Bonviva - prevents osteoporosis - Mechanism of Action

January 10, 2010

  • Bonviva - prevents osteoporosis
  • Mechanism of action

The problem of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density due to reduction in bone substance or its inadequate calcification. Osteoporosis can occur locally, for example, when blood circulation in the limbs due to prolonged lack of movement. Total osteoporosis occurs most often in the background of the age of hormonal changes. Women are more likely to him, as they have reduced the number of female sex hormone estrogen, can strengthen bone tissue. Osteoporosis can also occur in the family history (if the next of kin were such things), metabolic disorders, poor diet, lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet, various intoxications (smoking, alcohol abuse, and so on), sedentary lifestyle combined with increased weight and so on.

Osteoporosis occurs imperceptibly, a sign it is usually only broken bones.

 The mechanism of action | Bonviva - prevents osteoporosis

Mechanism of action

Bonviva (INN - ibandronic acid) is an inhibitor (retarder chemical reaction) of bone resorption (bisphosphonate). It prevents bone destruction caused by the lack of gonadal function, tumors and some other reasons. However, even at very high doses, they do not destroy bone mineralization, since no effect on bone formation.

In postmenopausal women Bonviva reduces degradation of bone tissue to the level of child-bearing age, which results in an overall increase in bone mass is rising and decreasing fracture rates.

The drug is highly efficient, allowing it to assign individual, in accordance with the need for that particular patient. In our country, there are two commercially available drug dosage forms: film-coated tablets (producer - F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland) and a solution for intravenous administration (manufacturer - Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG, Germany).

Bonviva tablets (150 mg) taken once a month, and the solution is injected once every three months. With regular use of the drug during the year marked the strengthening of the bone tissue of the lumbar vertebrae, femur and hip.

After ingestion Bonviva rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, reaching a maximum concentration two hours after fasting. Simultaneous eating reduces absorption. Once in the blood Bonviva half quickly penetrates the bone, half excreted in the urine unchanged.

Drug Bonviva for the treatment of osteoporosis in women during menopause.

Bonviva is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, a lack of calcium in the blood (the involvement of calcium from the blood to the bone structure can cause severe complications), renal dysfunction. During pregnancy, breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   and childhood preparation is not used, since no clinical studies were performed its impact on these patients.

 The mechanism of action | Bonviva - prevents osteoporosis

Side effects

When receiving Bonviva tablets may receive the following side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Bloating, inflammation, ulcers, or persistent narrowing of the esophagus, heartburn (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus), inflammation of the stomach and duodenum 12;
  • From the nervous system: headache, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system: pain in the muscles and joints, stiffness;
  • by the body as a whole: flu-like symptoms, rashes, allergic reactions.

When administered intravenously, it is also possible short-term reduction in blood calcium. Intravenous administration of Bonviva is incompatible with solutions of calcium. Requirements for intravenous administration stiffer: before each administration is necessary to determine the level of calcium and vitamin D in serum. If there is a decrease in their number, the first carried out corrective treatment. In addition, prior to each injection carried out the study of kidney function.

Overdose Bonviva enhances all its side effects.

Bonviva - quality medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
 Which produces reliable pharmaceutical companies.

Galina Romanenko

Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live - Implications and diet

September 13, 2013

  • Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live
  • Symptoms
  • Consequences and Diet
  • Treatment

 the effects of high blood sugar

The effects of high blood sugar

If elevated blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 (Especially for a long time), patients may develop severe complications associated with metabolic disorders in organs and tissues, emerging with a lack of energy. Particularly affected by metabolic blood vessels and nerves. And as they penetrate into all tissues and organs, they also develop complications.

The earliest complications of diabetes can be numerous bacterial and fungal infections, which are always "cling" to the patient due to lower immunity. The patient may not yet be aware of the presence of his diabetes and low immunity has to be. This is because, as a result of violations of protein metabolism in the blood decreases the number of white blood cells - the main defenders against infection.

The rest of complications occur is not so clearly - the patients may not notice them for years. For example, diabetes is damage to the walls of blood vessels, as well as both disturbed fat metabolism in patients developing atherosclerosis, against which often develop, stroke (including ischemic stroke), coronary heart disease (angina pectoris and myocardial infarction) , hypertension (high blood pressure is stable, the threat of hemorrhagic stroke).

The defeat of the blood vessels feeding the retina, leading to a variety of violations up to retinal detachment and blindness. A renal vascular lesions contributes to the gradual decrease in the function of the body, the formation of chronic renal failure with consistently high blood pressure.

On the skin of the feet due to circulatory disorders having sores that heal with great difficulty. And since patients also reduced immunity, such ulcers frequently become infected.

From the suffering of metabolic disorders and nervous system. Destroys nerve fibers, which leads to the first appearance of weakness in the extremities, and then the sensitivity to disturbances and movements. The first manifestations of these disorders are numbness, leg pain, cold sensation, burning, tingling in the extremities.

Especially may suffer the feet that carry a heavy load, especially at elevated weight of the patient. Many diabetic patients who do not maintain a normal blood sugar level, developed the so-called diabetic foot. The reason for its development are disorders of the circulatory and nervous systems. Malnutrition and innervation of the foot leads to the formation of first trophic ulcers and foot deformities, and then to join the infection and gangrene of the feet.

Sores on the feet occur not only because of circulatory and innervation, but also due to the high load - pressure on the foot when walking, rubbing the skin, various injuries. Warp stop as molotoobraznyh fingers in conjunction with disorders of innervation leads to increased pressure at certain points of the foot, flatfoot and development to lower the sensitivity of the foot. The result was the sores are often painless, but it almost always infected. But as the infection is accompanied by circulatory disorders, patients often develop gangrene of the feet.

Diabetic foot is developing faster and faster in the presence of predisposing factors such as smoking (contributes to narrowing of blood vessels), obesity (increased load on the foot), high blood pressure (more disturbed function of the blood vessels), advanced age (increased capillary fragility).

 Consequences and diet | Elevated blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

A diet with increased blood sugar

Elevated blood sugar levels requires compliance with a special diet. Before this, the diet in diabetes should be gentle, and the total caloric content of its slightly reduced. Schazheniya involves unloading, ie a reduction of intake of carbohydrates and animal fat. Limited, not all carbohydrates, but only digestible, which include all the sweets, flour products, pies, cakes, sodas and alcohol.

In the composition of food products remains, which include complex carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed in the intestine and are a source of revenue for a long time into the blood glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   (energy). These products include cereals (except semolina), vegetables (except potatoes), both in fresh and cooked form, unsweetened fruits and berries.

From the daily diet Diabetics should also be eliminated fatty foods of animal origin - fat meat and dairy products. In diabetes mellitus is impaired fat metabolism to form an elevated blood level of cholesterol, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis. "Supplier" cholesterol is fatty foods of animal origin. The only exception is fatty saltwater fish, which contains omega-3 fatty acids - they help to reduce blood sugar. Vegetable oils can be used without restrictions.

Foods containing protein should not be limited. This lean beef, poultry, eggs, low fat dairy products. You can also use low-fat varieties of lamb and pork - they help to improve fat metabolism. Protein needs to be met by half animal products and half - vegetable (beans, nuts, seeds).

A large number of fruits and vegetables in the diet of such patients should provide them with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

A diet with increased blood sugar involves the exclusion from the diet of strong tea and coffee, which stimulates an increase in blood sugar. The same effect has the smoking. Products that increase blood sugar - it's sweet, including varieties of sweet fruits and berries, sweet products (cakes, pies, white bread, muffins), sodas, alcohol.

Preparing food for diabetics steamed, stewed or cooked, as this disease often develop disorders of the digestive system and the liver. Diet in this disease involves frequent small feedings, in which the body is constantly receiving a certain amount of carbohydrates. This meal eliminates the development of hypoglycemic conditions.

In diabetes type I carbohydrate food distribution receive depends on the duration of action of the insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives

Diet for diabetes does not have many restrictions and closely follows the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
