Fungal candidiasis: strikes weakened body - Symptoms

January 6, 2012

  • Fungal candidiasis: strikes weakened body
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment


Candidiasis can get sick every person, regardless of age, and the presence or absence of sexual activity. The causative agents of candidiasis (yeast fungi genus Candida) are permanent residents of the skin, mucous membranes and intestines, so the disease can begin simply by reducing the body's defenses.


Symptoms of Candida genitals in women

The disease usually begins after a cold, some disease, undergoing surgery and so on. If there is no apparent cause of disease, then it must be found, it can be hidden for diabetes, some endocrine disease, and so on.

The first symptoms of candidiasis in women Candidiasis in women - whether it is necessary to rely on medication?  Candidiasis in women - whether it is necessary to rely on medication?
   are burning and itching in the genital area. Sometimes joining the symptoms of dysuria - urinary disorders, but it occurs mainly due to the fact that the urine irritate inflamed genitals. A true defeat of the urethra and bladder cancer is relatively rare, and appears in the form of frequent painful urination, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

On examination, the gynecologist will reveal redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the genitals. At the beginning of the disease slimy point clotty covered with white bloom that is well removed. After a while the plaque covers all large area and not easily removed. Finally, it can turn into a white film, tightly adjacent to the mucosa. Remove this film is impossible, because it is very painful, and after removal of the mucous begins to bleed.

If time does not contact with the disease to the doctor, the fungus can move to the internal genital organs of women, as well as to the oral mucosa, digestive organs, respiratory and other internal organs.


Symptoms of candidiasis of genitals in men

Men candidiasis occurs rarely and does not run as hard as women. Nevertheless, it is in men. Candidiasis genitals in men often starts on the background of various urological diseases or minor injuries (microtrauma) of the glans penis. Disease begins suddenly with redness and swelling of the glans penis and foreskin, which are accompanied by severe itching and burning. At the head of the penis and on the inner surface of the foreskin appear grayish-white plaque, which is easily removed first, and then fit snugly to the surface. When forcible removal of the surface films beneath them begins to bleed.

Due to the swelling of the glans penis may be disturbed urination, besides it becomes painful because of inflammation on the surface of the penis. The urethra may also be affected, but this is rare. With his defeat of the picture of the disease can resemble gonorrhea: urethral appear yellow mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   cereal. Clarify the diagnosis will only laboratory research.

Candidiasis genitals in men may be complicated by the defeat of the internal reproductive organs, as well as any other internal organs.


The symptoms of oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis occurs most often in young children and the elderly - and they both have problems with immunity. Young children are often infected by mothers who suffer from vaginal candidiasis Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?  Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
 And elderly people in the vast majority are already on the surface of your body yeast fungi of the genus Candida in the composition of pathogenic microflora. By reducing immunity (while reducing hormonal levels and reduced immunity) fungi are beginning to droop and multiply in the mucous membrane, causing disease.

Symptoms of candidiasis of the oral mucosa are redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, which appear isolated cheesy white coating. These first attacks are easily separated from the mucous membrane, but eventually grow, transform into white films and tightly fused with the mucosa. Painless to remove such films can not be - the mucous membrane begins to bleed.

Oral candidiasis candidiasis can move in the gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract.


Symptoms of candidiasis internal organs

Most often affects the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Symptoms of candidiasis internal organs less common than external symptoms of candidiasis, and to identify the disease often fails only after laboratory testing.

Candidiasis can manifest stomach decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting (in the vomit may notice white curdled clots). When intestinal candidiasis appear bloating, diarrhea, and sometimes diarrhea alternating with constipation. To establish the correct diagnosis will only fecal How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it

When candidiasis airway appears compulsive dry coughing, often showing signs of sensitization in the form of bronchospasm. Eventually joined by bacterial flora and appears purulent sputum. Identify the disease is possible only in the laboratory sputum.

Candidiasis - a disease that, when lowered immunity can be spread to all the organs and tissues.

Hirsutism - when femininity leaves - Treatment

September 21, 2013

  • Hirsutism - when femininity leaves
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Preparations

 treatment of hirsutism

Treatment of hirsutism

Hirsutism can not be cured, but it can control its display. In addition, if you are overweight or obese, it is strongly recommended to lose weight - it can significantly alleviate the symptoms of hirsutism.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves


One of the main methods used in the treatment of hirsutism, is the removal of hair. To do this, there are many different resources, many of whom regularly use even women who do not suffer from hirsutism.

  • Shaving - simple, quick and inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair. However, the daily shaving of possible skin irritation; In addition, the skin very quickly formed stiff bristles, so shave off facial hair is not recommended.
  • Bleaching of hair. The means used to bleach quickly making hair less noticeable, but they can cause severe skin irritation. Furthermore, these agents are not effective for all.
  • Waxing and shugaring. Through the use of these methods of unwanted hair, you can forget for a few weeks. However, in some cases, waxing and shugaring cause severe pain (especially if a woman has a low pain threshold) results in damage to the skin, scarring, and folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles).
  • Electrolysis - a technology that involves the use of electricity to destroy the hair follicles and permanent hair removal. Hair removal using electrolysis, even in a small area of ​​the skin may take a long time; Furthermore, the procedure can be painful, and sometimes leads to the appearance of scars and skin discoloration.
  • Laser hair removal. When using this technology the hair follicles are destroyed with laser beam. To remove the hair on one area of ​​the skin may need a series of sessions that are held within a few months. Furthermore, this method of hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   most effective for women with dark hair and light skin.

If necessary, you can discuss different methods of hair removal with your doctor. The choice of method will depend on the following factors:

  • How your skin reacts to a particular method of hair removal Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
 . If, for example, waxing makes you strong irritation from him will have to give, despite its effectiveness.
  • What you can afford. Laser hair removal and electrolysis - costly procedure, which is performed in specialized clinics. Not everyone can afford them, not only because of the cost, but also because of the fact that procedures need to take place regularly, and for women with a tight work schedule which may be difficult.

For the treatment of mild forms of hirsutism can be quite a use of a particular method of hair removal. However, if hirsutism affects the quality of life of the patient, it can be assigned to medical treatment.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Oral contraceptives

Treatment of hirsutism oral contraceptive is prescribed only for women who have not menopause. For the treatment may be prescribed conventional combined oral contraceptives, or co-tsiprindiol. In both cases, the length of treatment is at least six months.

Combined oral contraceptives. The preparations from this category containing drospirenone (for example, Yasmin), inhibit the activity of male hormones, and therefore are used to treat hirsutism. Drospirenone has anti-androgenic effect, and prevents excessive hair growth, as well as the emergence of some other signs of elevated levels of male sex hormones in the body.

Usually combined oral contraceptives are the means of first choice in the treatment of hirsutism in women before menopause. They are particularly useful in cases where long term treatment is necessary.

Co-tsiprindiol. This preparation also possesses antiandrogenic action, which is why it is used not only in the treatment of hirsutism, and acne caused by an excess of male sex hormone.

After three or four menstrual cycles after co-tsiprindiol significantly weaken the symptoms of hirsutism, treatment should be discontinued. Long-term use of the drug increases the risk of venous thromboembolism and some other disorders.

Co-tsiprindiol not prescribed to patients with a family history who have thromboembolism.

If after treatment the symptoms of hirsutism will again be more severe, your doctor may prescribe another course of a co-tsiprindiola. Sometimes in such cases are sufficiently effective combined oral contraceptives.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves


Eflornithine - alternative preparation which can be used to treat hirsutism before and after menopause. It is prescribed in the following cases:

  • The patient is observed excessive hair growth on the face;
  • Application depilatories inefficiently;
  • Oral contraceptives are not effective, or for some reason is not suitable to the patient.

Eflornithine - is an ointment which is applied a thin layer on the face (in other parts of the body it is rarely used) twice a day to slow down hair growth. It needs to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin and on top of it, if you wish, you can apply makeup. You can not wash your face at least four hours after applying the ointment.

Ointment slows hair growth by acting on hair follicles. The result will be visible, usually 6-8 weeks after starting treatment. If four months later will not see any effect, the use of eflornithine should be stopped. If eflornithine acted, it must continue to use, and then - hair growth to resume in about eight weeks after you stop to apply ointment.

Eflornithine is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects of eflornithine may be:

  • Burning and tingling after applying the ointment;
  • Acne.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Side effects

Hormonal drugs of both types can cause the following side effects:

  • Body weight change (in most cases - the weight gain);
  • Breast tenderness;
  • Mood changes such as irritability, Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and depression;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Headache.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Referral to a specialist

The doctor diagnosed hirsutism (usually makes a family doctor or a dermatologist) may refer the patient to another specialist, such as an endocrinologist in the following cases:

  • Application of the above treatments for 6-12 months did not produce significant results;
  • Unwanted body hair is growing despite treatment.

Patients with high levels of testosterone in the blood, or rapidly developing hirsutism doctor can provide a referral to an oncologist.

 Treatment | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Complications hirsutism

The most common complication of hirsutism is folliculitis - an inflammation of the hair follicles. Usually folliculitis develops in patients who use hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, plucking, or pincer. Usually the symptoms of folliculitis persist for several weeks and during this time to remove the hair on the affected area of ​​skin is not recommended because it may slow down the recovery.

In some women, hirsutism leads to the development of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and other problems that lie in the psychological sphere. If you are in a few weeks you feel depression, decreased interest in cases that previously caused enthusiasm, suffering from insomnia, or, conversely, from excessive sleepiness, consult your doctor - you may need professional help.
