Clotrimazole - side effects of antifungal drug

September 11, 2013

 clotrimazole side effects
 Clotrimazole - side effects in this antifungal drug insignificant since it is performed only in the formulations for topical and local application. Total (systemic) effect of clotrimazole is very small, so the contraindications for the use of clotrimazole is very small.

 Clotrimazole - side effects of antifungal drug

Clotrimazole - medical effects

The therapeutic effect of clotrimazole is related to its antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. Therefore, various dosage forms of the drug used for the treatment of fungal, bacterial, fungal, protozoal and fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

The mechanism of action of this drug is associated with suppression of the synthesis of biologically active substances required for the construction of the membranes of fungi. The disadvantage of these substances leads to the suppression of life activity (fungistatic effect at low dose of the drug) or to the destruction (fungicidal effect with increasing dose) fungal cells.

Sensitivity to clotrimazole show most fungi that cause infections of the skin and mucous membranes of humans. It dermatophytes (fungi causing microsporia Microsporia - threatening fungal infection  Microsporia - threatening fungal infection
 , Trichophytosis and athlete), yeast fungi of the genus Candida, agents of tinea versicolor, erythrasma and so on. Because bacterial pathogens sensitivity to clotrimazole show staphylococci, streptococci, Gardnerella and some other bacteria. Sensitive to him and Trichomonas Trichomonas - leads to infertility  Trichomonas - leads to infertility

Clotrimazole is used only for external and topical applications, it comes in the form of vaginal tablets, creams, ointments, gel, lotion, as well as a solution for topical use the mouthrinse.

 Clotrimazole - side effects of antifungal drug

This is contraindicated use of clotrimazole

Due to the fact that clotrimazole enters the blood in small amounts, contraindications for its use is very small. First of all, the increased sensitivity of the patient to the drug - clotrimazole applied in this case is impossible. Another contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, there is a bookmark of organs and tissues of the fetus, so even a minor hit in the blood of clotrimazole could affect the status of the child - clotrimazole can cross the placental barrier and get to the fetus.

With caution and only by a physician is recommended clotrimazole in other periods of pregnancy. The same caution is recommended clotrimazole during feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, as it can be released from human milk (on the skin of the breast can not be applied clotrimazole). Caution should be observed also in the appointment of clotrimazole in patients with impaired liver function.

 Clotrimazole - side effects of antifungal drug

Side effects

Other dosage forms clotrimazole may produce different side effects. It is known that formulations for topical use (cream, ointment, gel) is very little absorbed into the blood, whereas the application of local dosage forms (vaginal tablets) in the blood gets about 3% of active principle.

Most often arise in the application of clotrimazole local irritation reactions. When applied to the skin may cause itching, burning, sensory disturbances (goose bumps). On the skin, redness and swelling. On the mucous membranes and may cause irritation. When using vaginal tablets to the symptoms of thrush can join additional burning and itching caused by clotrimazole. Whether to continue treatment in this case, the doctor decides.

Allergic reactions can occur in the application of any drug, including clotrimazole. On the skin, it can manifest as hives, spread to surrounding healthy skin lesion, as well as a contact dermatitis allergichekogo, the first manifestations of which are developed not earlier than 10 days after the start of treatment. Contact allergic dermatitis manifested as redness and swelling of the tissue sections, which are regularly applied clotrimazole. Then, at the inflamed surface bubbles appear with clear content which burst to form crusts and erosions.

Mucosal allergy manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 , The appearance of hives on the adjacent skin.

When a suspected allergy should discontinue the use of clotrimazole and seek medical advice.

Any dosage form of clotrimazole can cause minor side effects such as local irritation and allergic reactions. When a side effect is best to consult a doctor: it determines that it - local irritation or allergic reaction.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • clotrimazole

Hyperhidrosis - it is better to determine the cause

December 21, 2008

  • Hyperhidrosis - it is better to determine the cause
  • Symptoms and treatment

   Hyperhidrosis - is a common disorder characterized by excessive sweating - much more intense than necessary to regulate body temperature. Excessive sweating usually do not pose a serious threat to human health, but it can cause significant psychological distress. For all its harmlessness this violation could have a negative impact on the quality of human life.

There is no single criterion which would allow to accurately determine when excessive sweating need to be considered, and when - no; usually a strong sweating say when it has an adverse impact on human life.

Many people feel uncomfortable at the thought of consulting a doctor with this problem; others believe that hyperhidrosis - it is an innate feature, which can not be managed.

In fact, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as you notice sweating, somehow violates your daily activities. In addition, as soon as possible, contact your doctor if you have been sweating at night, so it may be a sign of serious illness.

 Hyperhidrosis - it is better to determine the cause

Types of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be classified according to its location:

  • It may affect only certain parts of the body - most often the armpits, hands, legs, or face; This condition is known as the focal hyperhidrosis;
  • Generalized hyperhidrosis affects the whole body.

Generalized hyperhidrosis is usually caused by a variety of diseases (eg, hyperthyroidism), or is a side effect of drugs.

Focal hyperhidrosis usually starts in childhood and is aggravated during puberty. Generalized hyperhidrosis can start at any age. Both types of hyperhidrosis found in men and women with approximately equal frequency.

 Hyperhidrosis - it is better to determine the cause

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

When hyperhidrosis person sweats more and more strongly than necessary to regulate body temperature. Sweating is observed regardless of the air temperature, physical stress, psychological stress, and other factors, which normally can cause more or less severe sweating.

When the focal hyperhidrosis most heavily sweating armpits, palms of hands, soles of the feet, face and chest.

In some people with hyperhidrosis sweat only one of these areas, while others - some, or all. Typically, both sides of the body sweat equally great - for example, increased sweating is observed on the palms of both hands, and so on. Exceptions are rare.

For most people suffering from focal hyperhidrosis holds at least one episode of excessive sweating in a week. The frequency of episodes of excessive sweating in people with generalized hyperhidrosis depends on the underlying cause.

As already mentioned, there are no clear criteria to determine what kind of condition is hyperhidrosis, but sweating can be considered abnormal when it interferes with work, social and personal life.

For example, you may have hyperhidrosis if:

  • Are you reluctant to shake hands with other people, or go to a physical contact, because you are concerned about excessive sweating.
  • You do not want to engage in certain activities, such as fitness, so afraid that it will exacerbate the problem of sweating.
  • Excessive sweating interferes with your work - for example, you find it difficult to work with some tools, or typing on the keyboard.
  • You have problems in everyday activities, such as driving a car.
  • Trying to cope with the effects of sweating takes a considerable amount of time - for example, you often have to take a shower, and two or three times a day to change clothes.
  • You avoid dealing with people and become insecure.

 Hyperhidrosis - it is better to determine the cause

Causes of hyperhidrosis

  • Generalized hyperhidrosis

Most experts believe that the generalized hyperhidrosis cause problems in the sympathetic nervous system.

  • Sympathicus

The sympathetic nervous system controls most of the functions of the body that do not require conscious control, such as the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, the output of urine from the kidney to the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , and so on.

The sympathetic nervous system uses sweat as a thermostat. If she feels that the body becomes very hot, it sends a signal from the brain to millions of sweat glands in the body that begin to produce sweat. It cools the skin and reduces body temperature.

It is assumed that the generalized hyperhidrosis problem exists with the part of the brain that regulates the perspiration, because of which the brain without having produces signals stimulating the sweat glands.
