It would seem that what the children gynecologist? It appears necessary, and very much so. The main objective is the prevention of child gynecologist possible gynecological problems that could interfere with normal reproductive function of women. It pediatric gynecologist prepares the body to the girl so that she could in the future become a mother.
Which treats diseases of pediatric gynecologist
Children's gynecologist has been more prevention than cure. He teaches his mother and the younger girl to properly care for them. For violation of personal hygiene leads to the development of inflammatory diseases that can last for years and, in the end, lead to infertility.
Genital mucosa girls are very vulnerable, and it is easy to make the infection, in contrast to the mucosa in adult women, which is under the influence of female hormones is able to resist infection. Treatment of these infections (vaginitis) - it is also the task of the gynecologist.
A large section of the children's gynecologist - hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
. They can occur in children from an early age, that is, since the neonatal period. Immediately after birth the baby may come a hormonal crisis, caused by hormones entering the body from the mother's milk. As a result of the crisis at the newborn girl can grow breasts and vulva appears menstrualnopodobnye selection. All this may scare to death mother and child gynecologist task is to remove these fears and teach a woman to care for a child.
Particular attention has teenage children gynecologist. At the age of eleven - fifteen years in the body of a girl under the influence of hormones occur revolutionary change - changing its appearance, distribution of subcutaneous fat, grow breasts, body hair begins on the female type. And most importantly - in this age of the menstrual cycle is formed. If it is formed correctly, in time to initiation of treatment is almost always possible to recover it. If you do not pay attention to menstrual irregularities (his late appearance, irregular, painful), it can lead to permanent infertility.
The task of the children's gynecologist working with teenage girls is also teaching them the rules of sexuality. It pediatric gynecologist teach a girl how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections by. Early abortion and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) often lead to the formation of infertility and complications during subsequent pregnancies and births.
Sometimes STIs are transmitted from parents and other relatives of the child through everyday, and parents often do not realize that a child is sick, it leads to chronic protracted course of diseases such as chlamydia
Chlamydia - almost biblical disease
, Ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
When the girls have to show the children's gynecologist
For the first time a children's gynecologist looking baby in the hospital in order to identify anomalies of genital organs. There are two mandatory age for children's gynecologist inspection: before entering school (six to seven years) and before the onset of puberty
Puberty child - stages of a complex path
(eleven to twelve years). Both age groups are important for the baby: seven years old girl has to have a very good knowledge of the rules of hygiene, to take care of themselves on their own, and in twelve years in girls begins first period and they should know how to properly flows menstrual cycle and under any violations must be addressed to the children's gynecologist.
Since the age of fourteen, girls recommended annually visit the children's gynecologist alone or with their parents. Of course, children need to go to the gynecologist is not only planning or about any complaints. Children's gynecologist can explain and mother and child all the obscure problems, answer questions, teach how to act in a particular case.
The pediatric gynecologist is different from an adult
Structure and function of reproductive organs in adult women and girls are different, in order to understand the peculiarities of diseases in children, a gynecologist must receive special training. Children's gynecologist and a gynecologist - a different specialty.
Many gynecological diseases in children occur erased without pronounced manifestations characteristic of adults. Therefore, they are difficult to detect, which can lead to the emergence of chronic diseases. This specialized training allows you not to miss such diseases and treat them in time.
Especially children's gynecology is the fact that the girl is almost always hiding something or not telling, and this "something" is necessary to try to identify the correct asking her leading questions, otherwise you may miss the really serious illness, such as a tumor.
Children's gynecologist - a specialist who must know not only gynecology, and pediatrics, as well as the basics of child psychology.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- gynecological examination