Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus - Results

September 22, 2013

  • Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus
  • results

 Results hysterosalpingography

Results hysterosalpingography

Normal results: uterus and fallopian tubes are normal form. Damage and scar tissue. Contrast medium smoothly enters the fallopian tube of the womb, and then gets into the abdominal cavity. In the uterus, there are no tumors or foreign objects (such as intrauterine devices).

 Results | Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

Abnormal results: intrafallopian deformed locked therein formed scar tissue, causing the contrast agent can not normally move them. Among the possible causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes - inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and endometriosis.

  • The contrast agent flows through the wall of the uterus, indicating that damage to the wall.
  • The uterus has an intrauterine septum - the abnormal structure of the uterus.
  • The uterus has growths, such as polyps or fibroids.

 Results | Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

Evaluation of the results of hysterosalpingography

In the analysis of X-ray should be noted that in normal uterine cavity has the shape of an isosceles triangle, which may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Fallopian tubes are of fine winding strips.

In inflammatory changes in the fallopian tubes are usually observed expansion of the fallopian tubes, especially at the point of exit from the uterus.

In tuberculosis genitals at the beginning of the disease are detected thickened mucosal folds of the fallopian tubes. Their lumen can be defined filling defects and calcifications (deposits of salts), irregular contours of the fallopian tubes. In the later stages of the narrowed lumen of the fallopian tubes, they become partially or completely impassable.

In endometriosis fallopian tubes in the picture in the pipes can be seen in the form of multiple strokes strokes or dots.

If ectopic pregnancy is determined by a limited one-way expansion of one of the departments of the fallopian tube. Sometimes the outlines of the ovum.

When adhesions in the abdominal cavity can be defined by the contrast agent accumulation of various size and shape in encysted (separated by connective septa) cavities.

Despite the emergence of various other studies, hysterosalpingography has not lost its diagnostic value and today, continuing to be the leading method in the study of internal genitals.

 Results | Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

What can affect the results of hysterosalpingography

If, during the procedure, there was a spasm of the fallopian tubes, the doctor may come to the conclusion that the patient has impaired their continuity, although in fact it is not.

In some cases, physicians for various reasons can not enter the catheter into the uterus - then, of course, the procedure does not give valuable results.

Hysterosalpingography can not be performed during menstruation, pregnancy, and the presence of pelvic infection.

 Results | Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus


Exposure to ionizing radiation is always associated with a certain risk of damage to cells and tissues. It concerns that radiation dose, the effects of which the person is exposed during hysterosalpingography. However, the likelihood of serious injury is negligible; advantage of this test is much more powerful.

Hysterosalpingography is associated with low risk (less than 1% chance) of pelvic infection, endometritis or salpingitis. When an infection is suspected, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

There is a slight chance of damage to the fallopian tubes or the uterus during the procedure.

Some patients iodinated contrast may cause allergic reactions.

In very rare cases, when for hysterosalpingography contrast agents used oil-based oil can get into the blood. This may result in pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation  Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation
 . However, in most cases, used for hysterosalpingography contrast agents, water-based.

 Results | Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

Additional Information

In some cases, to detect a foreign object in the uterus, instead hysterosalpingography can conduct ultrasound.

To determine the causes of infertility is usually performed on a blood luteinizing hormone, progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Follicle stimulating hormone. In addition, it must be examined by the woman's partner. Hysterosalpingography is assigned only if all conditions have been met.

Some studies suggest that hysterosalpingography may increase the chance of pregnancy as during the procedure removes accumulation of mucus that prevent the passage of sperm, straighten the fallopian tubes, and the scar tissue is destroyed (if it was not too much).

To inspect the uterus instead of hysterosalpingography can spend hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
 . To assess the condition of the fallopian tubes, may be used laparoscopy.

Sonogisterografiya can also be used to inspect the uterus instead of hysterosalpingography. With it easier to detect polyps and fibroids, even small. During sonogisterografii introduced into the uterus of a saline solution, and then its movement is monitored by ultrasound.

If it is determined that the cause of infertility is blocked tubes Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic  Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
 To remove the obstruction can be used contrast agent for oil-based. Some studies have shown that these contrast agents eliminate obstruction of the best water-based counterparts, but in a series of other studies to identify the difference between the two types of contrast agents failed.

Article Tags:
  • gynecological examination

How to distinguish normal vaginal infection - Trichomoniasis

December 29, 2011

  • How to distinguish normal vaginal infection
  • Trichomoniasis


Pathogens trichomoniasis - protists. Trichomoniasis is almost always transmitted by sexual contact, but the infectious agents within twenty-four hours may be in a humid environment - so infected with trichomoniasis in rare cases it is possible, using shared towels or bathrobes.


The main symptoms of the disease include

  • Green or yellow vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Increasing the number of selections
  • Inflammation of the vaginal or vulvar
  • Increased urination
  • Itching

In most cases, however, the symptoms are almost unnoticeable and trichomoniasis in females and in males.


As in the case with bacterial vaginosis, the main drug in the treatment of trichomoniasis - metronidazole. It is important to give up alcohol for the entire period of treatment. Both partners are encouraged to undergo treatment at the same time, to avoid a repetition of symptoms. Treat trichomoniasis is required even when no symptoms. During treatment of trichomoniasis is better to give up sex.

 Trichomoniasis | How to distinguish normal vaginal infection


During the vaginal environment constantly present type of fungus Candida albicans (Candida white). Candidiasis - the result of increased activity and the rapid multiplication of the fungus, which, in turn, often causes a disturbance of acid-alkaline balance of the vaginal environment. Typically, fungal infections are not sexually transmitted.

 Trichomoniasis | How to distinguish normal vaginal infection

Factors that trigger fungal infections

  • Emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • The use of oral contraceptives
  • Diabetes
  • Gestation
  • Antibiotics (antibiotic protective bacteria are destroyed, leading to excessive reproduction of fungi)


  • Increasing the number of selections
  • White-like consistency curd separation
  • Redness, itching, burning sensation in the vagina or vulva


Because the fungus is always present in the vagina, to get rid of him is impossible. The main goal of treatment of candidiasis - a decrease in the activity of fungal organisms and restore the normal balance of the vaginal environment. For the treatment of candidiasis used antifungal agents in the form of tablets, vaginal gels or suppositories. Preparations for the treatment of fungal infections can be purchased over the counter without a doctor's prescription, but during pregnancy it is necessary to use only products recommended by gynecologists.

 Trichomoniasis | How to distinguish normal vaginal infection

How to prevent vaginal infection

  • During sex with a new partner, always use a condom
  • Watch for overall health: do not neglect sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Eat right, drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not neglect personal hygiene.
  • Always wear underwear made from natural cotton.
  • After visiting dressing room be sure to use toilet paper.
  • Avoid using scented tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   or gaskets
  • Do not use petroleum jelly as a lubricant Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
   or other oils
  • For the period of treatment of vaginal infection abstain from sex until the final disappearance of symptoms.
  • Preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories can be used even during menstruation.
  • Avoid the use of any potential irritants - parfyumerovannyh and flavored funds for personal hygiene.

Article Tags:
  • allocation
