The cure for psoriasis - it all depends on the form of the disease - Outside

December 25th, 2013

  • The cure for psoriasis - it all depends on the form of the disease
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 external treatment of psoriasis

Outside the treatment of psoriasis

Outside the treatment of psoriasis Advances in the treatment of psoriasis  Advances in the treatment of psoriasis
   can be carried out independently (with milder forms of the disease), or in conjunction with systemic treatment. In most cases, medicines for external application do not have side effects and the treatment efficacy is inferior systemic therapy. In the acute stage of the disease is usually used 1-2% salicylic ointment, ointment with corticosteroids. By reducing the activity of the process shown in greater ointments containing tar naphthalene.


With use of external funds

Medicinal products based on fly in the external treatment of psoriasis are used for a long time, their use is often combined with therapeutic baths and ultraviolet irradiation of the skin (UVR). Russia has traditionally been used to treat psoriasis ointment with wood (often with birch) tar abroad - Carboniferous. The latter is considered more active, but has a carcinogenic effect.

No less an old treatment for psoriasis is Anthralin - a drug for external application, which has several serious side effects, can also cause inflammation or burn healthy skin surrounding psoriatic lesions. Anthralin can paint whatever comes into contact with him.

Recently there ointments GCS latest generation, which are not fluorine and chlorine, which significantly reduced the risk of local and systemic side effects.

An example of such an ointment may be salve advantan that can be used even in early childhood. Steroid lotions and gels, are often applied in psoriasis of the scalp, as they do not alter the appearance of hair.

At the pharmacy, you can choose any suitable dosage form for external application, for example, spray psoriasis - Skin-Cap spray. Active ingredient spray is activated zinc pyrithione, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Apply Skin-Cap spray by spraying from a distance of 15 cm on the affected skin. Repeat the procedure on a daily basis should be two or three times a day during an exacerbation, and after the disappearance of symptoms it is recommended to continue to use the aerosol for one more week to achieve a stable treatment effect.

Contraindications to the use of aerosol Skin-Cap is the individual intolerance of components. The drug can be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Today apply such new external drugs for psoriasis as dithranol and its analogs (tsignoderm, ditrastik, psoraks). These drugs have cytotoxic and cytostatic effect, which leads to a decrease in the activity of redox processes in the surface cells of the skin. As a result, it suppressed excessive cell division and stops the process of propagation of psoriasis.

Ointments with dithranol are highly active, but has a pronounced irritant effect (for example, in case of eye develops keratitis). On the skin when applied can be redness, swelling, Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and itching.

More recently began to be produced, and such new external medication for the treatment of psoriasis as ointments analogs of vitamin D3. An example of such a drug can be calcipotriol (Dayvoneks, Psorkutan), which is available as an ointment, cream, solution for outdoor use. Calcipotriol is a new class of antipsoriatic agents which interact with specific receptors in the skin and cause inhibition of their proliferation (growth) of keratinocytes is significantly increased in psoriasis patients, accelerating the ripening simultaneously.

The cure for psoriasis - a solution, ointment or cream calcipotriol applied thinly to the affected skin twice daily. The course of treatment for the cream should not exceed two months, ointment - one year. Calcipotriol solution is applied to the affected areas of the scalp 2 times a day and rub lightly.

Dosage forms for topical calcipotriol poorly penetrate the skin (absorption is less than 1%), which prevents the development of systemic side effects. The therapeutic effect of the calcipotriol develops no earlier than a week.

Do not use this calcipotriol are hypersensitive to its components, with advanced stage disease and pustular form of psoriasis, and abnormal liver function or kidney disease, pregnancy, infant feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   chest and under the age of 18 years.


Chinese medicine for psoriasis - is it worth buying?

Today you can buy a number of Chinese medicine for the treatment of psoriasis, drugs that are not, and they are sometimes called Badami difficult because you can not always find out what is included in their composition. These "medicines" are Lotion psoriasis Fufaev (if you believe the advertising, he has a pronounced impact on the problem areas of the skin, anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects, restores the surface layer of the skin for a short period of time, kills bacteria, reduces inflammation).

Available as a lotion for psoriasis, which is able to deliver in the short term problem of manifestations on the skin and scalp, psoriasis cream Cream of psoriasis - what to choose?  Cream of psoriasis - what to choose?
   relieves itching and restores all layers of the skin and so on. As far as advertising is true, it is difficult to say, but whether patients with psoriasis to experiment?

Preparations for the treatment of psoriasis are presented today at a pharmacy in a wide range. Some of them can even be purchased without a prescription. But psoriasis is a very serious disease which can not tolerate self, so drugs for psoriasis must appoint a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Erythema - which means red skin? - Causes and types

June 21, 2009

  • Erythema - which means red skin?
  • Causes and types

What is erythema, its causes and types

Erythema - a portion of skin redness (or mucosa) to a spot, usually inflammatory. The term "erythema" is also used to denote a number of skin diseases, which are characterized by inflammatory lesions in the form of spots.

There is erythema of the expansion of the blood vessels of the skin. There are active erythema, in which the arteries dilate mostly passive and erythema, occurring as a result of stagnation in the veins.

Active erythema usually develops as a result of ostrovospalitelnoy skin reaction and is accompanied by tissue edema. Skin erythema in active hot to the touch, bright red color. Active form of erythema often rounded, at the confluence of several inflammatory erythema spots may acquire girlyandopodobnye shape. Active erythema observed in dermatitis (skin inflammation) caused by chemical and physical (eg, radiation) lesions, eczema, drug reaction, erythema toxic newborns. In some cases erythema occurs under the influence of emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   is temporary (erythema, shame, anger, and so on).

Passive erythema is characterized by a bluish tint is common, fuzzy boundaries. As an example, acrocyanosis - cyanosis distant body sites (fingertips, nasolabial triangle, etc.) for certain cardiovascular diseases.

Group erythema how certain diseases are very heterogeneous and includes a variety of diseases, for example, drug reaction, various dermatoses, etc. Many types of erythema develop as side effects of medication.

 Causes and types | Erythema - which means red skin?


Drug reaction - a skin disease that occurs in response to an allergic or toxic (poisonous) effects of chemicals (including pharmaceuticals), less food, caught in the body. Very often there is a drug reaction to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , B vitamins B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 Vaccines, etc., i.e. any drug.

The main mechanism of drug reaction - allergic. Less common toxic reaction, such as low-quality products. Drug reaction occurs, usually acute and characterized by the emergence of increasingly symmetrical rash on the skin, provided spotty, papular (redness with the rise, ie with edema), knotted or blisters. In some cases the process involved and mucous membranes.

Red spots are isolated from each other and merge into a vast erythema, until the redness of the skin all over (erythroderma). At a resolution of spots begin to peel. In the case of destruction of palms and soles can occur complete rejection of the surface layer of the skin.

A special form of a fixed drug reaction that occurs while taking certain medications. This appears on the skin of one or a few large bright red spots, gradually acquires a bluish tint, after the disappearance of the skin is resistant pigmentation. If a person takes the drug again, which caused the drug reaction, the process occurs in the same places, increasing pigmentation, and gradually occurs in other areas of the skin.

In order to clarify what kind of substance is "guilty" in the emergence of drug reaction, conduct diagnostic skin tests. For positive samples the patient should never take this medication.

 Causes and types | Erythema - which means red skin?

Infectious erythema

Infectious erythema - a disease characterized by maculopapular rash and absence or weak expression of the general reaction of the organism. The cause of the disease is not fully understood, but suggest that the nature of his virus. Ill mostly children 5-12 years, much less - adults. After the disease remains a strong immunity.

The incubation period (time from infection until the first signs of the disease) is 4-14 days, after which the skin on the cheeks and bridge of the nose in the form of a rash of small red maculopapular formations, at the confluence of forming a butterfly erythema. On the second day of the rash spread to the extremities. Elements of the rash quickly increase in size and coalesce into large irregular-shaped erythematous patches that are beginning to fade in the future, starting from the center. Peeling is not observed. The rash may be accompanied by short-term low temperature rise. In severe disease, which sometimes happens in adults, there is a fever, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?

Treatment of infectious erythema is the same as with any viral infection: bed rest, plenty of warm fluids and medications prescribed by your doctor to reduce the symptoms of the disease (if necessary).

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  • erythema
