Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash

May 23, 2010

  • Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash
  • Manifestation

 perioral dermatitis
 Perioral dermatitis - a skin disease that affects the area around the mouth. According to experts, it affects up to 1% of the world population, and occurs predominantly in young women aged 25-45 years. Rash with oral dermatitis like a cross between acne and eczema.

 Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash


The most common symptom of oral dermatitis is a burning sensation in the mouth. The majority of patients also appear fluid-filled blisters around the mouth. In rare cases, perioral dermatitis-like rash appears around the eyes, nose and forehead.

 Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash


Since perioral dermatitis is most common in developed countries, and in addition, 90% of patients suffering from it - a woman, it is assumed that one of the most important factors in its development is a cosmetics. Here are just some of the ingredients of cosmetic products, which may contribute to the development of perioral dermatitis:

  • Vaseline;
  • Paraffin;
  • Fluoridated toothpastes;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Isopropyl myristate;
  • Flavours with cinnamon.

No one can guarantee that the rejection of the use of these substances help to quickly cope with perioral dermatitis. However, we should try to act by the "elimination diet" using makeup to determine which substances cause worsening perioral dermatitis.

Another cause of, or at least worsening perioral dermatitis abuse can be some means for the treatment of skin diseases, in particular point-steroids. If you cancel after prolonged use of the drug symptoms are usually worse. The fact that there is a kind of skin depending on the action point after cessation of steroids and their use almost immediately happens worsening symptoms of the disorder that is treated with them.

Furthermore, the use of strong point of steroids may lead to a thinning of the skin, the appearance of spider veins Spider veins - a sign of several diseases  Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
   and stretch marks. Therefore, the oral dermatitis steroid use point can only be for a short period of time.

 Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash


  • Antibiotics

The systematic use of antibiotics helps relieve symptoms of perioral dermatitis. It is usually recommended oral tetracycline Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic  Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
 , Minocycline or doxycycline. Patients who for any reason can not take these drugs may be appointed taking erythromycin Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin  Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin
   or some forms of penicillin.

  • Point steroids

They are potentially harmful, but effective, so it can be assigned to a short course of treatment with these drugs. It is usually recommended to use soft steroids point - they reduce inflammation, but the risk of unwanted side effects when they are used is minimal.

  • Point immunomodulators

Preparations of this type are generally prescribed for hypersensitivity to point steroids and if they are ineffective.

  • Makeup

At the time of treatment of perioral dermatitis is strongly recommended to give up makeup. It may or may aggravate the symptoms and slow cure.

  • Sun protection

Ultraviolet radiation contributes to worsening symptoms of perioral dermatitis. In this disease, it is recommended to use sunscreen daily Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   with a protection factor of at least 30.

  • Moisturizers

When perioral dermatitis is important to regularly moisturize the skin, however, need to use creams that do not contain substances that aggravate the symptoms of the disorder.

 Perioral dermatitis - if the face is covered with a rash


Treat perioral dermatitis is quite difficult; treatment may last several months. Often the symptoms of perioral dermatitis returned some time after the end of treatment.

Nizoral - indications for the use of an antifungal agent

August 24, 2013

 Nizoral readings
 One of the most popular is Nizoral antifungal agents, indications for its use - this is most fungal infections common in humans. Nizoral administered, for both external and for systemic treatment of various fungal infections.

 Nizoral - indications for the use of an antifungal agent

Indications for the treatment of fungal infections caused by dermatophytes

Dermatophyte - fungi is that affect the horny layer of the epidermis, hair and nails. Dermatophytes are fungi that cause trichophytosis, microsporia and athlete.

This is a very common fungal infections that are difficult to treat because their originators have an extraordinary vitality that distinguishes them from other pathogenic fungi. The reason is that these fungi have a special enzyme - "aggression factors" contributing to overcome the body's defenses. Implementation of dermatophytes in skin and nail disorders contribute to the integrity of the skin, as well as a variety of chronic diseases that create a predisposition for the introduction of a fungal infection from the outside due to the decrease in activity of metabolism, blood circulation and immunity disorders.

Nizoral (active substance - ketoconazole) in the treatment of dermatophytosis applied in the form of ingestible tablets, 200 mg (they have a systemic action), or in a dosage form for external application - 2% cream. Nizoral action related to the inhibition of ergosterol formation and cell membrane lipids in fungi. This leads to the complete destruction of fungal cells or suppress their activity.

Dermatophytes exhibit a high sensitivity to nizoralu. But these mushrooms have a high survival rate and the rate of treatment Trichophyton, Microsporum and athlete should continue for at least a month, and with the defeat of the scalp - up to two months. Nizoral Take one or two tablets a day with meals. At the same time it can be applied to the affected skin and Nizoral 2% cream, which is applied to smooth skin once a day. The main danger of Nizoral tablets is toxic to the liver, so take these pills can only be prescribed by a doctor.

 Nizoral - indications for the use of an antifungal agent

Indications for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs

Candidiasis is caused by the yeast genus Candida. Strikes can smooth skin, folds of skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. The fungi of the genus Candida are representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora, constantly lives on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. Normally, the body's defenses (immune system) does not allow the penetration of fungi into the skin and mucous membranes. The main role in this is useful microflora - it inhibits the excessive proliferation of fungi.

In violation of the ratio between beneficial and pathogenic microflora last begins to multiply and cause disease. For example, the use of antibiotics killing not only pathogenic, but also useful bacteria and fungi to most antibiotics are not sensitive. Reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida leads to the development of candidiasis.

The fungi of the genus Candida exhibit high sensitivity to nizoralu. For the treatment of systemic candidiasis used pills, skin - 2% cream. There is also a special formulation for the treatment of candidiasis (thrush), genital mutilation - vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation

Candidiasis of skin and oral cavity Nizoral used on a tablet daily for two - three weeks for vaginal candidiasis Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?  Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
   (thrush) - within a week. The duration of Nizoral as external medicinal forms is the same.

 Nizoral - indications for the use of an antifungal agent

What other fungal infections are treated using Nizoral

Well treatable nizoralom and fungal infections, leading to the formation of dandruff. To treat it, a special formulation Nizoral - shampoo. The main cause of dandruff is a microscopic yeast fungus (Piturosporum ovale). He is often present on the scalp without causing disease.

But with metabolic disorders of the scalp, changing the chemical composition of sebum and the acidity of the skin - a breeding ground for fungus. The increase of fungal microflora results in significant exfoliation of epithelial cells of the skin. The drug of choice, to suppress the development of fungi that cause dandruff, is Nizoral. For the treatment of dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
   based soft shampoo designed lekarstveknny drug, non-irritating to the skin, even with daily use. When the scalp dandruff washed with shampoo, leaving it on the skin for five minutes before rinsing. The course of treatment - twice a week for a month.

High sensitivity also shows nizoralu pathogen causing chromophytosis Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   and pathogens that cause systemic fungal infections such as paracoccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis. Systemic fungal infections of the duration of treatment is about six months.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Nizoral
