Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

July 24, 2013

 adenomyosis diagnosis
 One of the most common types of endometriosis is adenomyosis. Diagnosis of this condition involves performing a variety of laboratory and instrumental investigations. Only after a full examination of women can make a correct diagnosis and treatment.

 Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

Home Diagnostics

Adenomyosis - Endometriosis is the muscle layer of the uterus. The disease may be a long time, and sometimes a lifetime asymptomatic, and can immediately be manifested in the form of symptoms. In the first case, the woman is usually just watch, while the second - treated. But in any case, it must undergo a full examination and know exactly what your diagnosis.

The survey begins with a visit to the doctor. Already on the basis of the survey and inspection of the patient experienced doctor can put tentative diiagnoz disease. It confirms the diagnosis by means of laboratory and instrumental investigations. The fact is that when a mismatch occurs frequently adenomyosis severity of symptoms to the degree of the uterus. That is why the additional diagnostic methods is given so much importance.

 Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

Laboratory diagnosis of adenomyosis

First of all, we investigate hormonal women. Of particular importance is the excess of female hormones estrogen and progesterone lack of Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . This is the primary cause of the disease.

It has the meaning and the immune system. Therefore, women do immunogram and sent for consultation to the immunologist.

If in the process of further examination of women do hysteroscopy and take a piece of tissue muscle layer of the uterus to the study, this kind of research is conducted in the histology laboratory - revealed changes typical for adenomyosis and excludes tissue degeneration into a malignant tumor.

 Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

Ultrasound diagnosis of adenomyosis

This investigation (USI) is carried out for all women with suspected adenomyosis. Ultrasound is a simple and yet very informative method of diagnosis. Using ultrasound can reveal areas of endometriosis in the uterus to determine slubinu their proliferation (degree of adenomyosis), size, and type of adenomyosis (diffuse or nodular). The research is conducted using transabdominal (through the abdominal wall) and transvaginal (through the vagina) sensors. This transvaginal studies are considered more informative.

The main ultrasonographic evidence of adenomyosis are increasing the size of the uterus in the anteroposterior direction, the shape of the uterus (with diffuse adenomyosis Diffuse adenomyosis - common disease of women  Diffuse adenomyosis - common disease of women
   it is round, for large nodes - irregularly shaped with small knots size and shape of the uterus can not be changed). Another characteristic feature of adenomyosis Symptoms of adenomyosis - characteristic and recognizable  Symptoms of adenomyosis - characteristic and recognizable
   is blurred or jagged borders between the basal layer of the endometrium and myometrium. Area of ​​increased echogenicity corresponding size area of ​​endometriosis may contain small inclusions totally devoid of echogenicity cystic cavity containing a fine slurry. Identified as the tube increased and decreased echogenicity - channels through which of endometriosis menstrual blood flows into the uterine cavity.

 Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

Endoscopic diagnosis of adenomyosis

Endoscopic diagnosis of adenomyosis is carried out using a special optical device - hysteroscope. The hysteroscope is inserted through the vagina and the cervical canal into the uterus and makes it possible to consider the mucosal surface, which appear in the adenomyosis characteristic changes. All images displayed on the monitor screen and their doctor not only sees, but can also adjust the magnification obtained images.

On the screen you can see that in the mouth of the uterus have endometrioid moves that look like dark red pin holes on the background of pale pink lining of the uterus with blood pouring from them. Hysteroscopy - is an informative method of diagnosis, but it requires special training and experience of the doctor.

 Adenomyosis - diagnosis endometrioid lesions of the uterus

X-ray diagnosis of adenomyosis

To detect adenomyosis, adhesions in the uterine cavity and tubal patency radiographic method applied research - hysterosalpingography Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus  Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus
   using the contrast agents.

Symptoms of adenomyosis in this case may be: irregular triangular shape of the uterus with an increased longitudinal or transverse dimension, irregular contours, advanced cervical canal.

For the diagnosis of adenomyosis is also used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The emergence in recent years of highly informative instrumental methods significantly improve the diagnosis of adenomyosis, specifying the extent of its spread and shape. This in turn allowed the patient promptly appoint adequate treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • adenomyosis

Adenomyosis - the consequences largely depend on the woman

July 25, 2013

 adenomyosis consequences
 The defeat of the uterine wall, the threat of miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   and complications in childbirth - all this can give adenomyosis. The effects of adenomyosis can be different. It can spread to nearby and distant tissues and organs, impairing their function. But all this can be avoided if in time to see a doctor and perform all his appointment.

 Adenomyosis - the consequences largely depend on the woman

The effects of infertility on the background of hormonal disorders

Adenomyosis is a result of hormonal disorders in women - an excess of female hormones estrogen. That hormonal disorders in the early stages of the disease can cause infertility. This happens due to the fact that the second broken, secretory phase endometrial changes that occur under the influence of progesterone (a hormone that is often not enough). The mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium) is not ready for the introduction of the fetus, so pregnancy does not occur.

 Adenomyosis - the consequences largely depend on the woman

The effects of infertility on the background of organic changes in the genitals

Eli adenomyosis is prolonged in the uterine wall irreversible (organic) changes. In place of the areas of endometriosis monthly develops an inflammatory process, which is the outcome in the form of sclerosis - proliferation of connective tissue. Replacement of the connective muscle tissue significantly reduces the ability of the uterus to stretch - and that's what you need during pregnancy.

Furthermore, due to the inflammatory process in the muscle layer can degrade the adjacent inside the basal layer of the endometrium - mucous membrane, which is not rejected by a month - its cells are the source of the monthly recovery of the functional layer of the endometrium. The destruction of the basal layer leads to the development of adhesions inside the uterus - the connective tissue bands that stretch from wall to wall, and hinder the development of the fetus inside the uterus.

It is also possible to move endometriosis fallopian tubes and the development of sclerotic changes within them. It is not possible to move inside the pipe a large egg. However, it may be fertilized, because the sperm have a much smaller size. As a result of the pregnancy or not come at all (sperm can not pass through the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg), or sets, but the fertilized egg can not pass through the fallopian tube and penetrate the wall of the uterus, so the pregnancy develops in the tube until the break it (ectopic pregnancy).

In the case where the endometriotic cysts and adhesions occur in the ovary, adhesions can prevent release of an egg from the ovary, resulting in no ovulation occurs Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and fertilization would be impossible. In this case, the woman will be the mother of a method of in vitro fertilization (IVF)

 Adenomyosis - the consequences largely depend on the woman

The consequences of a miscarriage and complications during childbirth

Despite the obstacles, the fetus is sometimes still manages to penetrate the wall of the uterus, in which case it lurks another danger: due to a lack of progesterone muscles of the uterus begins to shrink and the pregnancy is terminated in miscarriage. If this obstacle was successfully overcome by the timely appointment of synthetic analogues of progesterone, the pregnancy may end well, but only if the inside of the uterus is no adhesions.

When sprouting adhesions inside the uterus, they will hinder the growth and development of the child. It is also fraught with malposition, and complications in childbirth. Complications during childbirth can also develop due to violation of the contractile ability of the uterus - often leads to violations of labor.

 Adenomyosis - the consequences largely depend on the woman

Can I adenomyosis having a healthy baby?

Adenomyosis is not an absolute obstacle to conception, pregnancy and birth. This is a very common disease in the case when it is asymptomatic or is in the early stages, women may well give birth to a healthy baby. For the body of women suffering adenomyosis Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress  Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress
 It will benefit, as the absence of menstruation slows down the process of dissemination of endometriosis, and sometimes even leads to regression of the process.

In order to be able to have a child, a woman should see a doctor promptly. Pregnancy at adenomyosis should proceed under the constant supervision akuschera-gynecologist of female consultation. First of all, the doctor will eliminate ectopic pregnancy, then, if appropriate, prescribe progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   for the prevention of miscarriage. In the future, the doctor can warn and many other complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Adenomyosis, despite its widespread, is not yet fully understood disease. Despite this, the timely treatment of medical care is able to halt the spread of endometriosis and help a woman conceive, carry and give birth to a child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • adenomyosis
