Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

September 13, 2013

  • Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live
  • Symptoms
  • Consequences and Diet
  • Treatment

 elevated blood sugar
 Consistently elevated blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   It constitutes a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and the presence of diabetes. Today endocrinologists believe that such violations have to learn to live, constantly monitoring your sugar and, if necessary, making adjustments in treatment. If you comply with these conditions, it is possible to lead a normal life and have no complications.

 Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

Blood sugar - what is it for the human body?

Sugar (glucose) in our body cells need for energy. Without energy disturbances arise in all types of exchange, which will lead to severe patient's condition.

The amount of sugar in the blood of a healthy person is always within a certain range. In the morning, after a night's sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   it is lower during the day may rise after a meal rises above normal, but quickly recovered. Norm is the blood sugar level 3, 5-5, 5 mmol / L after meals - 7, 8 mmol / L.

Adjustable normal sugar content using the neuroendocrine system. A significant role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism plays a central nervous system, including cerebral cortex, and hypothalamus. But in addition, almost all the glands of internal secretion somehow affect carbohydrate metabolism.

The main regulator of the carbohydrate metabolism is a pancreatic hormone insulin - it helps tissue cells to absorb glucose, and if after the assimilation of its cells in the blood is excess glucose, insulin promotes its transformation into glycogen - a substance that is deposited in the liver as a reserve in case of starvation is fast becoming glucose. If insulin is small, then the following situation: blood glucose more than normal, and the cells are starving. This situation is typical for type I diabetes, it is insulin.

The situation may develop in another way: insulin and glucose in the blood is sufficient, but the cells are starving, because lose sensitivity to insulin and therefore can not absorb glucose - insulin-dependent diabetes is type II diabetes.

The pancreas releases another hormone - glucagon. It is a physiological antagonist of insulin and its secretion stimulator. Normally, glucagon prevents an excessive reduction of blood glucose, as it contributes to the formation of liver glycogen.

 Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

Sugar in urine - why did he come from?

When an excess of sugar in the blood starts to separate it from the urine. And since it attracts water, together with the sugar stands out a lot of fluids, and there is a risk of dehydration. To prevent dehydration - the body is experiencing constant thirst - a person drinks a lot of water. Diabetics can drink and excrete in the urine up to 10 or more liters of water.

The blood sugar level at which it starts to separate with urine is called threshold. The threshold level of sugar in the urine of each person is different, on average, it corresponds to parameters of 8-11 mmol / l. Know threshold diabetics need to be sure - it will warn the energy loss and severe metabolic disorders. Above the threshold level the blood sugar to rise should not.

In order to determine a threshold level of sugar to a few times during the day (or several days) to perform certain first sugar in the blood, and then after 30 minutes in the urine. Before carrying out research is needed to help (the urine sample in the study is not useful). The results should be written in the form of a table and analyze - the threshold level will be visible. If the patient was unable to carry out such an analysis, it would help the attending physician.

 Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

Why there is an increase in blood sugar in diabetes type I

Increased blood sugar (hyperglycemia), diabetes mellitus type I and II takes place for different reasons. In diabetes type I disease usually begins in the young age after a viral infection. Viral infections can directly destroy cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, but this is quite rare.

Most viral infection triggers an autoimmune process where the body produces antibodies not only pathogens, but also to the cells of tissue of an organism, in this case to the cells of the pancreas. This leads to the gradual destruction of cells that produce insulin, and their replacement by connective tissue. This process is slow, after a viral infection may be months or even years, when diabetes is found Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . The lack of insulin leads to a steady rise in blood sugar, i.e. to diabetes

Contributing factors for the development of type I diabetes is an inherited genetic predisposition to diabetes (close relatives with diabetes mellitus) and other autoimmune diseases.

 Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

Increased blood sugar - causes of type II diabetes

Reasons for increase in blood sugar in patients with type II diabetes mellitus others. The basis of this disease is a metabolic disorder. The main difference of type II diabetes of type I diabetes is the presence of normal or elevated levels of insulin in the blood, which can not, for whatever reason, to effectively reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Increased sugar levels in the majority of patients with diabetes mellitus type II is due to the immunity (resistance) to his cell tissues to insulin. But sometimes cause a persistent increase in blood sugar in diabetes of this type may be a violation of the insulin secretion of pancreatic cells or excessive glucose production by the liver.

Type II diabetes is usually detected after 45 years. For its development it has a value of several predisposing factors: genetic predisposition, age (after 45 years), lipid metabolism disorders, obesity or too low weight.

Because of impossibility of glucose uptake by cells increases blood sugar, i.e. formed type II diabetes.

 Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live

The reasons for high blood sugar in people without diabetes

Blood sugar rises are always under stress. When stress functioning of the organism provides the sympathetic nervous system, which stimulates the secretion of the stress hormone How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   - Adrenaline - it is produced in the adrenal medulla. Under the action of adrenaline the body comes into full alert - triggered an ancient mechanism response to external aggression. All organs and systems at the same time work in the accelerated mode and consume large amounts of energy.

Therefore adrenaline stimulates the increase of sugar CROI (in the course are strategic reserves of glycogen in the liver), and this in turn causes the increased secretion of insulin, which helps cells absorb glucose quickly. The peculiarity of stress hyperglycemia is that it does not hold a long time - as soon as the stress goes, blood glucose is restored to normal.

In addition, the increased blood sugar can be worn by a medical nature. Thus, a temporary rise in blood sugar can develop with intravenous glucose glucocorticoids (hormones adrenal cortex), some diuretics and antidepressants. Prolonged use of glucocorticoids can promote the development of diabetes.
