Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

May 8, 2012

 abortion pill
 For termination of pregnancy used a variety of methods, the main ones being surgical abortion and so-called medical abortion. Last assumes no surgical curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   uterus and receive special preparations - tablets for abortion.

 Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

What RU486 - abortion pills?

RU486 (brand name Mifeprex) is widely used for abortion in some countries - including France, Sweden, United Kingdom. American Commission by the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the abortion pill RU486 to the United States. Tablets for abortion doctor prescribes, are extremely self prohibited.

For abortion need to visit the doctor three times.

The first stage of medical abortion Medical abortion - be wary of the ordinary  Medical abortion - be wary of the ordinary
   - A reception for the abortion pill RU486. Then, if necessary, it is sending a second medicine, misoprostol, for final termination.

Time required: three visits to the doctor (more than seventeen days).

 Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

How to receive

  • The first appointment

During the first reception the doctor says pregnancy determines pregnancy by using a sonogram. The doctor then gives three pills (two hundred milligrams each) mifepreksa (RU-486), which should immediately take orally. This dose of mifepristone typically causes the failure of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall held.

Re-visit a doctor appointed by the two or three days.

  • A second doctor visit

During the second step (not later than forty-eight hours after mifepristone) doctor examines a number of tests to ascertain the fact of the successful termination of pregnancy. If no pregnancy was interrupted, the doctor prescribes a second drug - misoprostol in the form of two tablets, which are either taken orally or as a vaginal suppository. The drug causes abortion no later than one week after administration (usually of the drug requires six hours or more).

Misoprostol causes contractions of the uterus, in some cases accompanied by soreness and bleeding. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers in case of intense pain.

  • Last visit to the doctor

Two weeks after taking misoprostol definitely need to visit the doctor again. During the last reception of the doctor confirms abortion and be able to identify problems caused by the drug in case of their appearance (eg, infection or hemorrhage). If the pills did not cause the termination of pregnancy, abortion is a surgical procedure is recommended. According to the manufacturer of the drug, as a result of receiving mifepreksa may have abnormalities in fetal development and abortion in this case it is recommended surgical abortion.

 Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

Tablets for abortion: Basic Information

When the reception unit RU486 abortion pill causes abortion in sixty-four - eighty-five percent of cases. Subsequent misoprostol within forty-eight hours after taking the RU486 abortion success rate increased to ninety-two - ninety-eight percent.

Side effects of the drug include cramping, nausea, diarrhea, bleeding, which can take up to eight to ten days.

Using the abortion pill is recommended for gestation to seven weeks (five weeks after conception) or up to forty-nine days after the last menstrual period.

 Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

Can I take pills for abortion during lactation?

If a woman becomes pregnant during breast-feeding a baby, chances are that a second pregnancy would be undesirable, and the need arises abortion.

During lactation, there are two main methods of abortion: surgical abortion and medical abortion. Surgical abortion involves the possibility of further breastfeeding, but the medical abortion is necessary to abandon breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   at least several days. Breastfeeding while taking abortion pills are not recommended because after taking the drug misoprostol passes into breast milk of nursing mothers. Misoprostol in the milk of lactating women can cause infant diarrhea.

There are several reasons why women choose medical abortion (abortion pills) surgical abortion: first, this procedure does not require surgical intervention, it is less painful and does not require anesthesia. Secondly, for medical abortion, it is not necessary for a few days to go to the hospital: pills for abortion is carried out at home.

Although medical abortion is the preferred method of abortion in the early stages, for some diseases it is not recommended - why medical abortion should be done after consulting with your doctor.

 Tablets for abortion - the efficacy and safety for women

What abortion pills safer

One of the most common side effects of medicines for abortion is associated with bacterial infections, the cause of which - vaginal suppositories.

Not long ago, medical researchers have found that taking two different drugs for abortion orally, first mifepristone and misoprostol and then within twenty-four - forty-eight hours after mifepristone, significantly reduces the risk of bacterial infection.

Previously, medical abortion procedure is supposed oral administration of mifepristone, and then, for 24 - 48 hours, the use of misoprostol in the form of vaginal suppositories. This procedure is often caused by a bacterial infection, so along with misoprostol Misoprostol - indications for abortion  Misoprostol - indications for abortion
   prescribing different antibiotics. Thanks to this method of medical abortion has become much safer for the health of women than ever before, and today, according to statistics, in Europe and the US, one out of four cases of abortion is associated with a tablet for abortion.

Medical abortion involves mifepristone, also known as RU-486, for the artificial termination of pregnancy and a second drug, misoprostol, two days later for the rejection of the fetus.

Side effects from taking the pills for abortion can include excessive bleeding, nausea, headache, diarrhea, stomach cramps. In the most rare cases, if damaged the cervix or the fallopian tube during the abortion procedure abortion could threaten a woman's ability to conceive in the future.

Article Tags:
  • abortion pills

Three merci - indicated for long and heavy menstruation

November 29, 2009

   Three - Mercy - a modern low-dose hormonal contraceptive (HA), which is composed of three colors pills with different dosage of hormones (three-phase operation). This produces a contraceptive drug Dutch pharmaceutical company Organon.

 Three merci - indicated for long and heavy menstruation

How does the three-merci

Three-Mercy - a low-dose combined hormonal (because it contains two hormones) three-phase contraceptive, which is composed of two synthetic hormone ethinyl estradiol (a synthetic analog of estrogen) and desogestrel (a synthetic analogue of progesterone). Hormones are contained in different doses and ratios of pellets in three different colors (total pack 21 tablets):

  • 7 yellow pills contain 35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 50 micrograms of desogestrel;
  • 7 red tablets contain 30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 100 g desogestrel;
  • 7 white tablets contain 30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 150 mcg desogestrel.

The principle of operation of all hormonal contraceptives is the same: an increased number of female sex hormones inhibits the release of pituitary hormones - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH). Under the influence of FSH comes egg maturation in the ovaries. When the egg is mature, information about that enter the central nervous system, which is under the influence of FSH decreases and LH increases. This LH stimulates release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). If the amount of FSH and LH is sharply reduced, the egg is not mature and released from the ovary.

In addition, under the influence of hormones in the canal of the cervix (cervical canal) it produced a thick, viscous mucus through which practically tested sperm. A change in the uterine cavity mucosal, whereby the fertilized egg can not be fixed in the wall of the uterus.

Three low-dose mersi considered physiological hormonal contraceptives as well as the ratio of the hormones therein is changed depending on the day of the menstrual cycle. The first 7 days of the cycle in the tablets contained an increased amount of estrogen analogs, following 14 days the amount of them is reduced, and the amount of analogues of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   accrues. At the peak dose of progesterone analogues breakage occurs receiving CC, which leads to the rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus and bleeding menstrualnopodobnoe.

However, the amount of estrogen in the unique three-merci yet not too small, it can be recommended intake for women close to 30 years of age or older.

 Three merci - indicated for long and heavy menstruation

Indications for receiving three-merci and rules for admission

Three merci indicated for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and therapeutic purposes after a preliminary examination and exclusion of contraindications for its reception. With the purpose of treatment is prescribed for the GC intermenstrual bleeding, as well as long-term heavy menstruation. It is believed that regular intake of HA-type three-Mercy is the prevention of tumors of the reproductive system.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancies three merci begin to take on the first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   (first day of menstruation). They are taken by pill a day at first yellow, then red and finally the white pills, then make one week break (starts menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding), and then, even if the bleeding still continues, begin taking pills from a new package.

 Three merci - indicated for long and heavy menstruation

Contraindications three-merci

Application of GC three-Mercy is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypersensitive to the components of three-merci;
  • increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis or any diseases that might cause such a complication (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension with high numbers of blood pressure, diabetes with vascular disorders, inflammation of the pancreas , smoking women older than 35 years);
  • diseases and liver tumors in violation of its functions;
  • any tumors (both malignant and benign) - hormones stimulate the growth of tumors; particularly dangerous hormone-dependent tumors of genitals and mammary glands;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • hearing loss associated with otosclerosis.

 Three merci - indicated for long and heavy menstruation

Side effects GC three-merci

GC three-Mercy is generally well tolerated, but sometimes manifest and side effects:

  • the part of the circulatory system - high blood pressure, elevated blood clots;
  • from the liver - a violation of its functions;
  • the part of the digestive system - a violation of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • Nervous system - headache, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
  • by the endocrine glands - pain and breast tenderness, weight gain, metabolic disorders, swelling, change in sex drive;
  • by the organs of vision - increased sensitivity of the eyes and mucous membrane irritation from wearing contact lenses;
  • from the hearing - otosclerosis;
  • Allergic reactions: skin rash, conjunctivitis;

If you accidentally taking a few pills three merci possible uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach

Three-Mercy - a drug that requires a very careful reception every day at the same hours.

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  • Three merci
