Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient - At home

September 9, 2013

  • Blood sugar - should be able to do every patient
  • At home
  • Decoding

 blood sugar at home

How is the general blood sugar at home

Blood sugar at home is carried out using test strips or meter The unit of measurement of sugar in the blood - blood glucose meter  The unit of measurement of sugar in the blood - blood glucose meter
 . In diabetes type I blood sugar Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment  Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment
   carried out several times a day - in the morning before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. In addition, you can control the level of sugar in the blood Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and if you feel unwell. Controlling blood sugar levels to become familiar to the patient, enter his daily rhythm of life. The only way to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, adjust the insulin dose prescribed by your doctor.

Patients with type II diabetes also need to monitor blood sugar, but do they need two - three times a week.

Blood collection is carried out using a special pen with removable disposable lancets, allowing as little as possible to injure tissue. Such pens are sold in pharmacies as well as attached to the meter.

Blood for analysis of sugar taken from the final phalanx, non direct their cushions and side. Use can turn any fingers of both hands, except for the thumb and index. Before taking blood wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry with a clean towel.

The first drop of blood is removed extruded dry cotton swab, then gently pressing down on the finger, squeezing a new drop. The resulting drop should not be smeared, it can not properly absorb the test strip. Strongly press on the finger to squeeze the blood can not be - it will help getting into the blood and tissue fluids to distort the result. After taking the blood smeared the puncture site with alcohol or iodine.

In order to carry out express - blood sugar using a test strip, the test strip is applied a drop of blood and after a minute or two compared it to change the color of the scale-model on the bottle, which stores the strip .  There are several types of test strips for the determination of blood sugar level, which is sufficient to apply a drop of blood .  The basis of all available tests is the same principle .  A drop of blood is placed on a test strip, which is impregnated with color-sensitive reagents .  Changes in the color strip - the result of the reaction between blood sugar and chemicals deposited on the strip .  The degree of color change is determined by the level of sugar in the blood .  By comparing the resulting color of the reaction strip with attached color scale, it is possible to determine by eye the sugar concentration in the blood .  Rapid blood sugar brings out the sugar in the range of 4-9 mmol / l .  If the test result for some reason does not satisfy the patient, he turns to the laboratory of medical institution .

 At home | blood sugar - should be able to do every patient

Rapid blood sugar using a glucometer

The meter - a device for measuring blood sugar. Today he is the majority of diabetic patients. Measuring the sugar in it is held just need to put a drop of blood on a test strip and insert it into the meter, where the analysis of the result (colored stripes) has been held not the eye, but with the help of the analyzer.

Portable glucometers are very simple and easy to use, they allow you to accurately monitor blood sugar. For each type of meter manufacturers produce their own test strips that are not suited to other devices. Not suitable these test strips and to determine blood sugar without the meter. It should pay attention to when buying a new test strip. To study bylodostovernym, test strips must be properly stored (at room temperature in a dry, dark place in a tightly closed bottle) and used only until the expiration date.

High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes - How to identify

September 12, 2013

  • High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes
  • How to identify

 how to identify an increase in blood sugar

How to identify an increase in blood sugar

If you have symptoms of diabetes should consult a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis determined by the amount of sugar in the blood urine. The fasting blood component is not to exceed 5: 5 mmol / liter in urine sugar should not be.

With normal blood sugar levels and the absence of it in the urine being identified glycosylated hemoglobin - hemoglobin, glucose attached to itself (the higher the blood glucose, the higher the figure). This component normally is 4, 5 - 6, 5% of the total hemoglobin content in the blood. It reflects the average level of glucose in the blood over the last two months.

If the detected high levels of glycated hemoglobin determined by the blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   two hours after glucose load. Research carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, determine the initial level of blood sugar and two hours after administration of glucose. Normally, immediately after taking the glucose content of blood sugar rises, it stimulates the release of insulin and sugar absorption tissue cells - its content in blood decreases, and after two hours index returns to normal. Diabetic patients blood sugar level two hours after taking the glucose above baseline twice.

It has a value and determining insulin levels (rate - 15-180 pmol / L). In diabetes type I it will be reduced, II type - normal or elevated. Similar is the definition of the blood levels of C-peptide - insulin and C-peptide of proinsulin formed in the beta cells of the pancreas (norm - 0, 5-2, 0 mg / l).

It defined as the presence of antibodies to the beta cells of the pancreas that destroy them, which leads to insulin deficiency and type I diabetes. This indicator is often a positive and prediabetes, so the study could be used for early detection of type I diabetes, but it affects approximately one third of patients.

To detect differences pereddiabeta and type I diabetes by II in the blood is determined by GAD antibodies - glutamic acid decarboxylase. That GAD is often the antigen to which anetitela produced in diabetes type I, destroying cells in the pancreas secretes insulin. This is a very sensitive indicator - it allows you to identify diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   Type I for a few years before the first signs of it.

 How to identify | High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

High blood sugar - treatment

Treatment of diabetes - is primarily changes in lifestyle. The patient himself must monitor the content of sugar in the blood - it is now available individual meter. It is necessary to constantly diet - it is not a burden - it is a diet that is recommended for all who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Diet for high blood sugar include complete elimination of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets and baking), fatty meat, fish and dairy products, large amounts of salt. Preference should be given low-fat meat, fish, cheese, dairy products, vegetables (except potatoes), porridges (except semolina), sweet and sour fruit. All meals must be prepared preferably steamed, baked, or stew. Meals should be a five-, six-time evenly distributed throughout the day. High blood sugar and diet - are indivisible

To normalize the metabolic processes important moderate exercise, to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   - Long-term exposure to fresh air.

Treatment for Type I diabetes is carried out with the help of insulin, the dose of which is selected for each patient individually. For the treatment of diabetes type II used drugs affecting the reduced absorption of carbohydrates in gastrointestinal tract (acarbose), biguanides (metformin - improves glucose uptake tissues), sulfonylurea drugs (glimepiride) and some other groups of drugs, allowing full control of carbohydrate metabolism.

High blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   It requires timely detection and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

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