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- The normal intestinal microflora
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Normoflorin during pregnancy
Pregnancy - a time when under the influence of female hormones disrupted the entire gastrointestinal tract, causing, at times, the most discomfort. How to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can you do it without a prescription?

What happens to the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy
Even from the earliest days of pregnancy a woman can be confusing for nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the hormonal changes. In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is the main hormone progesterone
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Which suppresses all uterotonic. But the innervation of the uterus is closely linked to the innervation of the gastrointestinal tract, so the muscles of these organs also ceases its active contraction. This leads to stagnation of feces in the intestines, constipation and a constant feeling of nausea. There is a growing nausea and admission into the blood of waste products of the fruit.
Later, during the second trimester (12 - 24 weeks), the woman's condition is gradually improving, as is gradually developing and placenta starts to function - it does not allow product sharing the fetus in the mother's body. In addition, reduced activity and progesterone, being replaced by other female sex hormones - estrogens. In the third trimester of pregnancy (after the twenty-fourth week), constipation and heartburn increased as the growing uterus compresses the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Unfortunately, all of these symptoms do not get completely removed, since the gain of the motor activity of the intestine lead to increased muscle contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage
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. For this reason, pregnant women can not be done and to take the usual enema laxatives.
For pregnant women, there is an immutable rule: any drug or dietary supplement to the food it may appoint a doctor.

Can I take during pregnancy Normoflorin
Normoflorin is a suspension of bacteria - the natural inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract, and their metabolic products. This beneficial bacteria that help digest food and clean the intestines, as well as substances that contribute to proliferation of these bacteria. Nothing alien and dangerous to the woman's body is not fed, so Contraindications Normoflorin during pregnancy is not. However, the rule remains in force: the reception of the BUD should be agreed with your physician.
Once in the gut a pregnant woman living beneficial bacteria that are contained in Normoflorin begin immediately to multiply, because along with them in the organism enters and "dressing" - amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements and other biologically active substances necessary for their livelihoods .
Gradually (the process of settlement intestinal microflora useful is slow) beneficial bacteria multiply in the intestines and create an environment uncomfortable for the life of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, so its volume is reduced. As a result of the digestive process takes place properly, toxic metabolic products released less, it contributes to a better promotion of the stool and improving the pregnant woman. The chair becomes more regular, less concerned bloating. Remediation of the gastrointestinal tract positive impact on the utero-placental circulation and the general state of the mother and fetus.
Normoflorin solves another problem, typical of the state of pregnancy - a decrease in immunity. It is also a physiological response that prevents miscarriage
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. But the decline of immunity can cause infectious and inflammatory disease in women, which is also undesirable. Most often found in pregnant inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.
Admission Normoflorin in several courses to cleanse the bowels of toxic products of metabolism and allow the immune system of the intestine to work in full force. The walls of the intestine is the real laboratory where synthesized new immune cells and proteins that have protective properties - immunoglobulins and interferons. Once the laboratory begins to function properly, the immune system is slightly increased. For the purpose of strengthening the immune system
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during pregnancy Normoflorin fits very well as he does it gently, slowly and not too much.