Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair - Children

May 17, 2009

  • Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair
  • Symptoms
  • Ferment
  • Chronic
  • Children
  • Treatment

Dyspepsia in Children

Dyspepsia - a phenomenon very common not only in adults but also in children. The most common indigestion in children - an unpleasant consequence of malnutrition with all its symptoms, such as feeling of fullness, pain or discomfort in the stomach, nausea.

 Children | Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair

How to prevent?

Pawn prevent indigestion in children - proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and eating habits: the child must be accustomed from an early age to eat slowly, slowly, chewing food thoroughly. In addition, if the child has symptoms of dyspepsia appear regularly, it is better to abandon the heavy, greasy or spicy foods, which often causes indigestion. Contribute to the emergence of symptoms of dyspepsia and fruits high in acid - such as citrus.

 Children | Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair


Indigestion in children as in adults, fairly easy to treat. In order to suppress the symptoms of digestive disorders in children are used antacids - medicines that neutralize acid in the stomach. For children, such preparations are available in the form of a syrup or suspension.

Another treatment option dipepsii children - available without a prescription H2-blockers, drugs that neutralize stomach acid production cells. From antacids such drugs differ in that they allow more to prevent the appearance of symptoms of dyspepsia than completely suppress them. As and antacids and H2-blockers have a number of side effects before giving these medications your child is better to consult a doctor.

It must be remembered that dyspepsia in infants - a temporary phenomenon, the symptoms quickly disappear by themselves. If the symptoms of dyspepsia are constantly emerging in children at an older age and become intense, it is better to contact with the child to the doctor and not to give him medication purchased over the counter without a prescription. Only a doctor can help determine whether the indigestion in children malnutrition or a serious disease of the digestive tract - such as an ulcer or gastritis.

 Children | Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair

Indigestion in children: treatment of natural resources

  • Oranges: Oranges contain vitamin C, carotene, iron and phosphorus, strengthen the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   child and promotes the excretion of toxins from the body and reduce the acidity of gastric juices and stimulate digestion, thus helping to relieve the symptoms of dyspepsia. Oranges - one of the most effective natural remedy for chronic dyspepsia in children.
  • Lemons: Lemon juice - a great helper in the fight against dyspepsia in children, it not only reduces the acidity of gastric juice, but also has an antibacterial effect and helps cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
  • Grapefruit and Pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
 Grapefruit is very useful for digestive problems, helps relieve heartburn and get rid of the discomfort in the abdomen. Moreover, grapefruit helps prevent stone formation, improve the appetite and stimulates digestion. Pineapple, like grapefruit, helps to relieve the symptoms of dyspepsia in children and adults.

Types of worms and the consequences of their appearance - Dangerous Parasites

June 25th, 2013

  • Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence
  • Ascaris symptoms
  • Roundworm treatment
  • Ascaris in children - Treatment
  • Tapeworms
  • The consequences of tapeworm infection
  • Treatment of tapeworm
  • Dangerous parasites

 kinds of worms dangerous parasites

Dangerous parasites

In the human body there may be different types of worms. Some types of intestinal parasites are relatively harmless, while others may cause hazardous to human health or even life-threatening diseases. Depending on the kind of helminth, the symptoms may be different from itching in the anus, diarrhea and nausea to severe abdominal pain Sharp abdominal pain  Sharp abdominal pain
 , Internal bleeding and damage to internal organs.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


Pinworm eggs can enter the body through any infected objects. Typically, carriers of intestinal parasites are children, who are infected with worms from animals, or through dirty toys. For the diagnosis of intestinal parasites that cause itching in the anus, apply a scraping of the skin in the anal area - skin particles examined under a microscope for pinworm eggs.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


The main causes of hookworm infection - a direct hit larval worms in the human body or by direct contact with the soil, which contained the larvae of the parasite. One of the most common situations - contact with the ground bare feet. Accepted provide two types of hookworms: ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus. One of the first signs of hookworm infection - an itchy rash at the site of penetration of the parasites under the skin. After hitting worms in the intestine may occur symptoms such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas. Chronic helminthiasis lead to anemia caused by iron deficiency.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


As is the case with hookworm infection strongiloidami often occurs through direct contact with the soil in which the larvae are of worms. Adult worms kind strongyloides stercoralis multiply in the small intestine. The main symptoms of the infection strongiloidami - loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain. In particularly serious cases strongiloidy can cause serious damage to internal organs.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


The disease caused by tapeworm - teniasis. There are two main types of tapeworms that cause disease in humans: bovine tapeworm (taenia saginata) and the pork tapeworm (taenia solium). The cause of tapeworm infection often becomes the consumption of raw or undercooked (underdone) meat that contains tapeworm eggs. Parasites attached to the walls of the small intestine and produce proglottids - individual body segments of tapeworms, that contain the eggs of parasites. Proglottids break away from the worm's body and leave the body in feces, eventually contaminating the soil. As a result of tapeworm eggs together with the food into the body of livestock.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


Toksokariaz - zoonotic disease (disease transmitted from animals to humans) caused by worms kind toxocara. Carriers of the disease usually appear pets - cats and dogs (parasites leave the body in the feces of animals). Hatched larvae of parasites provoke one of two diseases: cutaneous or visceral form of the syndrome larva migrans (so-called "syndrome larva migrans"). In the first case, the larvae of the parasite can get into your eyes and cause serious vision problems. In the case of visceral larva migrans syndrome, a form of parasite larvae cause damage to internal organs.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


Trichinella spiralis (Trichinella) - a class of parasitic roundworms, the causative agent of trichinosis. The main reason for this kind of infection of worms - raw or neprozharennoe (undercooked) poultry or livestock (most often - pork). Getting in the human body, the larvae penetrate into the small intestine and develop into adult worms. Adults lay new eggs hatched from larvae that move through the body, causing pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Muscles and joints.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence

Trihotsefal (whipworm)

Trihotsefal (whipworm) - one of the most common classes of intestinal parasites. Helminth eggs remain in the small intestine, and the larvae hatched from the eggs of the parasites develop into adults in the colon. In the most serious cases of infestation leads to anemia, bloody diarrhea and stunted growth.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


Helminthiasis, which causes the parasite, called hydatid disease. The larva is a two-layer bubble. Man and herbivores are intermediate, and domestic dogs, wolves and some other animals - the definitive hosts and sources of contamination.

If a person is in contact with dogs and sheep for wool which are helminth eggs, or eat fruit, raw vegetables or other products with parasites, it may be ill. In the stomach and intestines from eggs released larvae which fall within the liver. In this part of their body is delayed, and the others entered the blood to the brain, lungs, heart or kidneys. Bubbles gradually grow and compress the surrounding tissue.

The first signs of the disease appear several years after infection. In rare cases, rash, and periodically increased body temperature.

When echinococcosis liver decreased appetite, the patient loses weight, there are pains in the abdomen, and the person feels a sense of pressure and heaviness in the right upper quadrant Heaviness in the right upper quadrant - require examination  Heaviness in the right upper quadrant - require examination
   or in the stomach. It is also characterized by nausea and vomiting. Bubbles can fester and provoke the development of liver abscess. When they burst, the allergic reactions occur (up to the shock). Sometimes the cyst compress major blood vessels and bile ducts.

 Dangerous parasites | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence

Cat fluke (cat or Siberian fluke)

The parasite is called helminthiasis opistorhoz disease (Vinogradov). Definitive hosts and sources of contamination may be people, cats, foxes, dogs, foxes, which are excreted in the feces of helminth eggs. Worms have intermediate (freshwater mussels) and additional host (carp fish).

Opisthorchiasis person becomes ill after eating raw or salted fish slaboprovyalennoy, which contains the live larvae of the parasite. They are released in the small intestine and membranes from a few hours to reach the bile ducts within the liver and pancreatic duct. There's two weeks they become mature and start to allocate individual eggs.

Worms and their metabolic products on the human body have a toxic effect and cause allergic reactions. The parasites damage the bile ducts, disrupting the operation of the stomach and duodenum.

After infection, the body temperature rises, rash, diarrhea and pain in the liver. In the later stages of the disease disturbed sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , There are headaches, are also characterized by pale or yellow skin or mucous membranes.

For the prevention of helminthiasis is required to carry out the thermal treatment of raw fish and meat before eating them. It is not recommended to swim in ponds, which are located next to the pasture of animals. It is also important to be screened regularly to detect the disease early and avoid the development of serious complications.

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  • worms
