Emergency contraception - do no harm!

February 18, 2007

 Emergency Contraception
 Emergency contraception (EC) to help prevent pregnancy after vaginal intercourse without a condom. Emergency contraception is also called an urgent, immediate, spochnoy "pozhapnoy" postcoital contraception and contraception, "the next utpo."

Emergency contraception must be started within 120 hours (ie five days) after unprotected sexual intercourse to reduce the chance of pregnancy. The sooner you resort to emergency contraception, the greater the likelihood of preventing pregnancy. This reduces the probability of pregnancy at 75-89% when first dose taken within 72 hours after intercourse.

 Emergency contraception - do no harm!

EC of the drug and the basic layout of their reception

Like birth control pills, EK contains hormones that prevent unwanted pregnancy by stopping ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   or fertilization. Theoretically, emergency contraception should also prevent implantation of the egg, but no scientific proof of this.

Emergency contraception does not cause abortion and does not interrupt an existing pregnancy. However, pregnant women should not use emergency contraception How do emergency contraception: caution especially  How do emergency contraception: caution especially

IUD (intrauterine device) may also be used in combination for contraception, if it is set within the first 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Formulations containing only progesterone can be administered once or twice with an interval of 12 hours. Combined hormonal drugs Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   should be taken twice at intervals of 12 hours. The number of tablets making up one dose, depends on the manufacturer of the drug. Both times, should take medication one firm.

Tablets of the first dose should be taken as soon as possible within 12 hours (5 days) of unprotected sexual intercourse. EC may cause nausea and vomiting, and the probability of side effects while taking the above combination tablets. To reduce the likelihood of nausea, take DRAMAMINE or Bonine, an hour before receiving the drug EC.

If you are taking drugs twice, the second dose should be taken 12 hours after the first. If after the first dose you sick, be sure antiemetic an hour before receiving the second dose. Additionally, the second dose may be taken as a vaginal suppository, tablet inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina (the drug is absorbed through the vaginal tissue).

If you still have pulled out, and the second dose, do not take no further tablets. They will not affect the chance of pregnancy and does not prevent it, but only cause nausea.

 Emergency contraception - do no harm!

After taking the drugs

  • Once you have taken emergency contraception drugs
  • The next period may start earlier or later than usual.
  • Menstrual discharge may be more abundant, less abundant or the same as usual.
  • If you pass the examination before the next menstrual period, be sure to tell your doctor that the use of emergency contraception.
  • Make an appointment with a gynecologist, if three weeks after taking the drugs EC have not started menstruating or showing signs of pregnancy.
  • Be sure to use contraception if they had vaginal intercourse, at any time before the start of the next menstruation.
  • Continue to use the chosen method of contraception, yet do not want to get pregnant.

 Emergency contraception - do no harm!

Possible side effects

  • Side effects of emergency contraception usually diminish or disappear completely within two days.
  • Half of all women taking the combination of drugs, feel nauseous, but only for 24 hours. And only one in five suffers from immune to the combined pill.
  • Chance of nausea and vomiting is much less than in women taking the preparations containing only progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   - This trouble is subject to only one in four women.
  • Breast tenderness, bleeding intermittent dizziness and headaches are also not excluded.

Emergency contraception used by millions of women around the world, but none of them have complained of more severe complications and side effects.

Frequent use of EC may cause menstrual irregularities.

Article Tags:
  • Emergency Contraception

Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

June 18, 2009

 Protection against pregnancy - an important part of the life of the modern business woman who plans everything for several years, choosing the necessary ways and means. When planning a pregnancy, women have a choice of means of contraception, as in our time, pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of products of this series.

 Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

Problems of hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraceptives are used more than forty years and during that time they have undergone significant changes. If at first these drugs caused noticeable hormonal changes in women, today released the funds that operate in micro doses and only in the specified direction.

The principle of action of hormonal contraceptives which contain synthetic analogs of natural hormones is that they retard follicular maturation and fertilization. All hormonal contraceptives are divided into one-component - they contain a hormone and bicomponent or combined, which contain two hormones. While some drugs contain the same dose of hormones in one pill and then they are called monophasic other - different - depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. So, there is two-phase, three-phase drugs.

 Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

What trikvilar

Trikvilar - phase combined (estrogen-progestogen) drug to prevent pregnancy, containing low doses of hormones. Trikvilar contains synthetic versions of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and gestogena with different doses in separate tablets, the corresponding phase of the menstrual cycle. Since the product contains low doses of hormones, it has almost no effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Nervous and endocrine systems, as well as other organs and systems.

Action trikvilar on a woman's body is that it blocks the release of hormones of the hypothalamus that contribute to the maturation of the egg in the ovary and ovulation (the release of her from the ovary). Trikvilar reguliruschee also has an impact on the menstrual cycle, so it can be used for violations. Furthermore, trikvilar causes the formation of a viscous cervical mucus, thus impeding ingress of sperm into the uterus.

Since trikvilar contains small doses of hormones, it does not disturb the formation of a normal menstrual cycle and can therefore be used during puberty.

 Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

Contraindications for use trikvilar

Trikvilar active hormonal drug, so it can not have contraindications, here they are:

  • idiosyncrasy of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation (trikvilar partially gets into the milk);
  • severe violations of the liver, liver tumors;
  • thromboembolic processes (the formation of blood clots in blood vessels), including in the brain;
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with vascular complications;
  • some types of anemia;
  • malignant tumor;
  • disorders of lipid metabolism;
  • herpes;
  • hearing loss.

 Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

Side effects when taking trikvilar

Trikvilar generally well tolerated, but, nevertheless, the side effects are sometimes. It may be headaches, pain in the stomach, small breast engorgement, weight gain, changes in sex drive, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Sometimes (with prolonged use) on the skin appear brownish spots, which intensified after sun exposure. Very rarely have poor tolerance of contact lenses.

 Trikvilar - it can be used at puberty

As used trikvilar

Trikvilar available in pills. Take it inside one tablet a day, starting from the first day of menstruation, in the same hour, using pellets corresponding day of the week in red field calendar packaging. Drops accept, without chewing, with water or juice. Throughout the menstrual cycle pills are taken strictly in accordance with the instructions on the package in the direction of special arrows. After completion of the pills from the first calendar package the next day it continues to receive from the new packaging, beginning with pills red field (usually in this period comes the menstruation).

In the case of missing the reception trikvilar necessary to take the drug for a further ½ days if omitted day and more reliable contraceptive effect is not guaranteed.

The contraceptive effect of the drug is shown in full at the end of the second week, this time to be sure of the impossibility of conceiving a better addition to use other forms of contraception (eg barrier - a condom).

After stopping trikvilar function of female reproductive glands quickly restored in full, providing normal ability to conceive.

The drug is manufactured trikvilar oldest pharmaceutical company Schering (Germany), reliability and product quality which is checked for years.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • trikvilar
