- Chronic pancreatitis - why you need a strict diet
- Symptoms and Complications
Chronic pancreatitis - a chronic inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by a reduction of its function, that is a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes (digestive pancreatic juice). Chronic pancreatitis can be primary (first occurs in the pancreas), or secondary - on the background of some other gastrointestinal disease.
Causes of chronic pancreatitis diverse. The chronic form may go attack of acute pancreatitis. Often, the disease occurs on the background of alcohol abuse, constant overeating, haphazard irregular power consumption of a large amount of spicy, fatty and fried foods, protein deficiency. The inflammatory process can go on the pancreas to other organs of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, inflammation of the gallbladder). The cause of chronic pancreatitis can be prolonged exposure to toxic substances, including drugs (eg, aspirin), various infections (eg, severe influenza) injuries. Older people sometimes develop chronic pancreatitis due to atherosclerotic vascular lesions of the pancreas.
Under the influence of a factor on the pancreas is delayed allocation of pancreatic juice with the simultaneous activation of its enzyme that contributes to the gradual digestion of pancreatic tissue. Effects of enzymes on blood vessels leads to swelling of the prostate. In chronic pancreatitis, insulin production also suffers
The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
That can lead to diabetes.

How does chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, digestive problems and the emergence of symptoms of insufficient glucose absorption by the body
Glucose: The energy source
(diabetes mellitus).
The pain in chronic pancreatitis often is permanent, with the defeat of only the head of the pancreas, it is located in the right upper abdomen, in the propagation of the inflammatory process in the body and tail cancer - extends to the entire upper half of the abdomen and left upper quadrant. Such pain is often given in the back or worn shingles character. Pains worse in the supine position and may be reduced in a sitting position. They can also force from a fatty or spicy foods and alcohol.
Another manifestation of chronic pancreatitis are digestive disorders, most commonly diarrhea (diarrhea or alternating with constipation), bloating (flatulence), loss of appetite and aversion to fatty foods. The chair becomes abundant, fetid with greasy luster. All these effects contribute to the loss of body weight.

Chronic pancreatitis can be complicated by the formation of cysts and pancreatic stones, inflammation transition to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Against the backdrop of long flowing inflammatory process may develop pancreatic cancer.
Inflammation almost always affects the islets of Langerhans (endocrine gland located in the pancreas and produce insulin), so chronic pancreatitis often complicated by diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease

Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
In the blood, urine and duodenal contents (the contents of the duodenum 12, taken at duodenal intubation) is determined by the amount of digestive enzymes the pancreas
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- It makes it possible to determine the degree of impairment of its function. Laboratory testing of feces reveals a large number of undigested food.
It held as ultrasound and X-ray examination of the pancreas. Of great importance in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) - X-ray examination with the introduction of contrast medium directly into the bile ducts through a special device (an endoscope) - it can detect changes in the ducts of the pancreas and biliary tract.

In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis is vital that the patients diet that includes a portion up to 6 times a day, receiving small amounts of food and its long thorough chewing. The food has to be a large amount of protein, limiting fat, carbohydrates, salt and hot spices.
Pancreatic insufficiency is eliminated taking pancreatic enzymes (pancreatin, mezim, festal).
During exacerbation of the disease in the region of the pancreas is applied cold (inhibited the secretion of digestive enzymes), prescribed drugs that promote muscle relaxation pancreatic duct (antispasmodic) and timely outflow of digestive juice, painkillers. For the prevention of infection during exacerbation of connection is sometimes prescribed antibiotics.
Out of aggravation recommended spa treatment (for example, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk) with the reception of mineral water inside and hydrotherapy in the form of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, and sulfide baths.
Chronic pancreatitis requires a long (sometimes lifelong) treatment and dieting.