- Skin care: the daily treatments for a beautiful face
- Depending on the type of
The skin of the face and its types
Health and beauty - this is the main means to achieve happiness, because our body and soul are integrated. No one can deny the significance of outer beauty of women to achieve success in life. Therefore, a woman who always wants to look good, to be able to properly take care of themselves.
To determine what type of skin of your face, it should be thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt and makeup. Three hours later, when recover its natural protective covering (skin oil and sebum), carefully examine it.
Oily skin is shiny, it expanded pores. Cigarette papers, applied to the skin covered spots, wherein the spots formed then quickly disappear and grease stains remain. On oily skin of the face
Oily facial skin - a problem both sexes
often formed black spots - is oxidized and clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands sebaceous horn plugs.
Dry skin is thin, matt, transparent. Through it you can sometimes see the mesh of blood vessels. This skin is easily inflamed, and shows redness and peeling. Tissue paper applied to dry skin not covered by grease spots.
Leather type comprises mixed as dry sites (often on the cheeks) and fat (the wings of the nose, forehead, chin).
Normal skin is not too dry, not too oily, not dehydrated. Meets this type are rare.
Caring for oily skin
Oily skin should be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis, as it becomes dirty more quickly than dry and normal skin. In order to apply the skin degreasing lotions. Happy oily skin need to lubricate the protective cream.
The first and most important treatment - purification. Oily skin is resistant to water and soap. Wash with soap and water should be in the morning and evening, and the skin is massaged with light circular movements of the fingers.
The following procedure - degreasing. For this purpose, lotions prepared alcohol-based ether or camphor. The most effective drugs - essential, it is possible to dry up their skin. A good result has camphor alcohol.
The latter procedure - protection. Before bedtime
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on oily skin is not recommended to apply any creams, it must be remembered that all creams for oily skin should not contain fatty substances. Perfume industry produced special creams for oily skin, among which we can always choose the one that is right for you. In the morning after washing the skin day cream is applied, after which the skin is slightly powder oneself.
Daily care for dry skin
Nature has provided enough dry skin protective agents, so it is particularly in need of protection of medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Such skin contraindicated all substances with a drying effect.
Because dry skin does not tolerate water, especially hot and hard, it is not recommended to wash frequently with soap and water, not to further dry the skin. If you enjoy washing with water, it is necessary to use soft water, poor salts, for example, melt water or non-mineral water from the thermal springs. Washing with soap and water can be successfully replaced by application to the skin cleansing creams. In the evening to cleanse the face is better to use vegetable oils or agents prepared based on them, removing the excess with a paper towel.
After cleansing the skin of her face to wipe emollient cosmetic milk containing lanolin. At night you can lubricate the skin nourishing cream for dry skin.
Dry skin is very sensitive to fluctuations in ambient temperature. The colder the air, the skin becomes drier. If you do not take care of her, then under the influence of low temperatures can be formed cracks. Therefore, during the cold season so the skin should be lubricated with a very fat cream. This cream will protect your skin from the drying effects and central heating systems, wind and water. But such protection is insufficient to protect against exposure to sunlight. To this end, we produced a special sunscreen. If dry skin
Dry skin: care and treatment
prone to peeling, it is necessary to wipe every night almond oil.
To care for moderately dry skin, you can use the tonic provided the basis for them does not serve alcohol.
Daily care for normal skin
For normal skin need the same meticulous care, as well as for the patient, or it may go into a state of dry or oily skin. For washing is better to use soft water. Under the influence of hot water surface skin cells swell and peel off, resulting in reduced acidity of the skin and disrupts its natural protective cover is formed by sebum. Under the influence of soap cell walls that make up the surface layers of the skin to lose its elasticity. So do not often wash with hot soapy water. Acidic reaction of the surface layers of the skin is restored only through 3, 5 hours after washing with soap and water.
Just like any other skin, normal skin needs protection from the wind, cold, heat and the drying effects of central heating. For this are day creams that lubricate the exposed parts of the body - the face and hands.
Daily facial mixed type
Purification dry and greasy skin should be carried out in accordance with the rules for this type of skin
How to determine your skin type
. Day of such skin can be lubricated or just cream for dry skin, or only the cream for oily skin, evenly distributing it all over the face.
What kind of makeup to choose
It is best to use makeup of one firm that is presented in the form of some kind of cosmetic line. Well proven domestic cosmetics "Black Pearl", a French company, and the company Ericson Laboratoire Selvert Thermal, Israeli company «Holli Land Cosmetics» and others.
Only the daily care can yield results: the skin becomes smooth, matte, without blackheads and pustules.
Galina Romanenko