Can I get pregnant, breastfeed your baby? Obstetricians say you can. Nature has a natural protection against pregnancy for lactating women - lactational amenorrhea method. But this method works only under very strict conditions.
How does lactational amenorrhea method
Doctors recommend starting sexual life, not earlier than one and a half months after birth. Lactational amenorrhea method
Lactational amenorrhea - the natural recovery of the body after birth
It may only have the first six months after birth, and only if there were not menstruating. Some of the lactating women menstruation can recover in two months after giving birth.
Of great importance is breast-feeding, without supplementary feeding. The number of feedings should be at least 7-8 times per day. In the afternoon break between feedings should not exceed four hours, and at night - six. If at least some of these conditions are not met, there is a possibility of becoming pregnant.
The possibility of conception during lactation amenorrhea method
Lactational amenorrhea method - effective but demanding
suppressed due to the fact that the pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin, which inhibits the maturation of the egg and its exit from the ovary (ovulation). Therefore, when feeding your baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast, usually in the first six months after childbirth is not menstruating. Frequent nursing baby to the breast is necessary due to the fact that sucking stimulates the production of prolactin. At the big break between feedings (more than four hours), the amount of prolactin in the blood decreases.
Sucking also stimulates the secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which helps to reduce smooth muscle of the uterus and the rapid recovery of women after childbirth. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of smooth muscle and mammary ducts, which promotes the release of milk. Subject to all rules of this method is highly efficient.
In non-breastfeeding women menstruation restored after one and a half months after birth. At the same time it is reduced and the probability of conception. It is actually pregnant before the first menstrual period. But even if desirable repeated pregnancy, it will not add to women's health, as for a full recovery after childbirth it needs at least three years.
The method of hormonal contraception
About forty years ago, first appeared hormonal contraceptives for breastfeeding women who are called mini-pill. These tablets have been successfully used today.
From kombinorovannyh hormonal contraceptives mini-pill characterized in that the analogues contain female hormones estrogen, so they have no effect on the quantity and quality of human milk as well as on the growth and development of the child. These tablets have only analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone (progestin).
Efficacy mini-pill is lower than that of combined oral (in pill form for oral) contraceptives. Take mini-pill should be strictly by the hour, if you miss taking a pill more than three hours, the contraceptive effect is reduced.
An example of a mini-pill can be laktinet modern preparation, which contains a very small dose of progestogen. However, this dose is sufficient to prevent ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
and conception so pregnancy is almost impossible.
Laktinet has advantages over other mini-pill: its efficiency is the efficiency of combined hormonal contraceptives and hold a pill can not three, and twelve hours.
Laktinet But, like any other hormonal contraceptive can be used only if prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination to rule out contraindications. He is contraindicated in pregnancy, thrombosis, severe liver disease, hormone-dependent tumors, bleeding of unknown origin, hypersensitive to the components of the drug.
Apply laktinet nursing mothers can and a half months after birth.
There are effective hormonal contraceptives containing only progestogen long action. For example, the injectable Depo-Provera and Norplant drug, which is implanted under the skin.
What other methods of contraception can be used while breastfeeding
Six weeks after the birth, you can enter an intrauterine device. This is a very effective method of contraception. Thus it is safe and almost never gives complications.
For barrier methods of contraception include condoms (it can be used with the beginning of sexual intercourse) and aperture that fits over the cervix (it can be used not earlier than one month after birth). Matches aperture doctor, he also shows a woman how to use it.
There are also spermicides - preparations for topical application (creams, suppositories, ointments) which contain substances spermicides. But their effectiveness is low in self-application, so they often combine with barrier methods of contraception.
Breastfeeding women, contraception is also required, as well as not breastfeeding, and to find the right method of contraception will obstetrician.
Galina Romanenko