Linseed oil in cosmetics - since ancient Egypt

May 29, 2014

 linseed oil in cosmetics
 Linseed oil in cosmetics is widely used. But more cosmetics based on linseed oil are prepared at home. Cosmetic industry linseed oil is used relatively rarely, as rapidly oxidized. However, some companies still produce such cosmetics.


The flaxseed oil is useful for the skin

Linseed oil contains a very large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3, compared with other vegetable oils. Value PUFA Omega-3 for the human body can not be overestimated. These fatty acids are essential, i.e. metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   without them it can not be complete. But Omega-3 are not synthesized in the body, therefore, must be obtained from food.

This is exactly what is a stumbling block: Omega-3 found in products that modern man rarely uses or does not use at all, which leads to disruption of metabolism and development against this background of various diseases. In sufficient quantities to meet the daily requirement of these omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found only in oily sea fish, fish oil and flaxseed oil.

Flaxseed oil is used for cosmetic purposes and externally. The peculiarity of its action on the skin is that it can be useful for any type of skin, as improves metabolic processes in cells of the epithelium. Included in the flax oil Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are quickly absorbed into the skin, penetrate the skin cells and stimulate the metabolic processes in them. This allows the use of flaxseed oil for restoration of youth and freshness of the skin.

Also, during the exchange of the skin cells are formed bioactive substances that function as tissue hormones, including regulating the formation and the chemical composition of sebum and inflammation. This feature allows using flaxseed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
   for the treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads


The use of linseed oil in cosmetics - home remedies

There are many recipes for the manufacture of cosmetic products of linseed oil at home. They should be prepared in small quantities, that as linseed oil oxidizes fairly quickly and then brings no benefit and harm, because it contains large amounts of toxic free radicals. Validity home cosmetics typically less than two to three weeks when stored in the refrigerator.

Most often, linseed oil is used to rejuvenate aging skin. This pure flaxseed oil try not to use, because it covers the skin a thin impermeable film, preventing the access of oxygen, which may adversely affect the metabolism. For the preparation of the masks used are usually several components. Prepare anti-aging face masks on the basis of linseed oil may be on the following recipes:

  • take one yolk of raw egg, a teaspoon of liquid honey and butter, all mixed thoroughly, rub and rub on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week for a course - 10-12 procedures;
  • take a tablespoon of warm linseed oil, add two drops of rose oil, apply on face and leave for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week for a course of 10 procedures;
  • take a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, egg yolk, a tablespoon of sour cream and oatmeal; All mix thoroughly, lightly beaten and put on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week for a course of 14 procedures;
  • take a tablespoon of warm milk, cream and dry yeast, a teaspoon of liquid honey, lemon juice and flax oil; First stir the yeast in the milk until the consistency of thick cream, then add the remaining ingredients, mix well and put on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week for a course of 12 treatments.

Masks based on linseed oil for oily skin Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes  Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes
   and acne:

  • take 2 tablespoons of yogurt, add a tablespoon of flour and lemon juice and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil; All thoroughly and put on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week on the course - 8 procedures;
  • take a tablespoon of sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese, add one raw beaten egg white and 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil; All thoroughly and put on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash; Mask done twice a week on the course - 8 procedures.


The use of linseed oil in cosmetics - cosmetics manufacturing

Not all companies producing cosmetic products, risk used for this purpose linseed oil, despite its unique properties. This is due to its rapid oxidation. However, a number of domestic manufactured cosmetic products based on linseed oil. For example, the cosmetic line Delicate linen (company Compass Health, Novosibirsk) includes lifting cream, creams for dry, oily and normal skin.

Flaxseed oil is used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of years. And, despite the presence of expensive cosmetics known companies, it is still very popular.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • linseed oil

Aloe injection - increase the tone and the body's defenses

January 31, 2012

 Aloe injections
 Aloe extract liquid for injection - is a proven life of a drug that has been successfully applied in medicine as a biostimulant for many years. Aloe helps to improve metabolism and strengthen the protective properties of the body. On these properties, Aloe Vera has been known for a long time, even our grandmothers used it to treat various diseases.

 Aloe injection - increase the tone and the body's defenses

What is a biogenic stimulators

The name "biogenic stimulators" was proposed in the thirties of the last century academician VPFilatov for a group of substances that can be synthesized under certain conditions in specific tissues of the animal and vegetable origin. Biostimulyators have on the body overall stimulating effect and accelerates tissue repair.

The formation of these compounds occurs when the tissue is placed in adverse conditions (for example, if torn contain aloe leaf in the dark) and is regarded as a result of adaptation (adaptation) fabrics to adverse conditions.

For bio-stimulants that have been used in the treatment of various diseases, are some phytochemicals (eg, aloe) and animal origin (suspension of the placenta), and substances derived from a certain kind of mud (FIBS, peloidin, gumizol) and peat (torfot) . Education biostimulus in mud and peat can obyasnitnalichiem in them remains of ancient plants and animals.

 Aloe injection - increase the tone and the body's defenses

How does aloe

Aloe - a water extract of canned (aged at a lower temperature in the dark) the fresh or dried leaves of Aloe vera. It is a sterile, light yellow or brownish-red liquid with a faint fruity odor.

When administered subcutaneously aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   It has a bracing, tonic, antiseptic, diuretic and the blood is restored to normal operation.

It contributes to a better adaptation to the environment, improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in the cells of tissue, board and tissue repair, increases the resistance of the mucous membranes to various kinds of damage, stimulates the protective properties of granular white blood cells compensates for the deficiency of iron.

Aloe improves the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the tissues, is involved in oxidation-reduction reactions in the synthesis of fatty acids and glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 It improves the function of dopamine (a neurotransmitter - a substance through which passed jitters).

 Aloe injection - increase the tone and the body's defenses

Indications for use

Indications for use aloe extract liquid for injection are lingering chronic inflammatory diseases of the eye, progressive myopia, vitreous opacities and some other eye diseases. Assign this drug as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, and asthma, as well as other low-intensity infectious and inflammatory diseases. For example, aloe vera is often prescribed for skin diseases such as furunculosis, trophic ulcers, radiation skin lesions, burns, keloid scars - it stimulates the immune system and regenerative processes. Apply aloe vera and infectious pelvic inflammatory disease, prostatitis. In some cases, the aloe is prescribed for tuberculosis, and hearing loss.

Assign aloe extract on 1 ml subcutaneously every day, an average of 30 injections per course of treatment. On prescription course may be extended or repeated in two or three months. Children under five years are designated by 0, 2-0, 3 ml, more than five years - 0, 5 ml.

In bronchial asthma aloe introduced as follows: 1 ml every day for two weeks, followed by 1 ml every two days, only thirty injections.

 Aloe injection - increase the tone and the body's defenses

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for injection Aloe extract are severe cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
 , Severe kidney disease and pregnancy. It is not necessary to introduce aloe as with any cancer, as it will stimulate the growth of tumors.

The drug is usually well tolerated, but the injection can be painful.

If you apply aloe for a long time, it may reduce the level of potassium in the blood, which enhances the action of certain medications (eg, cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics). There are also allergic reactions may increase blood pressure, the temperature rise.

Aloe injection - a few forgotten medication, however, and today it is successfully used to treat a variety of diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aloe
