- How to distinguish normal vaginal infection
- Trichomoniasis
The acidic environment of the vagina created by constantly present in the vagina of bacteria, neutralizes harmful bacteria, protecting the body from infections. Glands located in the vagina and cervix produce secretion, purifies and regulates the acid environment - almost the same as saliva cleanses the mouth. Vaginal discharge, generated glands secretion, are absolutely normal. Any interference in the delicate balance of the work glands can disrupt a healthy environment in the vagina and lead to infection.
Normal vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge characteristic of all women. Normal vaginal discharge may be clear, white or yellowish. Changes in the color, texture, or the amount of vaginal discharge can be caused by many different factors - the phase of the menstrual cycle, emotional stress
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, Nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy, taking certain medications and even sexual arousal.
Selections and the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle affects the amount of vaginal discharge. For example, in the middle of the cycle can be seen an increase in the number of selections and changes in their consistency. During the menstrual cycle, acid-base balance of the vaginal environment is changing just prior to the onset of menstruation and during menstruation acidity decreases. That is why during menstruation the risk of infection is highest.
Abnormal discharge
Any change in color or amount of vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge
may be a sign of vaginal infection
How to avoid vaginal infection
. Vaginal infections - a phenomenon quite common with them in this or that period of life faced by most women. The main symptoms of vaginal infections include:
- Discharge accompanied by itching, rash or redness of the vulva
- The constant increase in the number of selections
- Burning sensation when urinating
- White, cheesy discharge from the vagina
- Grey / white or yellow / green discharge from the vagina with a sharp unpleasant odor
The most common vaginal infection
Bacterial vaginosis
The exact cause of bacterial vaginosis is not known: as in the case of candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis if there is increased activity and rapid growth of the bacteria causing the imbalance of the vaginal environment. Recurrence of symptoms even after treatment - a phenomenon very often. Additionally, bacterial vaginosis may occur when other vaginal infections. Most often suffer from bacterial vaginosis women often change sexual partners or permanently engaged in oral sex.
- Increasing the number of selections
- Gray / white watery discharge
Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
- Unpleasant "fishy" odor of discharge
- The smell is enhanced discharge immediately after sexual intercourse
It is not always symptoms of bacterial vaginosis can be traced: almost half of women with the disease have no symptoms.
Medicinal products for the fight against the disease can not be purchased over the counter without a prescription. There are two ways to treat bacterial vaginosis using drug metronidazole (Flagyl tradename) - oral antibiotic or cream. Metronidazole can cause a number of side effects - including nausea, discoloration of urine. Taking medication is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol for the duration of treatment, and forty-eight hours after the treatment of the active ingredients metronidazole interaction with alcohol can cause nausea and vomiting. To use the vaginal suppository is necessary daily.