Treatment of secondary infertility - factors that depend on women

October 5, 2012

 treatment of secondary infertility
 Treatment of secondary infertility - it is a complex and laborious process for both the doctor and for the woman. This process can take years, and it leads to success in the case of strict implementation of women of all appointments and doctor's recommendations.

 Treatment of secondary infertility - factors that depend on women


Infertility is called secondary if the woman can not get pregnant after a complicated childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. The main cause of secondary infertility Causes of secondary infertility - that affect fertility potential of women  Causes of secondary infertility - that affect fertility potential of women
   They are infectious and inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages - the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Secondary infertility can also occur in disorders of the thyroid gland (the cause may be either an increase or decrease in function), endometriosis, various intoxications (alcohol, drugs, tobacco), trauma genitals (eg, during surgery). Yet most often the cause of secondary infertility are long, often hidden occurring inflammatory processes of genitals that occur after a difficult birth, abortion, miscarriage, complicated by the addition of an infection. A feature of these processes is that they are called, are generally not a pathogen infection, and more, which greatly complicates therapy.

Therefore, this is of great importance in the secondary infertility laboratory tests - primary, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and monitor treatment. In all these cases, the study come from vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 In which the detected pathogen or infectious agents and their sensitivity to various bacterial agents.

The most common secondary infertility develops against the background of infections caused by gonococci and chlamydia, chlamydia, ureaplasma and fungi genus Candida, chlamydia and mycoplasma, gonococcus, chlamydia and herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   the second type. A distinctive feature of these organisms is that they quickly become accustomed to antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs and lose their sensitivity to them, and therefore the question of the importance of laboratory testing. Most of inflammation caused by these pathogens infection goes unnoticed, and many women do not realize that the sick.

 Treatment of secondary infertility - factors that depend on women

How to treat

Treatment of secondary infertility - not an easy task. One antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral drugs such inflammation cure it - is constantly getting used to it pathogens that "quiet escape" from the new effective antibiotics.

The way out is the use of antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals relatively short courses. They spend a few courses with small breaks in combination with drugs that stimulate the immune system - immunomodulators.

But just so random, it makes no sense to assign immunomodulators: they usually affect certain parts of immunity. Therefore, a special study on the state of the blood immunity - immunogram, which reveals damage or that immunity. According to the results of this study are appointed immunomodulators affecting it on the link that has lost its function.

At the same time reveal a woman and being treated acute and chronic diseases of all organs and systems, which can reduce immunity. Such diseases include, first of all, goiter - alarmingly increased in volume opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. This happens due to the suppression of normal flora by antibiotics, which helps digest food.

Dysbacteriosis leads to improper digestion, separation during this process a large amount of toxic substances and the slow poisoning of the body, which prevents the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 . The intestine is also a large number of lymphoid tissue, which are produced by immune cells in dysbacteriosis this process is inhibited, which has a negative impact on the inflammatory processes in the genital organs of women.

Therefore, in the intervals between courses of antibiotics prescribed treatment woman dysbiosis - enzymatic preparations of probiotics and prebiotics (drugs containing bacterial colonies - normal inhabitants of the intestine, and "food" for them).

Treatment of secondary infertility - a lengthy process, because the infection is so "caught" in the body, get rid of it is a big problem. However, women who clearly hold the doctor's recommendations are the chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • infertility treatment

Treatment Indinol - only under medical supervision

April 1st, 2012

 Treatment Indinol
 Indinol - it phytopreparation for the prevention of estrogen-dependent diseases of female sexual sphere. Treatment Indinol can only be carried out in the complex therapy and prescribed by a doctor. Prevention is also best done after a preliminary examination.

 Treatment Indinol - only under medical supervision

Indinol Treatment of mastitis and breast cancer

Breast - a hormonal disease that develops against the backdrop of too many female hormones estrogen. Under the influence of these hormones in the breast develops a lot of extra milk ducts, which are then partially clogged, forming at the ends of small cysts. This breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   equally affects both breasts is called diffuse. If in the mammary gland is formed, one or more fairly large components, the breast is called a node. Matopatiya (especially knots) can be transformed into breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 So women with matopatiey mammologist should be observed.

Indinol - a herbal preparation, dietary food supplement, which is derived from broccoli (cruciferous plants from). Indinol inhibits the synthesis of estrogen, responsible for malignancy - the transformation of benign to malignant. In addition, Indinol normalizes metabolism () estrogens in general and contributes to their rapid degradation in the products of metabolism and excretion from the body. It also regulates the processes of cell division and prevents the development of tumors.

For the prevention of mastitis Indinol appoint 400 mg (two capsules) twice a day for three months. For the treatment of mastitis and breast cancer it is administered at the same dose for at least six months, and certainly a part of complex treatment. Sometimes Indinol as monotherapy (ie as a single drug) is prescribed for the treatment of diffuse mastopathy, but such treatment should take place only under the supervision of a physician.

 Treatment Indinol - only under medical supervision

Treatment of benign and malignant tumors of the uterus

One of the most common diseases of women is uterine fibroids. It develops in the muscle layer of the uterus on the background of hormonal irregularities in excess of estrogen. In some cases, it can be transformed into uterine sarcoma of the uterus.

Moreover, from the epithelial tissue lining the inner surface of the uterus, can develop endometrial cancer. In the field of cervical erosion is a common disease, which can also move in cancer.

All these diseases are hormonal and develop on the background of a large amount of estrogen in the blood, so their treatment and prevention of prescribed drugs that suppress estrogen synthesis. One such drug, which is used in treatment of hormone-dependent tumors of the body and cervix is ​​Indinol.

Indinol regulates estrogen exchange, including its timely removal from the body and inhibits the synthesis of estrogen, which promote the transition of benign malignant tumors. It also inhibits the uncontrolled cell proliferation (rapid division with the formation of a tumor) epithelium of the uterus, thus preventing tumor growth or rapid growth.

When uterine fibroids Indinol Indinol - drug or another fiction?  Indinol - drug or another fiction?
   usually administered together with other biologically active food supplement - epigallatom, which also has anti-tumor properties. Epigallat prevents growth of tumor blood vessels feeding it, which is very important as it is from food depends on how fast the tumor is growing.

When uterine fibroids and Indinol epigallat Indinol and epigallat - can help prevent the development of endometriosis and uterine fibroids  Indinol and epigallat - can help prevent the development of endometriosis and uterine fibroids
   are assigned two capsules (400 mg and 1000 mg Indinol epigallata) twice a day, a day for six months. To prevent recurrence of the disease after complex treatment of both drugs administered at the same dose for three months.

 Treatment Indinol - only under medical supervision

Treatment of endometriosis Indinol

Endometriosis - a hormonal disease that develops when an excess of estrogen in the blood. Thus there is proliferation of epithelial tissue (i.e., mucosal sites) in the muscle tissue of the uterus and other organs. The disease is accompanied by pain and uterine bleeding. For the treatment of endometriosis used Indinol epigallatom with the same pattern as in the uterine fibroids.

 Treatment Indinol - only under medical supervision

Treatment of diseases caused by the human papilloma virus

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes diseases such as papilloma and skin warts on the mucous membranes. These diseases are considered to be precancerous and are subject to compulsory treatment.

Indinol is active against HPV in suppressing its vital functions. It is administered together with immunomodulatory or antiviral agents used two capsules (400 mg) twice a day for six months.

Indinol - this is not a medicine, and dietary supplements, but it affects the hormones of women and should be used by a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Indinol
