary examination), and under the supervision of a gynecologist.
Medical abortion is contraindicated if the muscle layer of the uterus of a pregnant woman disturbed by the presence of scarring (eg, after cesarean section) or nodes (such as fibroids), if a pregnant woman suffering from blood diseases, epilepsy, glaucoma, severe diseases of internal organs or hormonal disorders.
But medical abortion has its advantages: excluded from entering the bloodstream to various infections, reduced risk of inflammatory diseases and hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
Vacuum or mini-abortion
Vacuum abortions (mini-abortions) is carried out by means of vacuum suction of pregnancy for up to four weeks. Vacuum abortion is not traumatic, it can reduce the risk of infection, damage to the uterus and bleeding.
Contraindications for vacuum abortion are pelvic inflammatory disease, multiple foci of purulent infection in the body, any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as, if less than six months have passed since the last abortion.
Before the mini-abortion, a woman must be fully examined to confirm the pregnancy and to identify uterine infections.
Vacuum abortion is performed in the antenatal clinic under local anesthesia. After the cervical canal introduced a special catheter connected to the electric pumps, in the uterus creates a negative pressure and the ovum, which is embedded in the lining of the uterus, is separated and removed. Today, these abortions are often carried out under the supervision of the ultrasonic beam, which improves the quality of the meeting.
The menstrual cycle after the vacuum abortion is restored after an average of 1, 5 months. Mini abortion may be complicated if the fertilized egg is not deleted completely (in such cases, a tool abortion). Other complications - a persistent violation of hormonal and infertility, infection joining.
Operation instrumental abortion
Tool abortion is performed that scraping
Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
mucous membrane of the uterus along with the fetal egg gestation up to three months (12 weeks). This is the most difficult and dangerous type of abortion, so it is held in the gynecological department of the hospital under general anesthesia. After instrumental abortion for a few days stand out blood clots, resembling menstruation.
Tool abortion can be complicated by bleeding, damage to the instrument wall or cervix, incomplete extraction of the ovum, followed by decomposition of tissue and inflammation, hitting the uterus infection of the external genitalia. In addition, after a medical abortion may begin hormonal disorders, which will be an obstacle for carrying future pregnancies.
Medical abortion late in pregnancy
After twelve weeks of pregnancy, abortion can be done only under medical indications in severe diseases of women, if a woman has a condition that prevents carrying a child, as a late abortion
Late abortion: indications, consequences, risk
- It's too big a risk for the woman. Abortion in these cases is done in a hospital setting by introduction into the uterus of a high concentration salt solution. In some cases, make a small cesarean section.
Any abortion - it is always a risk.
Galina Romanenko