Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

May 6, 2012

 fljukostat alcohol
 Flucostat - is an effective antifungal drug produced domestically. But he has a lot of contraindications and side effects, so take it only on prescription. This drug is also dangerous to combine with all means, have a toxic effect on the liver, including alcohol.

 Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

Action on the liver fljukostat

Flucostat (fluconazole) - is an antifungal drug which inhibits the metabolic processes in cells of pathogenic fungi, which leads to their death. But, like any effective drug fljukostat has many side effects and contraindications.

One side effect of this drug is toxic effect on the liver cells. Established that fljukostat has a negative effect on the liver mainly if there is any disease of the body, a healthy liver it has no adverse action.

But the feature of liver disease is that many of them are asymptomatic and detected even at a significant violation of the functions of the body. And since not all patients undergo a complete examination before prescribing antifungal agents eliminate hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity) when receiving fljukostat impossible.

Because of side effects when taking fljukostat possible liver problems, which are manifestations of icteric staining of the skin and sclera, hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 , Necrosis (dying) cells of the liver, elevated bilirubin levels, elevated liver enzymes. Side effects from the liver can be either inconspicuous, transient (they pass the abolition fljukostat) and very significant, accompanied by the dire state of the patient.

 Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

How does fljukostat combination of alcohol and the liver

The instructions to the drug, developed by the manufacturer (of the Russian pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard), indicated that his admission can not be combined with taking drugs or any other substances which have hepatotoxic effects. Alcohol also has a direct toxic effect on the liver cells, causing their death and replacement fat cells or connective tissue cells.

In the case of minor violations of the liver fljukostat Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision  Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision
   can not cause significant side effects, but if to its effects on the liver and add the effects of alcohol, the consequences can be very sad. For example, the possible development of toxic hepatitis Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver  Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
   and even liver necrosis. Therefore, the instructions for fljukostat says that patients with chronic alcoholism, it must be used with great caution.

 Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

How does the combination fljukostat and alcohol on the central nervous system

Flucostat has side effects on the central nervous system, such as headache, dizziness, and sometimes even develop convulsions. With an overdose of the drug may cause hallucinations and delusions. This suggests fljukostat toxic effects on the central nervous system. Alcohol also enhance such effect, as the cells of the brain, he has the same toxic effect as in the liver cells. Predict how the combination fljukostat alcohol affect the brain the individual patient, it is practically impossible.

 Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

How does the combination fljukostat and alcohol on the cardiovascular system

Flucostat can have spillover effects on the cardiovascular system, resulting in cardiac arrhythmia up to atrial fibrillation and flutter.

Alcohol contributes to the first dramatic expansion of the blood vessels and then their persistent narrowing. That is why patients with chronic alcoholism often develops hypertension. This creates an increased burden on the heart, which leads to various disturbances its activity, including cardiac arrhythmias. Combining fljukostat and alcohol can trigger the development of severe arrhythmia.

 Flucostat and alcohol - a dangerous combination

How does fljukostat combination with alcohol on fungal infections

Alcohol - a substance that is rapidly absorbed into blood and has an active effect on the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . As a result, it is changing the work of enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances that lead to a change in action fljukostat as the antifungal drug. It is found that alcohol reduces the therapeutic effect of any drugs, including the antifungal.

So whether during the course of treatment fljukostat drink alcohol? Maybe we should be patient and first to recover, and then to drink alcohol?

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fljukostat

Nodal adenomyosis - the terrible diagnosis

August 1, 2013

 nodular adenomyosis
 Adenomyosis, as you know, hormone dependent diseases. That is why in his treatment of the leading role occupied by hormones. There are several forms of internal endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 Among which stands out nodular adenomyosis.

On palpation of the uterus adenomioznye nodes are often mistaken for a myoma, but confirms the diagnosis of palpation examination of the uterus. Nodular form of adenomyosis is considered one of the most severe forms of internal endometriosis, which is almost 100% of cases, followed by the inability of a woman to become pregnant.

 Nodal adenomyosis - the terrible diagnosis

What is the nodal adenomyosis

Adenomyosis - a disease in which cells similar in structure to the endometrium (lining of the uterus) penetrate the muscle layer, forming endometrioid moves where and grow. Since endometrial cells are close relatives of endometrial cells, they are subject to all the processes of the menstrual cycle. During menstruation endometrial cells are rejected as mucosal cells of the uterus, but since this takes place in a closed space and they can not come out, this is accompanied by swelling and thickening of the muscular layer.

Nodal adenomyosis are characterized by the formation of nodes of different diameters. There are usually multiple nodes that are filled with blood and liquid chocolate brown as a result of the functioning of endometrial cells during menstruation. Due to the proliferation of adenomioznyh nodes of connective tissue, the latter have a thick consistency. But unlike fibroids adenomioznye education deprived of the capsule. In addition to the proliferation of endometrial cells around nodes occurs inflammatory response that exacerbates the disease.

 Nodal adenomyosis - the terrible diagnosis

As shown

The main feature of nodular adenomyosis is a violation of the menstrual cycle. The cycle is getting shorter and longer and more abundant menstruation due to the appearance of spotting three or two days before the start of menstruation and within a few days after their completion. Furthermore, characterized algomenoreya Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass  Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass
   (pain during menstruation). The pain comes on the eve of the monthly and enhanced their beginning, and with every menstrual pain becomes more intense. Also, patients with nodular adenomyosis complain of dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse). Characterized and abundant spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   in the middle of the cycle, which often leads to anemia. Nodular adenomyosis severe complication is infertility or spontaneous abortion, due to the difficulties of implantation within existing adenomioznyh nodes.

 Nodal adenomyosis - the terrible diagnosis


  • Inspection and palpation of the pelvic organs

During a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   It is determined by the enlarged uterus, which palpated dense formations of different diameters. Feeling of data nodes somewhat painful, especially before menstruation.

  • Pelvic ultrasound

During the ultrasound of the pelvic organs in the muscle layer of the uterus are determined by echo-positive education without a clear shade irregular round shape with different diameters. Often visualized cavity with liquid up to three centimeters in diameter.

  • Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopic picture is presented endometrioid moves cyanotic, crypts and ridges, the uterine wall tugoelastichny. Determined bulging portions (units) without clear contours.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvic organs

 Nodal adenomyosis - the terrible diagnosis


For the treatment of nodular adenomyosis used both conservative and operative methods. Conservative therapy (appointment of hormonal drugs) is carried out in the presence of a small number of nodes of small size. In other cases, surgical excision is assigned adenomioznyh nodes, especially in nulliparous women with a view to restoring normal anatomic structure of the uterus for subsequent gestation. Surgical treatment is usually laparoscopically. An operation is technically complex, due to the difficulty of removing nodes due to their lack of a capsule.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • adenomyosis
