Glucose: The energy source - glucose Mechanism of Action

April 14th, 2011

  • Glucose: The energy source
  • The mechanism of action of glucose

The mechanism of action of glucose

Glucose - a carbohydrate that is an indispensable source of energy for the body. Without glucose broken all biochemical processes that make up the metabolism. All organs and tissue composed of cells, in which there are constant biochemical processes. Through these processes, to replace the old, dying cells, the formation of new cells, organs can perform their function.

Of particular significance glucose it is to restore liver function, since it is the liver cleanses the body of toxins and impurities. Proceeding in a tissue, glucose is converted into glucose 6-phosphate, which is actively involved in the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Causing biochemical processes take place faster.

5% (isotonic, having the same osmotic pressure of the blood) glucose solution administered intravenously can reduce intoxication with any acute disease, it normalizes metabolism, as a valuable source of carbohydrate (energy source). When the glucose metabolism, a large amount of energy required for the operation of all organs and tissues.

10-20-40% (hypertension), glucose solutions introduced intravenously increase the osmotic pressure of the blood, improve metabolism, contractility of the heart muscle, liver function to neutralize toxic substances, dilate blood vessels, increase urine output (volume of urine output). When injected into the vein of hypertonic solutions increased intravascular osmotic pressure in the blood vessels of the liquid is drawn from the surrounding tissues. In addition, the enhanced redox processes, activated by the deposition of glycogen (reserve glucose) in the liver.

After intravenous administration of glucose from the bloodstream into cells enters the tissues where included in the biochemical processes that collectively represent metabolism. It provides these processes glucose necessary "fuel" - energy in form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - intracellular energy source. Glucose excreted in the urine.

 The mechanism of action of glucose | Glucose: The energy source

Indications and contraindications for the use of glucose

Glucose is used in the following diseases and conditions:

  • at insufficiency of blood glucose (hypoglycemia);
  • when malnutrition, when the diet is dominated by protein foods and not enough carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits and cereals);
  • at any poisonings and acute infectious diseases, when it is very important to stimulate the cleansing function of the liver;
  • in various diseases of the liver to restore the work of its cells;
  • with a large loss of fluids to patients with vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding;
  • with a sharp decrease in blood pressure - collapse, shock;
  • for parenteral nutrition if the conventional method of ingestion is not possible;
  • 5% glucose solution can be used for cultivation of certain other drugs.

Contraindications to the use of glucose:

  • high blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   patient (hyperglycemia), including diabetes mellitus;
  • elevated blood lactic acid (giperlaktatsidemiya);
  • increased sensitivity to glucose;
  • disorders of glucose uptake tissues after various surgical interventions;
  • acute circulatory disorders of cerebral edema, pulmonary edema.

With care prescribe glucose decompensated form of cardiovascular failure, when the heart is not doing its job, is formed stagnation of blood in the veins and swelling, with impaired renal function and fluid retention. A similar condition may be the shortage of sodium in the body.

 The mechanism of action of glucose | Glucose: The energy source

Side effects that may occur with administration of glucose

When intravenous glucose solutions may experience the following complications:

  • glucose can pull into the bloodstream too much fluid and the heart can not cope with this load;
  • increased the amount of glucose in the blood can cause disruption of carbohydrate metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
  • intravenous glucose solution can cause fever;
  • at the injection site may occur infectious process - inflammation of the wall of the vein (thrombophlebitis).

The glucose solution is not recommended to be administered together with alkali solutions (for example, with analgesics, hypnotics). For better absorption of glucose administration it can be combined with the introduction of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives

Article Tags:
  • glucose

How to lower blood sugar - the most effective methods - Methods

September 13, 2013

  • How to lower blood sugar - the most effective ways
  • Methods

 ways to lower blood sugar

Methods to lower blood sugar

One of the dangerous moments in diabetes is fasting. Patients is not recommended because it can lead to the development of the disease dekomepsirovannogo. Most of the patients with diabetes of the second type notes the presence of excess weight. Trying to lose weight, patients eventually begin to starve, that is a serious mistake. To achieve normalization of weight you can, if properly organized nutrition and exercise. Sports activities help to reduce elevated blood glucose values, dosed physical activity should be part of a complex treatment.

 Methods | How to lower blood sugar - the most effective ways

Therapeutic drugs

Patients with diabetes should receive specific drugs, the effect of which is aimed at reducing sugar .  Hypoglycemic agents help to quickly lower blood sugar if properly applied, therefore, to choose the appropriate receive mode must endocrinologist given the nature of the disease, the patient's age and other factors .  The most common therapeutic agents are the drugs of first or second-generation sulfonylurea .  Fewer side effects, have a second generation drugs, as they have the most pronounced glucose-lowering effect .  At the time of their admission, you can achieve a smooth hyperglycemia, ie "jumps" in the values ​​of glucose throughout the day, which is an advantage of this group of drugs .  Preparations "glibenclamide", "gliclazide" meet all modern requirements for the treatment of diabetes .  Patients suitable place reception mode (twice a day), there is a minimum of adverse events in the treatment of .

While receiving sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agents may occur rapid development of a hypoglycemic condition.

The presence of a particular patient should be aware constantly monitor the performance of glucose. The most acute hypoglycemia seen if the patient is taking medications at the same time, reinforcing the effect of antidiabetic agents. Any changes in the receive mode or the dose of medication your doctor should be addressed to avoid a sharp development of the state of hypoglycemia.

Before your doctor has an important task to choose the right therapy than lower blood sugar. The variety offered medication you need to select a tool that will have a positive result. The second group of medicines which may be used for diabetes, it biguanides. They are used much less frequently due to significant side reactions. At the same time biguanides have important positive feature does not have a stimulating effect on the secretion of insulin. In such circumstances, stocks of insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, is not depleted. Most often these drugs is recommended for patients who have a short duration of diabetes, and they have a history burdened by the presence of comorbidities.

 Methods | How to lower blood sugar - the most effective ways

Folk remedies

Many patients prefer to solve the problem, how to lower blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 , Folk remedies. This method is effective and has the right to exist. Various herbal remedies, herbs have the ability to normalize glycemia. Patients love the traditional recipes, as they have a minimal impact in terms of side effects. The only condition should not start treatment without first consulting a physician. With the purpose of treatment can be recommended to use the infusion, which is composed of nettle leaves and blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
 , Dandelion root. Raw materials are carefully ground, and for the preparation of infusions take only one spoonful of raw materials is based on a glass of water. Suffice it to infuse the mixture for eight hours, after which the infusion can drink.

There is a very simple recipe, you can use it for medicinal purposes. It is necessary to prepare the juice from the cabbage (suitable only cabbage), potato, Jerusalem artichoke and beetroot. The juice drink on an empty stomach one-third cup several times a day. Jerusalem artichoke has unique healing properties, so patients are advised to eat this product in its raw form. Effectively helps to lower blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   onion and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . It may be the discomfort associated with the emergence of peculiar smell, but it is easily removed if pre-onion bake in the oven. Microwave for these purposes is not appropriate. Such baked bulb must be eaten once on an empty stomach. Archery also prepare tincture on the basis of vodka or alcohol.

Most effectively used for medicinal purposes different concoctions of herbs, however, to effectively address the issue of how to get sugar from the blood of folk remedies, there is a great variety of medicinal plants.

Normalization of blood sugar helps broth made from pears, berries of mountain ash, viburnum .  The broth is prepared fast enough for all of the components that need to boil for ten minutes on low heat .  After cooking, patients drink broth instead of tea or compote for a day .  The curative effect of the clover, so it is recommended as a folk remedy for patients who have diabetes .  This can be a decoction of the leaves or inflorescence clover .  It can be prepared by pre-chopped leaves and the Gulf of boiling water (the rate of one teaspoon per cup of raw water) .  For broth should leave the mixture for three hours that it currently .  The patient can use such a remedy three times a day .  This principle is suitable for preparing a decoction of St. John's wort herbs, bay leaf, birch buds, burdock and dandelion roots .  Existing recipes is diverse, so the doctor can advise in each clinical situation is suitable for the patient's drug .

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • lowering blood sugar
