Treatment of yeast infection in men folk remedies - the healing properties of nature

July 28, 2012

 treatment of thrush in men folk remedies
 In the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   men most of the patients prefer different folk remedies. They are highly effective, it does not adversely affect the body and can be used with contraindications to antifungal drugs. Treatment of yeast infection in men Thrush in men - not such a rarity  Thrush in men - not such a rarity
   folk remedies should be made only after consultation with a specialist and surveys.

 Treatment of yeast infection in men folk remedies - the healing properties of nature

How to use folk remedies for thrush

It would be wrong to think that all herbal or folk remedies are safe for health. Even when using plants can cause substantial harm to health if treatment is carried out hastily and self-medicate. Folk remedies can be applied in the complex antifungal therapy or as an independent means of treatment.

One of the most effective folk remedies considered daisy. This amazing plant has unique properties and allows you to get rid of yeast infection when properly using it. In a daisy contains those components that have antifungal effect on the pathogen yeast. Daisy can be used for local treatments. To this end, we must take a few tablespoons of the finished feed (chamomile) and fill them with boiling water (per 500 ml of water). The infusion must be insisted, it must be cool and drain. As such, it is used for treatment of genital and other affected areas candidiasis. Chamomile can be brewed and drink instead of tea, which will help prevent the spread of fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat

A good therapeutic effect has calendula. Anti-inflammatory properties of this plant help to relieve inflammation of the phenomenon in the case of an acute course of yeast infection in men. Calendula can be recommended as a means for the local treatment of thrush. Infusion produce processing genitals several times during the day.

 Treatment of yeast infection in men folk remedies - the healing properties of nature

An integrated approach to the problem of thrush

One of the causes of thrush is the state of immune deficiency. The composition of complex therapy must always include herbal preparations that have immunostimulatory properties. They are also called natural adaptogens. This group includes the following plants:

  • Ginseng (root)
  • Eleutherococcus senticosus
  • Leuzea
  • chinensis
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Manchurian Aralia
  • devil's high

The best known plant with such unique stimulating properties, it is believed ginseng. This plant is called by right "the root of life." Starting reception adaptogens be any of the minimum dose - six drops, and then gradually increase the number of drops can be up to twenty five or thirty. So how is a stimulating effect on the body, it is not recommended to take them in the evening or at night. To prevent the development of negative symptoms while taking adaptogens, better to buy ready-made liqueurs in the pharmacy network and not to use means cooked at home.

Lovely challenging, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties have garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . In the presence of yeast should be included in a diet of garlic, wherein it is possible not only to use a whole but also to make infusions. Treatment for thrush will be ineffective if the patient does not eat properly. In this situation, garlic copes with the task of treating and a delicious food supplement.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • Thrush in men

How to treat thrush in men - practical recommendations

July 27, 2012

 how to treat a yeast infection in men
 Thrush is a disease that can occur quite frequently among the male population. In this context, the question of how to cure yeast infection in men is very relevant at this is to be achieved the main goal - the removal or elimination of the pathogen. Appointment of medical schemes depends directly on to what clinical form occurs thrush (acute or chronic process).


What to consider when assigning therapy

The development of yeast infection in men in 40% of clinical cases is sexual transmission, so in this situation you want to assign more than one treatment, and both sexual partners. Treatment is only one sexual partner will lead to a resumption of symptoms at the start of sexual activity after treatment is completed.

When choosing a therapy scheme should take into account the presence of men of various diseases of other organs and systems, which may be accompanied by Candida infections, namely:

  • diseases of the digestive system (pathology with symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis, stomach diseases with the violation of acidity);
  • Different endocrine pathology;
  • various infectious nature of the disease, which is prolonged and chronic;
  • prolonged use of a number of drugs, such as cytostatics, hormones and antibiotics.

Contribute to the development of thrush, any state of immune deficiency. The appointment means immunostimulatory effects, be sure to include a scheme antifungal therapy. The best tool considered to be natural adaptogens that enhance the immune forces naturally.


What will help defeat the disease

Since thrush occurs damage reproductive organs, it is primarily used means of local impact. Genitals men should be treated with special creams, ointments, have antifungal effect. High efficiency has clotrimazole cream (can be produced under various trade names, for example, kanesten). Two to three times a day producing local treatment (applied in a thin layer of a cream or ointment for male sex organs outside) for ten days. You can use nystatin ointment, cream pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
   and other drugs acting locally directly to the genital area. On the duration of the local treatment should refrain from sexual activity, as it negatively affects the healing process.

Topical therapy is sufficient if the thrush is acute. In the treatment of chronic yeast Chronic yeast infection - how to win illness  Chronic yeast infection - how to win illness
   you want to assign as drugs that have a systemic antifungal effect on the body.

The recommended dose of fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
   It is a hundred and fifty mg in a single dose. Further studies are needed to re-take the drug in a week. If itraconazole is assigned, then it is taken within three days of 200 mg. There is another regimen - drunk during the day, two hundred mg of itraconazole twice daily. Therefore, in the course of treatment takes four tablets of the drug: this scheme is effective, leading to a recovery. In contrast, talk about the effectiveness of such known drug as nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis
 Can not. It has no systemic effect, as occurs in the intestine its absorption, nystatin therefore be recommended for local effects, but not for ingestion. As an agent, applied topically, Nystatin showed good clinical and laboratory parameters of cure.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • Thrush in men
