Endometrial polyps - symptoms depend on hormonal disorders

November 3, 2012

 endometrial polyp symptoms
 Endometrial Polyps are common at any age, but at different ages polyps have a different structure and different manifestations. It integrates all types of polyps that need to identify them as early as possible, since they may eventually develop into a malignant tumor.

 Endometrial polyps - symptoms depend on hormonal disorders

Symptoms of endometrial polyps in the background of hormonal disorders

In adolescence, commonly found glandular polyps develop on the background of hormonal disorders. This often occurs when such hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 As atresia of the follicle. The follicle matures for a long time and not completely, remaining in the ovary (ovulation does not occur). In the walls of the follicle long waves produced and released into the blood of a small amount of estrogen. Progesterone is not produced at all or is produced in small quantities insufficient to complete the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

The gradual reduction, increased excretion of estrogen leads to a significant widening of the then uneven detachment of the mucous membrane of the uterus, in some areas it is not rejected completely, forming small growths (diffuse and focal hyperplasia of the endometrium Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment  Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment
   uterus). Against the background of focal hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
   It may form a polyp, which grows from the basal layer of the mucosa, consisting of connective tissue, but its fabric consists essentially of glandular tissue the surface layer of the endometrium.

Prolonged and uneven rejection mucosa accompanied by a disturbance of blood circulation in this area necrosis (dying off) of the individual portions of the mucosa and prolonged menstrual bleeding. Sometimes the bleeding can be so severe that the girls require emergency medical care.

Before bleeding is usually a delay of menstruation. Sometimes acyclic bleeding delayed menstruation alternate with shorter menstrual cycle, which also ends with a significant bleeding.

Bleeding beginning after a long delay menstruation, can be long and not very long, but intense. In any case, this leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia, and bleeding at this age are often very strong, anemia develops rapidly. These girls are also often lag behind in physical development, including their delayed development of secondary sexual characteristics.

 Endometrial polyps - symptoms depend on hormonal disorders

Symptoms of endometrial polyps without hormonal disorders

In women of childbearing age, and after 40-50 years in the womb may develop polyps and others - without hormonal disorders. The final reason for the formation of polyps is not clear, but is believed to have a value of inflammation and injury of genitals, as well as a variety of intoxication.

As a result, the mucosa of the uterine cavity from the basal layer (it is adjacent to the muscle layer of the uterine wall and composed of fibers of the connective tissue) formation starts to grow, as part of which may be cancer, but they are fewer than connective tissue. Polyp grows, has a round or oval shape and leg, through which pass the polyp tissue blood vessels. Polyps can be single, multiple, very small and large, occupying the entire uterine cavity, and even protruding from the external os.

Small polyps may not manifest itself in any way, without disturbing the menstrual cycle. For larger polyps are characterized by pre- and postmenstrual spotting and intermenstrual bleeding and heavy blood loss during menstruation. Sometimes, significant bleeding may start a few days after menstruation. In some cases, spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   interspersed with copious not bloody character. When endometrial polyps woman may experience discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, then she may have spotting.

Large polyps, a few centimeters in diameter, and are usually accompanied by significant menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding, which intensified during the so-called nascent polyp. Thus a gradual increase polyp begin as uterine contractions during labor and disclosing its hole, whereby the polyp like you pushed into the vagina. Leg nascent polyp is pulled, squeezing it in passing vessels causes poor circulation and tissue necrosis polyp. All this is accompanied by severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. When necrosis of a large polyp women need emergency assistance.

Every woman should be twice a year to visit a gynecologist for the detection and timely treatment of gynecological diseases, including endometrial polyps.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Polyps

The symptoms of yeast infection in women: the problem under control

November 8, 2012

 signs of thrush women
 Thrush in the world today has reached its peak. Almost no women that once in your life suffering from this disease. The reasons are many. The symptoms of yeast infection in women are quite well defined and, therefore, the diagnosis of "thrush" is not difficult. The most important thing in the event of the disease as early as possible to begin treatment in order to avoid not only discomfort, but also the possible complications. Untreated yeast infection can even lead to infertility. That is why every woman should know and be able to identify signs of thrush.

 The symptoms of yeast infection in women: the problem under control

What is thrush

Thrush or genital candidiasis is an infectious disease of the vaginal mucosa, which is often applied to the cervix and vulva. Genital candidiasis etiological factors are fungi of the genus Candida. Thrush mainly affects women of reproductive age, but may develop the disease in postmenopausal, adolescence and even in childhood periods. There are three forms of infection by fungi:

  • Acute candidiasis;
  • kandidonositelstvo;
  • chronic candidiasis.

 The symptoms of yeast infection in women: the problem under control

Predispose thrush

Development of genital candidiasis contribute to changes in the body that reduce its defenses. It may be chronic gynecological and somatic diseases, the passage of radiation and chemotherapy, and various hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 . Also contributes to the appearance of thrush taking oral hormonal contraceptives, long-term treatment with antibiotics and cytotoxic drugs, endocrine pathology (diabetes). In addition, genital candidiasis often develops on the background of dysbiosis vagina Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?  Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?
   and infections, sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis).

 The symptoms of yeast infection in women: the problem under control


Clinical manifestations of yeast infections in women Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem  Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem
   mostly limited to complaints on the allocation and itching. Beli may be liquid and heavy with a mixture of cheesy crumbs. Selections can also be thick, greasy and greenish-white in color. Smell cables Beli: abnormal discharge  Beli: abnormal discharge
   with urogenital candidiasis sour and unpleasant.

Another symptom of a yeast infection is genital itching, which is especially pronounced in lesions of the vulva. Itching can be permanent and disturb only in the afternoon, evening and night. Itching worse after a long walk, after water treatment, sexual intercourse and during menstruation. Itching and burning during urination can cause urinary retention and urinary tract infection. Intense itching insomnia leads to development, and as a consequence, to nervous system disorders.

A characteristic feature of genital candidiasis raids are grayish-white color on the mucosa of the vagina and cervix. The attacks may be in the form of dots or somewhat larger (3 - 5 mm) have a rounded or irregular shape. It is noted hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane and its swelling. In the acute stage of the disease attacks removed with difficulty, and after removing them reveals much flushed shell. In the chronic stage raids removed easily. In marked course of the disease, such changes are observed in large and small labia, around the urethra.

Kandidonositelstvo usually asymptomatic.

Erased form of the disease from the outset occur without pronounced symptoms: intermittent and non-intensive itching neobilnye selection. Sometimes the yeast within a long, lasts months or even years. Exacerbations often occur during menstruation or the development of any disease. Treating Thrush does not always lead to consistent results relapses.

 The symptoms of yeast infection in women: the problem under control


Diagnosis of genital candidiasis is not difficult. Recognition of the disease contribute to the clinical signs (itching, discharge, specific attacks), examination of the external genitalia, vaginal mucosa and cervix using mirrors and colposcopy. The most important point in the diagnosis of the disease is a microscopic examination of raids in which mushrooms are found.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • thrush
