Reglan - a drug that thanks to its curative properties, is widely used in medical practice. This drug is perfectly relieves nausea and vomiting almost any source and helps to restore the proper promotion of the masses of food through the intestines.

Application Cerucalum stems from its mechanism of action
Reglan is an antiemetic drug central action, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the stomach and duodenum to the vomiting center located in the brain.
As a result of suppressed relaxation of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly enters the stomach contents into the duodenum, and moves further along the intestine. Reglan also prevents backflow of food masses of the esophagus and the stomach from the duodenum into the stomach. In addition, Reglan increases motor activity of the biliary tract, which prevents stagnation of bile, and diseases such as biliary tract dyskinesia on hypotonic type (ie with reduced physical activity muscle biliary tract), and cholecystitis.
Because the mechanism of action Cerucalum on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract follows and its application in clinical practice.

Which diseases apply tserukal
Vomiting and nausea may occur at a variety of diseases. They may be accompanied by as a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and various other serious diseases of internal organs. Reglan help with nausea and vomiting of any origin other than violations of the vestibular apparatus.
In some cases, the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines literally "refused to work" and the stool does not move it in the desired direction. This state is most characteristic of post-operative conditions, especially after abdominal surgery. Reglan in this case, will help revitalize the work of the smooth muscles and warn severe complications related to the stagnation of food in the intestines. Moreover, from the intestines removed, and the gases, which considerably facilitates the patient's condition.
In case of violation of motor activity bile ducts (biliary dyskinesia on hypotonic type) Reglan also help: it will make the smooth muscles of these organs to shrink and remove the bile into the intestine, thereby facilitating proper digestion.
In some diseases, the food from the stomach flows back into the esophagus. And since it is already mixed with gastric juice, the acidic contents of the stomach are constantly irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus, causing dermatitis. This condition is called reflux esophagitis. Admission Cerucalum bring relief to these patients, as can stop repeated masses throwing food from the stomach into the esophagus.
Sometimes, as a result of diseases of the stomach and duodenum develops functional (that is, transient) pyloric stenosis - a place of transition of the stomach into the duodenum. In this case Cerucalum promotes mass transfer food from the stomach into the duodenum and further promotion of the intestines.
In diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
as a result of violations of the blood circulation and nerve supply can begin paresis smooth muscles of the stomach and its contents can not get into the duodenum. Reglan solves this problem.
Reglan is widely used in diagnosis. Thus, radiography of the gastrointestinal tract is performed using a contrast agent, which must move quickly enough for stomach and intestines. Reglan increases peristaltic contractions of the intestine and promotes it by contrast.
Successfully used Reglan and duodenal sounding - it accelerates gastric emptying and to promote food through the small intestine, and hence a more rapid release
Discharges in women when there is cause for concern

How to take Reglan
The dose and duration of treatment determines the physician depending on the disease, age and individual characteristics of the patient.
But there are standard recommendations developed by the manufacturers Cerucalum. Inside take Reglan tablets half an hour before meals 3 - 4 times a day at a dose of individually selected doctor. The course of treatment is usually one - half months, but sometimes it can be extended up to six months.
In severe conditions of patients tserukal
Reglan: help against nausea
administered intramuscularly or intravenously, but as soon as the patient's condition improves, go to the reception of the drug inside. If the kidney function Reglan may be excreted from the body in its entirety, so such patients require correction of the prescribed dose of the drug.
For children, the dose is calculated on the weight of the patient and also selected individually.
Galina Romanenko