Clean, smooth skin - is always beautiful. Today, women such skin is particularly relevant and has been vying beauty salons offer various methods of hair removal and hair removal
Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
. What is the difference from the waxing hair removal, and maybe it's all the same thing?
What is different from hair removal depilation and contraindications for this procedure
Hair Removal - the removal of hair from the body, does not affect their root. During epilation the hair is removed with its root. By depilatory relates shaving, plucking the hair, removing them by various chemical preparations (creams or gels, a protein solubilizing hair), hair removal using wax or sugar. Hair removal is usually carried out with the help of special equipment (epilation, laser hair removal).
Recently, there was one more term - bioepilyatsiya to which often include hair removal wax and sugar. Traditionally, these methods remove hair depilation belong to, but if they spend long enough, this leads to destruction of the hair roots and hair removal effect occurs. But as a rule, the process is very long. However, the hair after bioepilyatsii
Bioepilation time tested
grow more slowly than following other methods of depilation, since the roots of the hair is still somewhat damaged.
Hair removal can not be carried out if the skin has some rash (rash of any acute or chronic skin diseases, allergic rash), keloid scars (rising above the skin and are prone to the growth of red welts), tumors (both malignant and benign) wart . Contraindicated depilation and common diseases such as diabetes mellitus
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
with compromised immunity, severe disease of the circulatory system (angina, hypertension), any acute disease, varicose veins, hormonal drugs.
Mechanical methods of depilation
By mechanical methods of hair removal are shaving and plucking hair. Shaving often used for home hair removal of hair on the skin of the arms, legs, underarm and intimate area. This is a simple and accessible method, which is used by many women. But it has some drawbacks: the skin is injured and irritated after shaving, it can get infected, the hair after shaving grow rapidly and become more rigid and unruly, which contributes to their abnormal growth, and growing into the skin. For female shaving manufactured special machines (generally pink in color) which are different from the male in form.
Plucking carried out with tweezers or a special device - epilator. In most cases, this process is used to remove hair
Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
on the face, for example, the chin and upper lip. This is to be done for women with a high content of male sex hormones in the blood.
Chemical methods of depilation
Chemical depilation means (creams and gels) containing chemicals (often enzymes) that dissolve keratin (hair protein), resulting in thinning hair and fall. The hair roots are not destroyed in this case. The danger of chemicals is that they mostly have increased sensitivity to temperature and acidity of the skin: they may alter their activity under certain properties of the skin.
Chemical agents are also able to cause allergic reactions, so before their first of the next test for sensitivity to do in accordance with the rules specified in the instructions. Using a chemical depilatory can not remove the hair in the eyebrow - it poses a danger to the eye.
Cosmetic industry produces tools for chemical depilation, intended for a particular area of the body, hands and feet, intimate areas and axilla, face. They differ from each other by the concentration of the active substance: for intimate places, underarms and face used means less concentrated than the skin of feet.
After the chemical depilatory need to follow certain rules: do not shave the hair in this area, do not remove them with wax and sugar, are not exposed to direct sunlight. Doing repeated chemical depilation will be about a week after the previous one.
By bioepilyatsii include wax and sugar waxing. Waxing Waxing is also called. It is used to remove hair from any area of the body. Waxing can be done at home or in a beauty salon, this produced a special wax. At home, use a cold kind of waxing, in beauty salons - both cold and hot (it is dangerous to spend at home, because you can cause burns, but it is less painful).
Sugar waxing (shugaring) is now carried out in many stores. It is an ancient method of getting rid of the hair, even Cleopatra used it. Held this depilation using cosmetic products based on sugar, having the appearance of a thick viscous mass. The method is safe, less traumatic for the skin and does not cause allergic reactions.
After waxing and shugaring hair grow slower than after other types of hair removal, and if they do for several years on the same site, the hair stops growing altogether.
Galina Romanenko