Subserous uterine fibroids: what dangers lurk

May 27, 2013

 subserous uterine fibroids
 Subserous uterine fibroids is dangerous because the time it can occur completely asymptomatic. But one day this can manifest itself fibroids severe abdominal pain - the result of torsion leg tumor tissue and its withering away. In this case, a woman may need urgent medical attention.

 Subserous uterine fibroids: what dangers lurk

Subserous uterine fibroids - what is it?

Uterine wall consists of three layers: an internal mucous, muscular middle and outer serous. Fibroids - a tumor that develops in the muscle layer of the uterus. But the tumor can be located directly under the mucosa (submucosal fibroids), deep muscle layer (interstitial or intramural fibroids) or under the serous membrane (subserous fibroids).

Subserous fibroids grow outward, ie toward the pelvic organs, almost squeezing the uterus. It can be located on a short, thick or thin, long leg through which the blood vessels feeding the fibroid. All this determines the characteristics of this type of fibroid symptoms.

 Subserous uterine fibroids: what dangers lurk

The main symptoms of fibroids subserous

Subserznaya fibroids can manifest itself in many ways - it all depends on its location, size, length and thickness of the legs. But most subserous uterine fibroids does not manifest itself for a long time. Usually it is not accompanied by characteristic symptoms of fibroids - menstrual irregularities in the form of cyclic and acyclic bleeding, pain, and iron deficiency anemia. If these manifestations is, they tend to be minimal.

Subserous fibroids can be located on the front wall of the uterus and then its growth often leads to compression of the urinary tract. At first it may appear so in the form of frequent painful urination, and then stagnation of urine leads to renal dysfunction and the formation of stones in the renal pelvis, ureter and urinary bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . The constant compression of kidney tissue in combination with the stagnation of urine often leads to its infection - development of pyelonephritis. Such pyelonephritis often long and unsuccessfully treated for as long as it does not detect and remove subserous uterine fibroids. It is also possible occurrence of attacks of renal colic during the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

If subserous uterine fibroids is on the back wall of the uterus, there are problems on the part of the digestive system. Squeezing the rectum leading to constipation, poor circulation in the area and to the formation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, tissue penetration of infection and formation of inflammatory processes in the anus and rectum surrounding tissue. Treatment of these diseases are completely futile as long as there is no identified and eliminated the main reason - subserous uterine fibroids.

 Subserous uterine fibroids: what dangers lurk


Subserous uterine fibroids may be complicated by long-occurring infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in violation of the functions of these organs, kidney disease, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   and infectious-inflammatory processes in the rectal area.

But the most dangerous complication of uterine fibroids is subserous twisting her legs. If the tumor leg thin and long, then her body can move in different directions and lead to a twisted leg, which is located inside the blood vessels feeding the tumor.

This is a very dangerous complication, since the shortage of supply of the tumor tissue dying (necrotic), which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain. The resulting tissue necrosis bioactive substances result in poisoning of the body, so women need emergency surgery. Without the operation the woman can be killed. That is why even a small and compressing the surrounding tissue subserous tumor on the leg should be removed immediately, until it came torsion.

 Subserous uterine fibroids: what dangers lurk

How to identify subserous uterine fibroids

Most uterine fibroids subserous Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?  Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?
   the doctor can feel during a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
 . In addition, a large majority of fibroids in squeezes the surrounding tissue, and this is manifested in the form of specific symptoms.

Very often, small subserous uterine fibroids is a random finding during an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, held for another reason. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis is carried out X-ray of the pelvic organs, as well as a computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

Subserous uterine fibroids dangerous mainly because it can be complicated by torsion legs and necrosis. Therefore, in most cases subserous fibroid on thin legs removed immediately after detection.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • subserous uterine fibroids

Endometrial polyps - a simple procedure

November 3, 2012

 endometrial polyp removal
 Endometrial polyps to be removed, no other way to get rid of them is impossible. This should be done as soon as possible after the detection of this pathology, as polyps can degenerate into malignant tumors. Modern equipment allows to do such operations quickly and efficiently.

 Endometrial polyps - a simple procedure

Removal of endometrial polyps using a curette

This is an outdated method of removing polyps. This involves scraping Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   Special uterus with a sharp instrument (curette). Method traumatic as acting blindly, your doctor may injure the uterine wall. In addition, after such a scraping often develop recurrent disease: no visual control is impossible to remove the leg of the polyp, which are the blood vessels.

Today, these operations are often carried out after diagnostic hysteroscopy allows the doctor to see and remember the location and structural features of the polyp. After removal of the test carried out hysteroscopy.

 Endometrial polyps - a simple procedure

What is the hysteroscope and its species

Today, removal of polyps often performed by hysteroscopy. Hysteroscope - is an optical endoscopic device that allows for diagnostic and medical (including surgical) manipulation in the uterine cavity under direct vision. The hysteroscope is an optical tube inside the hollow metal tube with special valves, through which gas is supplied or liquid needed for the study, as well as a channel for special endoscopic flexible tools needed to capture tissue for analysis (biopsy) or surgery. Hysteroscope may increase the reporting portion of the mucous membrane of the uterus to the desired number of times, display the picture.

Available gisterofibroskopy and hysteroresectoscopy - the latter more opportunities, as they may combine a considerable amount of surgical instruments, electrosurgery system and continuous low-pressure washing the uterine cavity fluid with automatic regulation of the current strength. To remove the polyps in these devices are special loop electrodes.

 Endometrial polyps - a simple procedure

Removal of endometrial polyps using a hysteroscope

Hysteroscopy is performed under general anesthesia. When removing polyps initially carried out a diagnostic hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
 Which can immediately go into the therapeutic, that is a polyp removed.

The uterus is injected with special flexible hysteroscope microinstruments enclosed in a tube hysteroscope. Using small forceps and scissors polyp removal operation performed under the control of the doctor. The advantage of this method is the removal of polyps sighting distance education without traumatizing the uterine wall. This can be very carefully separated from the uterine wall leg of the polyp, which is located inside the blood vessels. This incomplete removal of the legs during normal operations using a curette leads to re-growths of polyps.

Contraindication for surgery using a hysteroscope are inflammatory diseases of the uterus, or in other internal or external genitalia. Therefore, before operation woman carefully examined and if identify such processes, it is being treated and only thereafter removed polyps. Surgical hysteroscopy also contraindicated in severe diseases of internal organs, thrombophlebitis, a variety of common infections.

 Endometrial polyps - a simple procedure

Polyp resection followed by ablation of the endometrium

This operation is carried out in the case where the polyps develop on the background of endometrial hyperplasia Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment  Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment
   and regular uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   in older women. At the same time using hysteroresectoscopy first sighting remove a polyp and then conduct electric destruction of the endometrium. That is, conducted complete destruction of all layers of mucous membrane of the uterus, after which it is no longer recovered. This operation is often avoids another, much more travsmatichnoy surgery - removal of the uterus with appendages in the case, when the polyps are found abnormal (degenerate into cancer) cells.

In young women, such operations are not usually carried out - growths of the mucous membrane of the uterus after the impact the removal of polyps are suppressed with the help of specially selected hormone therapy.

Modern endoscopic equipment allows to timely detect and remove polyps of the endometrium. And in cases where the disease is fairly run and polyp cells begin to degenerate into cancer, the most sparing hysteroscopic operations allow you to save the uterus and appendages.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Polyps
