Coccal flora - the norm should be observed

October 1, 2014

 coccal flora
 Cocchi - a spherical bacterium, which include streptococci, tetrakokki, staphylococci, diplococci, sartsiny. Some species of cocci normally live in the body of any healthy person, but their proliferation is constrained by other bacteria and the activity of the immune system. If microflora balance for whatever reason disturbed, the amount may exceed the rate cocci, and this in turn can lead to various health problems. So, coccal flora in women may be long enough not to cause any symptoms, but sometimes it causes disorders such as cervical erosion, endometrial inflammation and infertility.



To understand, because of some reasons coccal flora became prevalent, it may be necessary not only to conduct a series of tests, but also carefully examine the patient's history and learn about its habits regarding personal hygiene. The most common causes of coccal flora are:

  • Antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment of any disease, such as tonsillitis, can lead to an imbalance of vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
 . Some of the beneficial bacteria after such treatment can be destroyed, causing cocci are able to actively proliferate;
  • Fluctuations in hormonal levels can have a marked influence on the microflora. Therefore coccal flora in pregnancy, lactation, and during hormonal drugs - is quite common;
  • Weakened immune system. Stress, physical stress, flu, taking certain medications (eg, corticosteroids) and acquired immune deficiency may lead to an imbalance between good and bad bacteria;
  • Douching. Some women still believe that douching vagina cleans and is essential for those who really follows the rules of personal hygiene. In fact, this procedure clears the vagina by lactobacilli and can lead to irritation of the mucosa. With regular douching colonies of lactobacilli decrease and cocci are more and more;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse. Some cocci, such as gonococci are transmitted through sexual contact and result in the development of STD. Additionally, sometimes from one person to another can be transmitted and bacteria that are not sexually transmitted disease pathogens, such as Staphylococci. For this reason, after a new sex partner for some people (usually female) can show symptoms similar to the symptoms of STDs.


Symptoms coccal flora

Women exuberant coccal flora may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching of the vagina in the vulva, unusual vaginal discharge - they may have a yellowish, very viscous or cheesy consistency or odor. Many patients have a feeling of discomfort after intercourse.

Coccal flora men often do not cause any symptoms, but some patients have mild redness and a burning sensation in the penis. Discharge from the penis are rare, and when you see this sign should immediately be examined - they may indicate a dangerous STD to be treated as soon as possible.

In cases where the abundant coccal flora in a smear indicates the presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae - the bacteria causing gonorrhea - in men can appear symptoms such as burning and pain when urinating, frequent urination, white, yellowish or greenish discharge from the penis, swollen testicles. In women, the symptoms of the disease are often mild, and are often mistaken for signs of other, less dangerous infections. These symptoms include profuse vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 Sometimes, but not always, have an unpleasant odor and unusual color, discomfort when urinating, pain (usually weak or moderate) during sexual intercourse. If the infection is beginning to spread to the fallopian tubes and up, the patient may experience severe pain in the abdomen.


Treatment coccal flora

Only a doctor, after a pelvic exam and tests can solve than cure coccal flora; self usually does not give positive results, and in some cases can lead to aggravation of the symptoms and various complications.

Treatment coccal flora in women is often accomplished using suppositories or ointments - topical preparations cause fewer side effects, and in most cases are sufficiently effective. For example, a candle from the coccal flora povidone iodine (Betadine) effectively fight various kinds of cocci, and are safe for most patients. They are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the only components of Betadine, and in certain diseases of the thyroid gland. Application of Betadine during pregnancy and lactation is allowed, but it must be conducted with caution and only under medical supervision. The course of treatment can last from seven to fourteen days. In some cases betadine Betadine - use correctly  Betadine - use correctly
   causing side effects such as itching and irritation of weak vaginal mucosa.

Treatment coccal flora in both men and women can also be carried out with the help of antibiotics. For this purpose, commonly used drugs such as metronidazole - in the form of a gel or tablets, and clindamycin.

It should be noted that in cases where coccal flora does not cause any symptoms, the need for special treatment is not always available. Sometimes, for the normalization of the microflora it is enough to better monitor the hygiene, correct diet, stop douching and means for personal hygiene containing harsh chemicals. In addition to these recommendations, the patient can use vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   lactobacilli, which can quickly lead to normal balance of beneficial and opportunistic bacteria.

Article Tags:
  • cocci

Colposcopy is hurt - myths and truth about the method of investigation

December 5, 2012

 colposcopy it hurts
 Many women, imagining that they have to go through colposcopy study, think that this procedure is very painful. It may even lead to the fact that because of the false fear female lays examination. The myth that colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   it hurts already, to some extent has become stable. The doctor is important to convey to women all the information about this method of investigation and convince her completely safe procedure.

 Colposcopy is hurt - myths and truth about the method of investigation

What may be associated painful manifestations

The procedure itself is painless colposcopy.

The physician conducting a study using a colposcope - a special device which has an optical system with a magnification of 30 to 280 (depending on the type colposcope). It may be a temporary discomfort associated with the introduction of speculum, but not with the colposcopy procedure. These feelings are temporary and do not cause feelings of pain. Visit the doctor makes in the distance, so there is no close contact, accordingly, it can not hurt. The device colposcope is a certain distance from the gynecological chair. The doctor exposes the neck using a mirror and continue to make with the help of the optical inspection system of cervical and other genital tract of women.

Painful symptoms during colposcopy can link directly with some manipulation on the neck, with carrying out diagnostic tests. If there is a need for remedial measures, then these procedures are not painful, they cause discomfort. The woman feels that she make some manipulations and takes it quite emotional. To a large extent this is due to the psychological mindset of women. In this situation, the physician must conduct a predetermined explanatory talk and set a woman on a colposcopy.

 Colposcopy is hurt - myths and truth about the method of investigation

The need for colposcopy

During the year, every woman should undergo a preventive medical examination of the gynecologist, with inspection on the gynecological chair Inspection on the gynecological chair: not so scary  Inspection on the gynecological chair: not so scary
   does not rule out a colposcopy. It is a mistake to think that it is enough just one bimanual examination on the chair. According to the recommendations of experts of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 'gold standard' in the prevention of malignancies of the female reproductive system is considered to colposcopy study. The value of this method lies in the prevention and early detection, timely treatment of malignant processes in the area of ​​the external female genitals. Cytology, which is screening in the diagnosis of cancer should be under the control of the colposcopy.

The modern development of medical technology allows to put into practice systems that allow very patient to observe the changes that the doctor identifies the research process. This type is called a colposcopy videocolposcopy and allows you to display on the screen the image that sees the doctor in colposcopy during the procedure. All this takes place in real time and does not cause the pain in women.

The moment when a woman can itself take part in the research process, to observe possible changes when the doctor during the study shows it all and explains is important, and she forgets about the idea that she can appear pain.

The fear of this type of research is certainly exaggerated. Those feelings that may experience a woman can not be called pain. It is important to have the right attitude. If a woman comes to the procedure with due understanding and aware of the need for its implementation, there will be no problems associated with the possible appearance of pain. If a woman is emotionally labile and highly experienced before the upcoming study, we can recommend the night before to take herbal sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
   with the aim of removing the emotional stress. It can be an extract of valerian tincture or Leonurus Tincture motherwort - mild sedative  Tincture motherwort - mild sedative
 , Peony in average therapeutic doses.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • colposcopy
