Ovarian Cysts: Causes, treatment and possible complications

June 14, 2012

  • Ovarian Cysts: Causes, treatment and possible complications
  • Types and Treatment

 ovarian cyst treatment of complicated reasons
 Ovarian cysts - is the production of various sizes, often filled with fluid that appear in or on the ovaries. Ovaries - paired organ. Each ovary the size and shape of a walnut and is located on one side of the uterus. The ovaries are developing and maturing egg, and every month during the reproductive-age women, one of them enters the uterus.

Ovarian cysts are formed, many women throughout their lives. They usually cause little or no discomfort is felt. Most of the cysts do not require any treatment - a few months after the appearance they dissolve.

However, some cysts, especially those that are torn, sometimes have severe symptoms. The best and the first way to protect health has always been aware: you must know what kinds of cysts, there are some indications of their occurrence, in time to see a doctor. Another indispensable way to keep your health - have regular gynecological examinations, without waiting for the warning signs appear. For the most effective protection is better to use both these methods.



To determine the presence of cysts, can not rely on symptoms - most likely, they simply will not. And if they are, then they can be easily confused with symptoms of other diseases and disorders, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cancer. Even the symptoms of appendicitis and diverticulitis are similar to the pain resulting from the rupture of an ovarian cyst Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery  Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery

Nevertheless, it is important to notice possible symptoms and in general any changes occurring in the body. Thus, the presence of ovarian cysts can indicate:

  • Irregular periods
  • Pelvic pain - constant or intermittent aching, dull pain, which is sometimes given in the lower back and hips
  • Pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation and before they are ending (though it happens during menstruation and perfectly healthy women)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Pain during bowel movements associated with the pressure on the intestine
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • The feeling of pressure or heaviness in the abdomen
  • Sense of pressure on the bladder or rectum; it is difficult to completely empty the bladder

When you need to see a doctor

Emergency medical care is needed for the following symptoms and sensations:

  • Sudden, sharp pain in the lower abdomen
  • The pain is accompanied by fever and vomiting

These symptoms, as well as signs of shock - cold sweats, palpitations, irregular breathing, means that the state is potentially dangerous and need to call an ambulance.



Normally, structures similar to the follicles are formed in the ovaries each month - they are called follicles. Follicles produce the hormones estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone and release the egg during ovulation.

Sometimes normal follicle does not release an egg, it continues to grow and becomes what is called a functional cyst. Functional - because it began to grow, performing the normal function of the menstrual cycle. Functional cysts are of two types:

  • Follicular cyst

Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland released into the blood luteinizing hormone (LH). Increased LH follicles understood as a command to release the egg. When everything goes right, toiling follicle, the egg is released and sent to the fallopian tube into the uterus, where it can be fertilized by sperm.

Education follicular cyst begins when the LH surge that for some reason does not occur. The follicle does not release an egg, and it becomes a cyst. Typically, these cysts are harmless, rarely have the painful symptoms and the majority of cases disappear on their own within two or three menstrual cycles.

  • Corpus luteum cyst

If the signal is in the form of increased levels of LH from the pituitary gland is supplied as usual, and the egg is released, torn follicle begins to produce large amounts of estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That the body was prepared for the possibility of conception. This follicle becomes a temporary gland, which is called the corpus luteum. This happens when all goes well. But sometimes a hole through which came the egg, is closed, and the liquid, which would have to go outside, begins to accumulate inside the former follicle, becoming a corpus luteum cyst.

This cyst is also in most cases disappears after a few weeks, but can grow up to ten centimeters (and sometimes more) in diameter, and in rare cases - full of blood and cause what is called a looping cysts. Filled with blood cyst can overstrain and cause internal bleeding and a sudden sharp pain. Clomiphene citrate, which is used to stimulate ovulation, increases the risk of cysts of the corpus luteum. These cysts do not prevent you from getting pregnant, and in most cases not dangerous during pregnancy.



Most ovarian cysts Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   It may cause discomfort in the lower abdomen. If it presses on the bladder, may become more frequent urge to urinate, because the capacity of the bladder is reduced due to pressure.

Some varieties of cysts are less common than functional; They also usually have no symptoms and can be inadvertently detected during a medical examination. Cysts in the ovaries of postmenopausal women may be malignant. Therefore, experts in the field of women's health never tire of repeating how important regular surveys.

How do douching: Technology of

July 28, 2012

 how to do douching
 Almost all women are aware of the existence of a procedure such as douching. Some women douche and will be conducted independently. But unfortunately not everyone knows and can do douching correctly. It would seem that such a banal manipulation - douching, which can still be difficulties in pursuing it? But it is not so simple. Besides possession of technics of procedure must also respect the indications and contraindications for its use, and the use is strictly metered solutions for douching. The slightest violation of the rules douching may not only be useless, but also harm.


What douching

Douching (from the German word "splash") is a medical procedure whose task it is hygienic (mechanical purification) and preventive (chemical, temperature) the impact of the vaginal mucosa and its contents. Douching conducted two types of solutions: formulations which contain drugs and "neutral" compounds (without drugs). Solutions with drugs used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and cropped itching, burning and irritation. Solutions containing drugs are used not only for cosmetic or hygienic purposes.

Typically, such solutions have a basifying or acidifying properties.

It is known that the normal vaginal flora is represented by lactic acid bacteria (Bacillus Doderlein), through which the vagina acidic environment is maintained. Acidified with a solution for irrigation contribute to reproduce the normal vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
   and enhance its barrier properties.

In case of any abnormal discharge or cables Beli: abnormal discharge  Beli: abnormal discharge
 , Basified used which have detergent action (e.g., sodium carbonate solution).


Technique of douching

To conduct irrigation usually use a mug Esmarch. But alone in the home use of douches mug presents certain difficulties. It is used in medical institutions, and the manipulation itself must be carried out medical professional. For the procedure the patient is placed on the examination table Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look  Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look
 . Prefab drug solution volume of two liters is poured into a mug Esmarch, which is suspended on a tripod at a height of 70-100 cm from the seat.

Before the start of syringing the patient wash the vulva with distilled water or a solution of furatsillina. After this, two fingers of his left hand labia and bred with great care tip is introduced into the vagina to a depth of six to seven centimeters. The trajectory of the tip of promotion must comply with the direction upwards and backwards. After the introduction of the tip open valve on a mug Esmarch and allowed the liquid to a greater or lesser rate. After the procedure the tip is removed from the vagina anteriorly and toward the bottom, so as not to injure the urethra.

To conduct irrigation in the home used a blower with a tip or a special irrigator - syringe.

Before you start manipulating syringe filled with the prepared solution. Douching can be carried out in the bath or on the toilet, Vered torso and knees bent. If douching is performed in a bath, the woman should lie on her back on the bottom, and legs bent at the knees and place them on the edge of the tub. Then gently insert the tip into the vagina a pear. With the introduction of the tip you need to exercise care not to injure the mucosa of the vagina and / or bladder.



Despite the benefit of douching, but in some cases their conduct is contraindicated:

  • acute inflammation of internal genitals (endometritis, adnexitis Adnexitis as a consequence of frequent change of partners  Adnexitis as a consequence of frequent change of partners
 , Pelvioperitonit);
  • postpartum and post-abortion periods;
  • pregnancy (in some cases, douching is performed, but only under the supervision of a doctor);
  • menstruation;
  • women older than 45 years.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • syringing
