Espumizan - instructions that if there are no forces to swell

October 25, 2011

 Espumizan - guide
 Frequency of dysbiosis, the main feature of which is the accumulation of gas in the intestine, caused the pharmaceutical industry to produce new means for removing gas from the intestine. These drugs are called carminative, it applies to them and Espumizan.

 Espumizan - instructions that if there are no forces to swell

Carminative drug Espumizan

Carminative drugs help remove the gas accumulated in the intestine, through natural openings. By natural antiflatulents include plants that contain essential oils (e.g., fennel, dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
   vegetable garden, parsley). Carminative action of such facilities is carried out by decreasing muscle spasms of the intestine. This increases the intestinal lumen, increasing his physical activity (translational movement towards the exit) and gases with feces are removed through the anus.

Espumizan (INN - simethicone) - is a carminative new type, it acts differently. It is also slightly relaxes muscle spasms of the intestine, but it is not its main feature. Espumizan defoamer is active, meaning it breaks down gas bubbles in the feces and intestinal mucus. As a result, gas bubbles are merged together, and the foam shrinks. Large amounts of gas are partially absorbed by the intestinal wall and in part are ejected (large gas bubbles appear easier than small ones) during the peristaltic movements of the intestine. The entire process results in the fact that the pressure is reduced in the intestinal lumen, and thus tested and intestinal cramps.

Espumizan Another effect is that it forms a protective film on the intestinal mucosa and protects against injuries, which is the prevention of chronic colitis. Produced and various analogues Espumizan active substance which is also simethicone. This, for example, disflatil, simikol, pepfiz, meteospazmil, polysilane, tseolat.

Espumizan is absolutely non-toxic drug, since it is not absorbed in the intestine and excreted with feces in unaltered. Widespread use Espumizan Espumizan - rapid release of gas  Espumizan - rapid release of gas
   found during various diagnostic studies of the digestive system. During such studies (X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy), gas bubbles may disturb the visibility of the investigated organs. After receiving Espumizan bowel radiography may be carried out without problems, since the contrast agent introduced into the intestine to body image contrast, spreads on its mucosa without any gaps caused by flatulence. Therefore, the X-ray taken after receiving Espumizan not usually inaccurate picture.

An ultrasound and endoscopy defoaming properties Espumizan also helping to guide diagnosis.

 Espumizan - instructions that if there are no forces to swell

To whom and for what purpose it appointed Espumizan

Espumizan apply:

  • in the treatment of digestive diseases, which are accompanied by flatulence (chronic colitis, enterocolitis, dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis);
  • to reduce bloating after abdominal operations, which occurs on the background of temporary paresis (immobilization) of the intestine);
  • in cases of poisoning in some household chemicals, which cause the formation of abundant foam in the intestine;
  • before radiological, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations of the abdomen and pelvis.

Contraindications reception Espumizan are hypersensitive to its components, and bowel obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different
   - Large gas bubbles can worsen the patient's condition. More contraindications for receiving Espumizan not because it does not enter the blood stream and has no overall effect on the organism. Assign it and during pregnancy, lactation and children in the neonatal period.

 Espumizan - instructions that if there are no forces to swell

Side effects that may occur while taking Espumizan

Side effects when taking Espumizan are extremely rare and only in the form of allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 . Overdose of the drug did not meet.

Espumizan not combined with taking other drugs, because it can disrupt their absorption in the intestine. Therefore, if you want to take any other medicines, must be observed between the break of at least three to four hours. Do not take large doses of Espumizan with drugs that reduce gastric acidity (eg Almagell).

Available Espumizan capsules for adults and in the form of emulsions in bottles for children. Adults are recommended to take one - two capsules Espumizan, infants - a teaspoon of emulsion under heavy bloating and intestinal colic.

Espumizan - quality product for the removal of the phenomena of flatulence.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Espumizan

Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

March 11, 2012

 enterosgel contraindications
 Enterosgel - is an effective drug. He has a high degree of safety, so sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is recommended as a drug, which should be in the home medicine cabinet. Enterosgel help in acute poisoning and certain other conditions.

 Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

What enterosgel

Enterosgel - is a drug prepared on the basis of organic silicon. It comes in the form of a hydrogel and paste for oral and adsorbs the enteric all poisons, metabolites, nutrients and decay foreign substances having an average size of molecules. At the same time suitable to the surface through the intestinal villi capillaries enterosgel "pulls" the toxic substances from the blood, purifying it from toxic products.

With enterosgelya can cure acute intoxication of any origin, to improve the condition of patients with acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
 Chronic inflammatory, allergic and metabolic diseases. This drug can be taken quite long courses: its structure is such that it does not display the body of nutrients - trace elements and useful microflora. Contraindications enterosgelya very few, as well as side effects.

 Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

Contraindications first - acute gastric dilatation

Acute gastric dilatation occurs when paresis neuro-muscular system of stomach. Such a condition may develop on the background of overeating or various surgical procedures.

Signs of acute gastric dilatation, emerged with overeating, can be similar to symptoms of acute poisoning. It's a pain in the upper abdomen, hiccups Hiccups - and if this is something serious?  Hiccups - and if this is something serious?
   and anacatharsis, which leads to rapid dehydration. Fullness can pinch the duodenum, causing intestinal obstruction joins. Enterosgel contraindicated in this case, first aid is to remove the entire contents from the stomach. Patients have a surgical hospital for several days.

 Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

Contraindications second - bowel obstruction

Obstruction of the bowel may be different. In some cases, it develops very quickly and sharply, such as volvulus or intussusception (part of the intestine is inserted into the lumen of the other part), the patient has severe abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 That makes him immediately seek medical care.

In other cases, intestinal obstruction grows slowly, such as intestinal obstruction, congestion occurs due to fecal or bowel adhesions squeezing Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
 It developed after inflammation in the peritoneal cavity. In this case, the patient does not always ask for help to the doctor and he tries to be treated, including taking enterosgel. But in this case enterosgel which possesses binding properties can aggravate the situation. When abdominal pain of unknown origin can not take enterosgel, you need to call an ambulance, because only a doctor will be able to understand why a stomach ache and what to do.

 Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

Contra third - gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding

In gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage of the surface of the inflamed sores may gape blood vessels and even the slightest injury can cause bleeding. Enterosgel can get to ulcers and cause such injuries, followed by bleeding. Contact enterosgelya blood vessels is particularly undesirable, since it can zatrombirovat such a vessel, resulting in necrosis (gangrene) tissue of the stomach or another organ which the vessel supplies.

Enterosgel can enter the bloodstream and distant blood vessels, clogging them (this is called thromboembolism) and causing necrosis. Therefore, erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract is better not to take risks and enterosgel not apply.

 Enterosgel - Contraindications: use caution when intestinal obstruction

Contra fourth - idiosyncrasy components enterosgelya the body of the patient

Enterosgel, like any other drug can cause allergic reactions. The most common allergic reactions are manifested in the form of urticaria (spotted merging rash, sprawling on the eyes), angioedema (swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, which can migrate to the area of ​​the larynx, causing respiratory failure) and various skin rashes.

When even minor signs of individual intolerance enterosgelya take it any longer.

But in most cases enterosgel well tolerated and may take place in the home medicine cabinet.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enterosgel
