Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor? - Treatment of folk remedies

February 18, 2007

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 folk remedies treatment of thrush

Treatment for thrush folk remedies

Thrush - quite harmless fungal disease with characteristic symptoms, which can be cured without much effort to discover at an early stage. Although the treatment of thrush are special antifungal drugs, the disease is treatable, and folk remedies.



One of the easiest ways to treat thrush folk remedies - manufacture of special suppositories with yogurt. Plain yogurt without dyes and flavorings contains useful lactobacillus acidophilus, neutralizing fungal microorganisms. To treat thrush at home is necessary to moisten a tampon in plain yogurt and insert into the vagina for at least an hour. Repeat procedure should be twice a day until complete disappearance of the symptoms of thrush.



Another effective remedy for the treatment of thrush - douching. For irrigation is necessary to prepare a special solution, stir in one cup of water one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The container with the resulting liquid must be put peeled garlic clove Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 And left for thirty minutes, and then removing garlic, pour the resulting solution gynecological syringe. The procedure must be performed douche twice a day until the final disappearance of symptoms.

Garlic for the treatment of thrush can be used not only for syringing, but also as a kind of tampon How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   - Due to their antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic are best suited for the treatment of yeast and other fungal diseases. Peeled garlic clove need to wrap a piece of gauze and tied with normal flossing, enter the vagina, as a regular tampon, leaving for the night. Repeat procedure should be daily until the final disappearance of the symptoms of thrush.


Honey and tea tree oil

Med its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties - Another effective means for the treatment of thrush home Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own  Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own
 . To get rid of the itching or burning sensation, which is almost always accompanied by thrush, is enough to put a little honey on the skin of the vulva, leaving ten to fifteen minutes and then wash off the honey with warm water.

As well as honey, tea tree oil Tea tree oil  Tea tree oil
   It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and therefore perfectly suited for dealing with any fungal diseases - and thrush as well. In order to suppress the symptoms of yeast infection, apply three to four drops of tea tree oil on a tampon, enter it into the vagina and leave overnight, removing the morning. Repeat procedure should be daily until complete disappearance of symptoms of thrush.

Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor? - Douching

February 18, 2007

  • Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
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 douche for thrush

Douching with thrush

Douching - one of the most effective methods to treat thrush at home Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own  Treatment of thrush at home: the struggle on their own
 . Use gynecological syringe should be gently, gently pressing on the bladder (high pressure can lead to the ingress of liquid from the syringe into the uterus). Insert the syringe must also be careful - damage to the vaginal wall can result in more severe fungal or bacterial infection.


Hydrogen peroxide douche for thrush

Hydrogen peroxide produced by the bacteria are constantly present in the vagina and controlling reproduction of fungal microorganisms. If the vaginal flora is disturbed, and beneficial bacteria are not able to cope with the rapid proliferation of fungus, yeast infection cure will douching with hydrogen peroxide Douching with hydrogen peroxide: antiseptic against inflammation  Douching with hydrogen peroxide: antiseptic against inflammation
 . This procedure is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of one teaspoon three percent hydrogen peroxide to one glass of water. Spritsevanie should be done once a day for several days before the final of disappearance of the symptoms of thrush.


Douching tea tree oil for thrush

Tea tree oil - an effective tool in the fight with any fungal diseases. The solution of tea tree oil can be used for the treatment of thrush. To prepare such a solution, it is necessary to mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. It is best to keep a ready solution in the vial-dropper with screw cap. To douche for thrush ten drops of tea tree oil should be dissolved in two cups of water and maintain a procedure once a day for a week.


Herbal infusions for douching with thrush

To douche for thrush fit a variety of herbal extracts, neutralizing the proliferation of fungal microorganisms and stopping inflammation. To prepare herbal infusions must be mixed in equal proportions sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Raspberry or comfrey leaves, adding four tablespoons of herbal per liter of boiling water and leave to brew for fifteen to twenty minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature. To douche produced herbal infusion you can add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or, on request, a quarter cup of yogurt or a tablespoon of acidophilus powder. When mild symptoms of thrush douching herbal infusions can be done every two days, in particularly severe cases - daily until complete disappearance of symptoms of thrush.


Douching acid solution

The acid solution regenerates the natural pH of the vagina, thereby neutralizing the multiplication of fungal microorganisms. To prepare the solution should be mixed liter of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, or normal (instead of vinegar fit fresh juice of half a lemon, or one teaspoon vitamin C). When mild symptoms of thrush douching acid solution should be done every day, with more intense symptoms douching should be combined with other treatments for thrush Methods of treatment of thrush - the basic objectives and principles of therapy  Methods of treatment of thrush - the basic objectives and principles of therapy
