Ovarian Cysts: Causes, treatment and possible complications - Types and Treatment

June 14, 2012

  • Ovarian Cysts: Causes, treatment and possible complications
  • Types and Treatment
 varieties of ovarian cysts treatment

Types of ovarian cysts and their treatment

The following kinds of cysts are much rarer functionality:

  • Dermoid cyst

They may be particles of various tissues: hair, skin, teeth, bones, as these cysts are formed from the same cells, and the oocyte. Dermoid cyst are rarely cancerous, but sometimes become so large that they can move the ovary. As a result, it may be very painful twisting of the ovary - in this case can not do without medical care.

  • Endometrioma

This kind of cyst is one of the symptoms of endometriosis Symptoms of endometriosis - can be very different  Symptoms of endometriosis - can be very different
   - Disorders in which cells of the inner walls of the uterus fall outside the uterus. Some of them are attached to the ovaries and begin to grow.

  • Cystadenoma

Cystadenoma formed from cells of the ovary, sometimes filled with fluid or mucus. They can reach thirty centimeters in diameter and sometimes lead to kinking of the ovary.


The first visit to the doctor - training

  • Write down all the symptoms you have noticed at home. Even if it seems like they do not belong to gynecological problems, the doctor should know about them.
  • Make a list of all the medicines, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 That you take. Record the dose and frequency of administration.
  • If possible, go to the reception with my boyfriend - just in case, if the doctor tells you so much that you can not remember everything.
  • Bring a notepad. During the reception to write down everything important.

Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the doctor. The first in the list should be the most important questions - in case the time will be limited.

For example - the most common questions you can ask:

  • What could be causing these symptoms?
  • What tests need to go?
  • Ovarian cysts go away on their own or need treatment? (your doctor can have your opinion on this matter)
  • Are there any brochures, web-sites, which is worth reading?

Your doctor will probably tell myself all this, but people tend to listen carefully to the answers to their questions than just the direct voice of the caller.


What to ask the doctor

Among the most common questions of doctors:

  • How often do you get this or that symptom?
  • When did you first notice this or that symptom?
  • How much pain, discomfort you are experiencing? (follow, please describe the nature of the pain)
  • You feel that your symptoms are related to the menstrual cycle?
  • Anything helps relieve the symptoms?
  • Anything worsens symptoms?


Analysis and diagnosis

Cyst can be detected in normal pelvic exam Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity  Gynecological examination - an unpleasant necessity
 . In this case, the doctor prescribes a further examination to determine the kind of cyst and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

As a rule, to make a diagnosis, the doctor must answer a few questions:

  • The shape of the brush: Right or wrong?
  • Brush Size
  • Structure: The fluid-filled; solid; both? The cysts are filled with liquid, usually not cancerous. Solid and mixed require further examination.

The procedures used to determine the species of cysts:

  • Pregnancy test

A positive result may mean that you have a cyst of the corpus luteum Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes  Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes

  • Pelvic ultrasound

Using the telescopic tube get a clear image of the uterus and ovaries. The doctor examines the image and determines the presence of cysts, and their arrangement and structure.

  • Laparoscopy

The laparoscope - a tool in the form of a thin tube which is introduced into the abdomen through a small incision. With it you can not only see the cyst and remove it.

  • Analysis of blood CA-125

The level of cancer antigen CA-125 is often increased if a woman with ovarian cancer. Analysis on the CA-125 is prescribed if you have a solid and cysts need to determine they are malignant or not. The level of CA-125 rises and non-cancer diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease.



Appointed a method of treatment depends on the patient's age, the size of the cysts and the symptoms.

  • Active surveillance.

The doctor may take a second survey in two or three months, if an ultrasound shows that the cyst is simple, filled with liquid. At each examination the doctor using ultrasound to watch have not changed the shape and size of the cyst.

  • Birth control pills

Birth control pills are recommended to take to reduce the chance of new cysts. It is also believed that oral contraceptives reduce the likelihood of ovarian cancer - the risk decreases the more the longer you take them.

  • Surgery

If the cyst is large, it does not look like a functional cyst does not go away in two or three months, or growing, and if it causes painful symptoms, the doctor will likely recommend to remove it.

  • Cystectomy

Cystectomy - the removal of only the cysts, but not ovary. In some cases, you want to remove, and ovary. Fertility is maintained after both operations. For large malignant cysts removed both ovaries and uterus. After menopause the cysts are more often malignant than in women of childbearing age. Therefore, women postmepauzalnogo age usually recommended to remove any cyst.



The way to avoid the formation of cysts is unknown, but regular checkups at the gynecologist can save many complications. Be alert to any changes related to the occurrence of menstruation, especially if these changes persist for more than three months. If you have such symptoms, be sure to talk about them with your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of ovarian cysts
