Aevitum in cosmetology - one of the most popular drugs

May 13, 2012

 Aevitum cosmetology
 Aevitum today is often used in cosmetics, as both its components (vitamins A and E) have a positive effect on the skin. But Aevitum may appoint a doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist with all the indications and contraindications for its reception: Aevitum contains high doses of vitamins, which can easily cause an overdose.

 Aevitum in cosmetology - one of the most popular drugs

As Aevitum affects the skin condition

The structure includes two Aevitum vitamins - A and E. Both have an antioxidant effect, ie prevent toxic effects on the cells of the human body of free radicals formed as a result of redox reactions, and hence the aging process. Including prevents aging of the skin - which is why Aevitum is one of the most frequently used drugs in cosmetology.

In addition, vitamin A improves metabolic processes in skin cells, removing dry skin, and its peeling. It inhibits the infectious-inflammatory processes in the skin, as it increases the local immunity, thereby preventing the ingested pathogens. Vitamin A helps produce sex hormones, which also improves the skin, giving it a fresh and young. Vitamin E enhances the effect of vitamin A, protecting it from destruction in the gut and has a positive effect on sexual function, which also helps to stimulate the metabolic processes in the skin cells.

Aevitum used mainly in women coming of age for the prevention of skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
 And as part of an integrated treatment of wrinkles. Helps Aevitum and youthful acne.

 Aevitum in cosmetology - one of the most popular drugs

Application Aevitum aging skin

Aevitum administered as part of an integrated treatment of wrinkles and skin rejuvenation in women after 35-40 years. Assign Aevitum can only doctor - cosmetologist, as this product contains high doses of vitamins A and E. The independent use Aevitum fraught with serious poisoning, so do not risk it.

Aging skin vitamins A and E are needed. Both vitamin stimulates the secretion of sex hormones, which already contributes to its rejuvenation. In addition, vitamin A improves skin cells by improving them metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 And vitamin E - by improving the microcirculation of blood in the smallest blood vessels - capillaries and prevent the destruction of vitamin A. Under the influence Aevitum decreases swelling of the face, including under the eyes, as reinforced walls of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in permeability.

But the most important - is the suppression of vitamins A and E in greater (it is a major antioxidant) toxic effects of free radicals on the skin cells - this process is the major cause of skin aging. Aevitum antioxidant effect helps to improve skin color, stimulates the regenerative processes in the skin (including sunburn and other adverse effects of the environment), it improves the supply of blood and hydrates the skin. Relieves dryness of the skin, restores its elasticity

To prevent aging Aevitum standprtnoy dosage administered in one capsule once or twice a day for 10 to 40 days. However, the doctor can increase or decrease the dose and not assign Aevitum capsules inside, but in the form of intramuscular injections - 1 ml oily solution once a day. One ml of the solution contains retinol acetate Aevitum 0, and 0 035 g, 1 g of alpha-tocopherol acetate. The dose and duration of treatment depend on the patient's skin.

You can apply Aevitum and externally. For this purpose, it is added to various creams and masks as finished and prepared independently. For example, you can boil the potatoes in salted water, mash and add a tablespoon of mashed potatoes ready for two or three capsules Aevitum., Then apply a little warm mashed potatoes on the area around the eyes. It removes puffiness and swelling around the eyes, makes the skin soft and fresh.

 Aevitum in cosmetology - one of the most popular drugs

Application Aevitum at youthful acne

Aevitum improves the local immunity in the skin and mucous membranes, resulting in the infectious agent is difficult to penetrate deep into the skin. In addition, the antioxidant effect Aevitum promotes removal of toxic free radicals and improve the metabolic processes in the skin cells. Under the influence of these vitamins normalize hormones and improves the chemical composition of sebum - it becomes less viscous. Decreases and scaling of the skin - all this leads to the fact that the smaller the comedones (sebaceous plugs which seal openings of sebaceous glands). Reducing exposure to infectious agents in combination with the improvement of metabolic processes leads to a reduction of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble

Assign Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
   for acne by one capsule twice a day for two weeks to a month.

But never forget that Aevitum must appoint a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum

Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?

September 30, 2006

 Hair Removal - Questions and beauty, and the necessity: the modern standards of beauty, actively backed by Hollywood stars and supermodels, require constant care. As a result, to replace traditional methods of hair removal - so, for example, shaving, epilation creams, hair removal wax or sugar - have come far more effective methods - in particular, all known laser hair removal.

Depending on the specific procedures for hair removal can provide both short-term and very long-lasting results - even today beauticians have not managed to develop a method that would allow to get rid of unwanted hair is not long term, but forever. Each of the methods of hair removal have both disadvantages and advantages - chief of which, of course, is the resistance, durability results. Combines hair removal treatments, by and large, only one - they allow for a certain period to get rid of unwanted hair, and make the skin perfectly smooth and silky.


Traditional hair removal using wax or sugar

The most "ancient" method of removing unwanted hair from the body, and includes methods of sugar waxing Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair  Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair
 . Although today these procedures can be regarded as perhaps the most popular means of dealing with unwanted hair on the body, in fact, and hair removal with wax and hair removal sugar was practiced several hundred years ago - so, for example, believed that "sugar" epilation invented in ancient Egypt.

Waxing & Hair Removal sugar - the procedure is almost identical to each other; The only difference, in fact, lies in the fact that in the first case, to remove unwanted hairs using warm (not hot, burning the skin) wax, and in the second - on the basis of special paste heated sugar. One of the key advantages of the traditional hair removal is that such methods can deal with unwanted body hair even at home without spending any time or money to visit the beauty salon. Relatively cheap, such methods of hair removal provides, however, not very stable result - again do hair removal Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
   wax or sugar to preserve the smoothness of the skin have already after two or three weeks.

Specificity of the procedure of hair removal using wax or sugar is that the hairs are removed by mechanical means - after application to the skin of a wax or sugar paste enveloping hairs on top of superimposed strips of paper or fabric, which can then tear off one sharp movement - with adhering wax / sugar and hairs. Of course, the mechanical removal of unwanted hair - a procedure quite painful and unpleasant sensations during hair removal treatments are considered the main disadvantage and the wax and hair removal sugar. But contraindications of these methods of hair removal there is little, and the effectiveness of hair removal is always the same - regardless of the natural skin tone and hair color (which have a significant impact on the efficiency of, for example, laser hair removal).


New methods of hair removal: Laser hair removal and laser hair removal

Laser hair removal and laser hair removal - the same "family" in cosmetics, as well as wax and hair removal sugar. Laser hair removal involves the destruction of hair follicles and prevent the growth of unwanted hair by means of a high-intensity light (hence the name - "photo", meaning "light"). Laser hair removal also means achieving the same results with the help of laser light.

And laser and photo-epilation - the procedures are more expensive than traditional methods of hair removal. However, quite a large amount of such procedures is justified because they provide, in contrast to the hair removal wax or sugar, much more consistent results in the long term - and, more importantly, gradually reduce the number of growing hairs that with each subsequent procedure They are becoming thinner and weaker, less noticeable.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • depilation
